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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

Every passing moment, the mighty ruler of Olympus could feel the ever growing threat to his rule grow stronger and stronger.

As the night falls, and the darkness conquers the world, a dark figure sets about his plan with much enthusiasm.




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I still have a fos on Silver-Tiger for his scummy behaviour earlier on. Kantor gets let off for being a newb.

It seems like today will end in a no-lynch...

Meh, it's night time...

That was quick.

*sets page to 100 posts*

I WILL find you Kratos. It's not impossible. You're somewhere between the lines.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Ok, so its night now. So what happens at night?


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Squilliam said:

Ok, so its night now. So what happens at night?

We wait for the day to start and see what happened

(also we don't post at night so I won't be posting after this explanation)

Squilliam said:

Ok, so its night now. So what happens at night?

You sleep and you send GodofWar your choice of Night Action if your have any.

Once everyone has sent their actions a new day will begin and we'll be able to talk again.

Signature goes here!

c'mon guys send in your actions. How long is night supposed to last anyway, jesus christ.

As the God Apollo (Kantor) looked down from his pantheon in Mt.Olympus, he saw a dark figure hiding beneath the caves, speaking with another individual who was familiar to the God. With his bow steady in his hands, he moved his way down the summit of the mountain. He could hear the two shady figures' voices getting higher and higher. It seems that they were in a heated argument.

"Who goes there ?!" claimed Apollo. The two shady figures stopped talking, and turned to the overconfident God. Before he could speak another word, one figure lunged at Apollo, stabbing him with a knife. "NOOOOO!!!!" The other yelled and desperately tried to pull the assaulter away from the wounded God. However, he had been mortally wounded by repeated stab wounds and the shady figure fled from the scene, laughing as he did.

The remaining figure, who was not fond of his comrade's ways, stepped forward to end his suffering. He could easily call someone to heal him, but that would only lead to more questions and trouble. The shady figure slit Apollo's throat, and disappeared into the depths of the secret cave.

As the dead God's body exploded, the cave it was in crumbled, shaking the very foundations of Olympus.

Alerted by this unpleasant occurence, Poseidon (patapon) and Zeus overlooked at what was going on from the highest balcony on Olympus. Poseidon caught a glimpse of a small figure rapidly moving up the sheer walls of the Mountain.

"For the Glory of Olympus !" Poseidon jumped down into the sea below and summoned his Leviathans, attacking the person who was ascending Mt.Olympus. However, the Leviathans were no match for this skilled warrior, who picked them out one by one. At a time Poseidon was charging up his deadly burst of electricity, the man took a leap of faith straight at Poseidon, and started stabbing his chest repeatedly. Poseidon who was imbalanced by this unexpected maneuver fell near the entrance of Ares' tomb where the man slowly approached him.

Meanwhile Zeus flew down as the warrior and Poseidon were battling only to find the Kronos (Khuutra) climbing the mountain in its opposite side. "I banish you to the darkest depths of Tartarus !" Zeus let out a screeching thunderbolt at the titan, however, much to the his surprise, it was ineffective. "Hahhaaaaaa ! Is that the best you can do my son ?" Kronos asked. "YOU will be the one dying today !" As Kronos snatched Zeus out of the air, and started crushing him, A sister of fate became aware of whats going on. The death of Zeus simply couldn't be allowed.

She stormed towards Zeus' thread of fate and was able to change its orientation slightly. As time moved back, Zeus's thunderbolt burned Kronos' arms and the titan fell down the mountain and into the depth of Hades.

Hermes (Final-Fan) who hadn't completed his task set by Zeus knew he was in trouble, as he exited the bedchamber, and started casually walking around the high grounds of the city of Olympia like he always does, he saw something quite odd, happening near one of the caves of Olympus as he walked near the ledge to see what was going on, he was grabbed by someone clinging on to the edge of the ledge, and pulled down, as the Messenger of the Gods fell down screaming and was about to hit the floor, he was caught by the very person who pulled him down. Before he could react, the God had his limbs torn off as if he was a rag doll and succumbed to his rather gruesome injuries.

"You will never succeed. For everyone you kill, there will always be another to oppose you !" Poseidon yelled out. The man smirked, and approached the weakened God of the Sea and started beating him up with his bare hands. Poseidon attempted to electrocute his attacker, failing miserably. As he started crawling away to the sea, his only hope of survival, the man grabbed him by his legs, pulled him close and gouged his very eyes out. 

After snapping Poseidon's neck and kicking him down the mountain, the man entered Ares tomb, where he would gain access to the sacred halls of Olympus.

At this point, Poseidon's body hit the sea, bringing forth a massive tidal wave that engulfed almost all land around him.

Let the chaos begin !


bitch please

I had a brilliant plan and everything

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!