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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

theRepublic said:

I'm also getting pretty nervous about the Hephaestos/Hatmoza situation.  So many things are just not adding up there:

--Hatmoza's repeated unsuccessful attempts at curing Hephaestos.
--Hephaestos would have been a juicy target for a cult recruiter.  Add a serial killer/vigilante to your team?  Yes please.  The town has been trying to do it the whole game.
--Hatmoza may have also been a juicy target as well.  I'm not sure exactly how cults work, but if Hatmoza gets to keep his powers after being recruited he could have then recruited Hephaestos for the cult.
--From the flavor text, it seems Hephaestos killed the cult leader, but the table shows different colors from the Patapon kill.
--Killing Nen-suer would make it seem like Hephaestos is not part of the cult, but it could have been an accident or an underhanded way of making it look like he is not part of the cult.

Basically, I think Hephaestos should stop killing for now.  It should give us some extra days to sort this thing out if less people are dying during the night.  Starting Tomorrow, if no one else is suspicious, I also think that Hephaestos is a good option for a back-up lynch provided he doesn't get cured tonight.

I agree with pretty much all of that. 

There could be a mafia recruiter, and nen might have tried to recruit heph as well. We really have no idea what happened, but heph is definitely a liability, much moreso than sabby.

I think the different color flavor comes from being targeted by multiple people, or dying two ways in one night.

Anyhoo, let's just finish that list of mine and go from there.

It could turn out that all names=alignment, in which case we have a known mafia. 

In battleship, It's never smart to kill each ship as you come to it. Find all the ships and kill them as is necessitated by the game.

And it all comes full circle again. Hat should have lied about what his hint said.

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I'm not a massive fan of these kinds of lists (they feel cheap) but in this case I think we've reached a point where this list is more of a way to confirm what we already know than to drag out information that is unfair for certain players. It's pretty obvious if there were any pro-town titans about they would have stepped forward already.

theRepublic said:

The question is, do you have a titan name and are good, OR, do you have a god name and you are bad (if you are cult or SK just write no. If you do not know your name, like sister of fate, write no)

Silver-Tiger - no

j0 - no
noname - no
Hatmoza - no
Hephestos - no
Nikells - no
TheRepublic - no
Scifiboy/Final Fan2
 - no
sabby - yes
theprof00 - no

squilliam - no
Final Fan - no
Khuutra - no
Kantor - no
sm128 - no
vetteman - no
nen-suer - no


c03n3nj0 said:

I targeted khuutra 'cause I figured something was going to happen. I never guessed I wold kill him, or that he was godfather. it was a nice surprise.  

One shot and one big hit. I'm awesome. >:]

old quote yeah but i'm reading....


you mean a luck shot right? you killed the guy you tried to protect :p (though khuut being often targeted night one... it's not really suspicious to protect him). (though why waist your ability night one? I don't believe it is a one time ability).


Sorry I haven't been here lately. I went to a stock car race yeterday and got home a couple hours ago.

Silver-Tiger - no

j0 - no
noname - no
Hatmoza - no
Hephestos - no
Nikells - no
TheRepublic - no
 - no
Scifiboy/Final Fan2
 - no
sabby - yes
theprof00 - no

squilliam - no
Final Fan - no
Khuutra - no
Kantor - no
sm128 - no
vetteman - no
nen-suer - no

One yes.

Does anyone still refute the name=/=alignment argument?

Does anyone still believe sabby is pro-town even though if he had tracked Khuutra, and I was switched with him, he wouldn't be able know that the results he got were about me. 

And he has the name of a titan which are notably against olympus in God of War?

This evidence is very damning, and I don't think sabby is innocent.

VOTE: Sabby

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

dtewi said:

Sorry I haven't been here lately. I went to a stock car race yeterday and got home a couple hours ago.

Silver-Tiger - no

j0 - no
noname - no
Hatmoza - no
Hephestos - no
Nikells - no
TheRepublic - no
 - no
Scifiboy/Final Fan2
 - no
sabby - yes
theprof00 - no

squilliam - no
Final Fan - no
Khuutra - no
Kantor - no
sm128 - no
vetteman - no
nen-suer - no

One yes.

