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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

Cult leader is dead. He tried to recruit vette but was kill (thank god) meaning there is only one cult member left. The one nen recruited first night.

Also, I failed to treat Heph AGAIN! The fucking bus driver must have did the switcharoo on him again.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Also smb should never be allowed to play mafia again. Just saying. He was a tracker and reviver yet failed to bring anything fruitful to the table. That is some lame shit you pulled off there supermario.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

damnit, i knew that was gonna happen.........

oh well

@hatmoza: Were you blocked this time or did it just fail?

From the flavor text it seems Vetteman and nen-suer killed each other but it doesn't make sense since it also says that nen-suer found who he was looking for so his night action would have been "find X" not kill Vetteman. I'm confused.

Signature goes here!

Also worth noting, Vetteman was Annihilated not murdered, so it seems the Mafia has struck out once again. Maybe using the bus driver forfeits their kill.

Signature goes here!

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TruckOSaurus said:

@hatmoza: Were you blocked this time or did it just fail?

From the flavor text it seems Vetteman and nen-suer killed each other but it doesn't make sense since it also says that nen-suer found who he was looking for so his night action would have been "find X" not kill Vetteman. I'm confused.

It just said I failed.

Last time It said I failed, then mentioned that Aphrodite blocked me. As a matter of fact I got 2 PMs. The first one said I failed. Then like an hour later I got a second one saying I failed and that Aphrodite blocked me.

As if GoW forgot to take into consideration the bus driver had switched me with heph (well assuming heph was bussed with me).

If I hadn't been so sure there was a bus driver from prof's story, I'd be all over Heph right now as the number one suspect for the person nen recruited night one as a cult.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

No mafia kill?

What the fuck, that's two nights in a row.

Are the mafia actually stupid enough to not be able to find out who'd have doctor protection?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

So mario was a tracker and a reviver. Way to be balanced with roles Gow3. -_-

I had thought that Mario had been lying about his role since if he actually had that role, he would have put it to use as soon as Day 2 had started.

But now that evidence of a cult leader has been introduced, maybe he was recruited and therefore didn't try to help the town?

Do people who have been recruited by a cult come up as such?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

GodOfWar_3ever said:

As the God Apollo (Kantor) looked down from his pantheon in Mt.Olympus, he saw a dark figure hiding beneath the caves, speaking with another individual who was familiar to the God. With his bow steady in his hands, he moved his way down the summit of the mountain. He could hear the two shady figures' voices getting higher and higher. It seems that they were in a heated argument.

"Who goes there ?!" claimed Apollo. The two shady figures stopped talking, and turned to the overconfident God. Before he could speak another word, one figure lunged at Apollo, stabbing him with a knife. "NOOOOO!!!!" The other yelled and desperately tried to pull the assaulter away from the wounded God. However, he had been mortally wounded by repeated stab wounds and the shady figure fled from the scene, laughing as he did.

The remaining figure, who was not fond of his comrade's ways, stepped forward to end his suffering. He could easily call someone to heal him, but that would only lead to more questions and trouble. The shady figure slit Apollo's throat, and disappeared into the depths of the secret cave.

As the dead God's body exploded, the cave it was in crumbled, shaking the very foundations of Olympus.

Alerted by this unpleasant occurence, Poseidon (patapon) and Zeus overlooked at what was going on from the highest balcony on Olympus. Poseidon caught a glimpse of a small figure rapidly moving up the sheer walls of the Mountain.

"For the Glory of Olympus !" Poseidon jumped down into the sea below and summoned his Leviathans, attacking the person who was ascending Mt.Olympus. However, the Leviathans were no match for this skilled warrior, who picked them out one by one. At a time Poseidon was charging up his deadly burst of electricity, the man took a leap of faith straight at Poseidon, and started stabbing his chest repeatedly. Poseidon who was imbalanced by this unexpected maneuver fell near the entrance of Ares' tomb where the man slowly approached him.

Meanwhile Zeus flew down as the warrior and Poseidon were battling only to find the Kronos (Khuutra)climbing the mountain in its opposite side. "I banish you to the darkest depths of Tartarus !" Zeus let out a screeching thunderbolt at the titan, however, much to the his surprise, it was ineffective. "Hahhaaaaaa ! Is that the best you can do my son ?" Kronos asked. "YOU will be the one dying today !" As Kronos snatched Zeus out of the air, and started crushing him, A sister of fate became aware of whats going on. The death of Zeus simply couldn't be allowed.