Does anyone still refute the name=/=alignment argument?

Does anyone still believe sabby is pro-town even though if he had tracked Khuutra, and I was switched with him, he wouldn't be able know that the results he got were about me. 

And he has the name of a titan which are notably against olympus in God of War?

This evidence is very damning, and I don't think sabby is innocent.

VOTE: Sabby

Let's not get too carried away, there is still one person left who might prove the name=/=alignment argument to be true. Believe me, he is the best lead, but I have some evidence that suggests he may actually be innocent.

Now, don't let that distract you though, he most likely will turn up mafia, and if we can't find a better target, he is an optimal one. However, according to his own statements, he is likely useless tonight, therefore, he doesn't present a threat until tomorrow night.

Tonight we have more to worry about, specifically, heph being cult or mafia SK. We need to take are of loose ends as soon as possible. The way I see it, the usual setup is 3:1 town:mafia ratio. At the start of the game, that means 15 town and 5 mafia. There are two SKs as well, so then 13:2:5.

It's likely that some town players are not gods, ie: sister of fate.

So we have 3 mafia down (including sabby), there should only be 2 left and at most, 1 more cultist. That cultist may be hephaestos if nen tried, however, heph was bussed night 2, when nen's move would have been made. Still, there was no mafia kill night 2 either, so they might have a psych.

Either way, we are in a good spot because we have at least one mafia member and a possible strong target with heph.

We should weigh our options.

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Sabby is definitely most likely scum.

But you're right, our options need to be weighed.

Heph gets a night kill, and if he's cult, then that would mean two of us would die every night. Unless the mafia and cult target each other, but since they don't know each other, the town is most likely to get kills.

So we ought to reduce the number of kills.

It depends very thoroughly on if sabby wasn't lying and telling the truth when he said hatmoza targeted Heph.

If that's true, then we should have a vigilante. But we don't. 

And his kill had in fact come up as a different color. The kills one person makes never changes color in the game, except if they switch factions.

Who's more dangerous? A mafia tracker/cop or a rogue killer?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

ok here we go, sorry for lenght and probably confused wording... i'll be glad to clarify (just me in the office this week... so plenty of forum time available).


Why Nen...

well besides the fact that noname or vet would have been obvious targets, thus subject to a bussdriving to use my kill... aided by people repeatedly calling for me to kill one of these 2, I figured that their guilt would be proven/unproven by SMB's lynch (guess I was right there).... so I set out to find Morpheus, the one highest liability left to the town (mafia still kill if I kill one of them... morpheus can't if he's dead).

This post (although probably taken out of context) made me very suspicious of Nen... I thought it was a hint as to who he was, but seening as he killed helios... well I guess not after all (***).....

I point specifically to the last line... "btw: its exactly 12:31 Am here" ... so right in the night, when you dream... morpheus.

So the wager was, IF vet is protown, will he survive the night? probably not as the mafia would want that other recruiter dead and he didn't have town protection as Hat/me have. The other factor being, can Vet find the clue? not very likely, no one else noticed it.

Result, I targeted the person I thought was the most harmfull to the town.

(***) so was this really a clue? we'll know when the game ends... but it could also have been a trigger to kill Helios (the kill is Other).... meaning he would have recruited a second cultists this very night... just thought i'd point it out... there could be 2 cultists left.



well I got bussed with Hat... if the doctor decided to cure hat (the known townie) rather than me (the potential townie), then the mafia kill on me would have failed night 2.

I'll even go as far as saying why there were no kills night 3. As I said before, an obvious kill target was the second recruiter (the mafia knew vet was pro town) who was not protected by the town. However the kill is Other, and this would fit with my theory of the day trigger by Nen... if the kill is triggered during the day, then the mafia kill would have been on someone already dead, and thus not showing. (supporting argument is the daytime day time triggered kills are possible). So it wouldn't be a no mafia kill... but a waisted kill.


(now I might be mistaken on aspects of the game here, feel free to disprove, these are theories)



theprof00 said

3) Why did he question his own story. "I killed nen"...."proof is "firey-figure", "unless that was hephaestos (he is the god of fire)"

Hephaestos said:

I killed Nen... probably is annahilated because I killed the other psychopath arround? that or he died by 2 hands; mine and helios' (and no I haven't been recruited in the cult, obviously... the death being proof "firey figure" killed him, not helios, that was me... unless Hephaestos (the role) has a kill option too (he's the god of fire also)... that would mean an other one targeted nen... who's super dead now :p).

i'll translate:


I killed Nen and it probably says annihilated because I killed the other psychopath arround?

Or maybe he was killed twice, by me and Helios?

Regarding the comment that I might have been recruited by the cult, me killing morpheus is an obvious point, also the story from GoW speaks of a "firey figure", which means it's not Helios, but me.

Actually, if the role Hephaestos (Vulcan in roman, the freken god of FIRE as in "firey figure") has a kill option too, then we'd have been more than one person targeting Nen, completely annihilating him, hence the other word.


So these are barely the 3 Hypotheses I have come up with to explain the annihilated (and not a story)

Oh and yeah, the town has no idea there is a cult yet, just a huntch, but i'm gonna kill the cult master, revealing the existance of the cult in the process, so that I would appear less guilty of being recruited by them?? WTF,  me the guy on the ejectable seat?? I mean really, think for 2 seconds guys!!!


theprof00 said:
Hephaestos said:


3) Vet was prof's main target before the night... both he and SM turned out innocent.... could prof be cult (I doubt he's mafia)? what does this say of noname?

Honestly, I don't know what to think of noname now. I was so convinced of mario's guilt that I feel really biased against lynching any other gods.

Mario didn't even say what he did night 2.

Anyway, here are my thoughts, because I really have no leads at the moment.


 Nicely dismissed my question on you being a possible cultist... who wouldn't want to recruit the person leading the charge in the investigations? This sure can be handy in targeting non cultists....


theprof00 said:

So we have 3 mafia down (including sabby), there should only be 2 left and at most, 1 more cultist. That cultist may be hephaestos if nen tried, however, heph was bussed night 2, when nen's move would have been made. Still, there was no mafia kill night 2 either, so they might have a psych.

ok... I probably shouldn't point this out cause... well it puts me too in an ackward situation, but...

Prof, who did you end up targeting when I was bussed? yeah right... so could nen... (focus your thought, don't jump to an other one every 5 secs)... then again if my 4) is true, i'd understand why this train of thought would not come to your mind and be posted...

if true that would be bad for me too though...



So the town bussed me night 2.... but somehow they wouldn't this night? Their only option to keep me from being town is for hat to not cure me, so they either kill one of us.... (didn't quite work night 2 !) or they keep bussing me arround...

Does anyone have information pertaining to me not being bussed last night?  because if no one has... then Hat failed on someone else.



So the town has 1 lynch a day, while there is a cult (1-2 members) and Mafiosis (2-3), and barely any clues on the next ones (well see 8), so out of 12 players there are 3-5 others, 1 SK and possibly as low as 6 townies..... yeah sure please put on trail the extra kill you have... you know the one that just killed an SK, revealing the threat of a cult in the process.... I've proven to be a real threat to the town haven't I....

once again for the record, i'm not a threat till there are only 7 players left.... getting rid of me before then would be highly against the town's interests.

(oh I so hope i'm wrong on my #5 ).... :x


I'M FINALLY CAUGHT UP! Yeah me! Sorry for my lack of posting, I've been gone most of the weekend and this game is going so fast.

First order of business : Let's add a final No to theProf's list.

Now about Sabby, I've been convinced pretty since Day Two that characters and alignments are tied. Although, we've got to be careful with this, now that we know there's a cult involved. Conveted cult members will still have their pro-town name but there's one thing that I'm convinced of and that is that anyone with a Titan name is bad bad bad.

Vote: Sabby

Signature goes here!

Han i forgot 8)



8) I laughed my ass off when I read Gaia!


TruckOSaurus said:

I'M FINALLY CAUGHT UP! Yeah me! Sorry for my lack of posting, I've been gone most of the weekend and this game is going so fast.

just added a bunch of text for you to read! Oh yeah I know you like that :p