She stormed towards Zeus' thread of fate and was able to change its orientation slightly. As time moved back, Zeus's thunderbolt burned Kronos' arms and the titan fell down the mountain and into the depth of Hades.

Hermes (Final-Fan) who hadn't completed his task set by Zeus knew he was in trouble, as he exited the bedchamber, and started casually walking around the high grounds of the city of Olympia like he always does, he saw something quite odd, happening near one of the caves of Olympus as he walked near the ledge to see what was going on, he was grabbed by someone clinging on to the edge of the ledge, and pulled down, as the Messenger of the Gods fell down screaming and was about to hit the floor, he was caught by the very person who pulled him down. Before he could react, the God had his limbs torn off as if he was a rag doll and succumbed to his rather gruesome injuries.

"You will never succeed. For everyone you kill, there will always be another to oppose you !" Poseidon yelled out. The man smirked, and approached the weakened God of the Sea and started beating him up with his bare hands. Poseidon attempted to electrocute his attacker, failing miserably. As he started crawling away to the sea, his only hope of survival, the man grabbed him by his legs, pulled him close and gouged his very eyes out. 

After snapping Poseidon's neck and kicking him down the mountain, the man entered Ares tomb, where he would gain access to the sacred halls of Olympus.

At this point, Poseidon's body hit the sea, bringing forth a massive tidal wave that engulfed almost all land around him.

Let the chaos begin !






Night 2: no one but Squilliam is killed due to the lynch. Possible mafia/faction misses due to doctor protection. Possible cult recruited.

GodOfWar_3ever said:

Morpheus (nen-suer) had finally found the person he was looking for. Much to his surprise, Helios (Vetteman94) had wondered outside his bed chamber at night where he was weak due to the absence of the sun. He stealthily approached his target from behind. "Does this fool really think I will stop until I get my rightful place as the ruler of all men ?" he thought. 

Helios sensed a dark force approaching him from behind. It was Morpheus, he was sure. With his shield and sword drawn, Helios turned around, looking to confront his rival, attempting to urge him to join the Olympians in there time of need. 

Morpheus could not belive what he was seeing. Is this real ? The only Olympian capable of stopping him was facing him. "I've been looking for you Helios ! It appears you have been looking for me as well." He said.

"Brother, stop this madness. Please aid us in our time of need !" Helios replied.

"Why should I help those who treat me as I have been treated ? While they create statues in your name, I have been ignored by all. I quite enjoy seeing those who oppose me die. I offer you this last chance - Join me now, or perish by my hand and the Fog of Morpheus shall take over all of Greece yet again !" Morpheus drew out his blade. 

" I will never ! The glory of Olympus shall prevail ! With or without a bastard obsessed with power such as yourself !". 

An infuriated Morpheus lunged at his rival, only to have his attacks blocked. As the two gods engaged in vigorous combat, it appeared that neither had the upper hand. Both gods, severely injured were lying on the floor. Helios desperately tried to reach his sword, trying to reach out to it. Morpheus was determined to kill him, grabbing his rivals leg and trying to pull him close. However, Helios managed to reach his sword and stabbed Morpheus in the stomach.

Using his last bit of energy, Morpheus managed to send Helios into a state of illusion. Helios was seeing the destruction of Olympus. The world had plunged into Chaos and all the gods have been brutally murdered. A familiar figure was sitting on Zeus' throne. As the fog around him started clearing, he could see that it was none other than himself.

The very thought of himself destroying Olympus had driven Helios insane. Under Morpheus' illusion, Helios has decided there is no point of living with all his brethren dead, and Olympus destroyed. Helios proceeded to stabbing himself repeatedly, in the chest. 

Morpheus started laughing maniacally as Helios' blood squirted all over his face. But that laughter was short lived when a fiery figure chopped him in half and left both gods in a pool of blood......










I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I want to try and figure out factions from flavored text. I want to know what we're dealing with. So far we have mafia flavored kill, Sk flavored kill, maybe a Cult flavored kill (My hope is that nen was recruiting one night and killing the next because if he was recruiting every night I have a HUGE bone to pick with GoW).

We had 3 nights so nen probably recruited night 1 and 2 and failed 3rd night with vette. (for some reason I counted 2 nights earlier... I fail at counting)

I got Gow's stories above in one place so I can go over it and try to figure out or find some clues when i wake up tomorrow as I never really got into the details of those stories.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson