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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

hatmoza said:

Ok, Vette, why did you wait 2000 posts to come forward as a psychiatrist? 

Well, at least when I die now and people see that I really was a psychiatrist, Some use will come out of it. They'll know you're lying. 

Also, Why did you say you didn't suspect me but then said you did?

Vetteman94 said:
dtewi said:
Vetteman94 said:

I am Helios, The God of the Sun

I am searching for a certain God who has gone mad with his power

I have the ability it take my Chariot and commute to protect myself

...and you think hatmoza is lying because...?

absolutely no reason at all


Vetteman94 said:
theRepublic said:

Vetteman, your role is psychiatrist like, right?  Is that why you suspect Hatmoza?  You don't think there could be two psychiatrists with different targets?

Yes it is Psychiatrist like,  and yes that is why I suspect hatmoza.  

It possible but I think its unlikely.  Im not theprof22 sure about this now

 Also, is your target a SK of some sort? because you come off as if you have your own winning conditions.

I waited because I was in a similar situation last game, and I figuredwith who you were claiming to be you would have been killed by the mafia, thus showing everyone your true role.   But it didnt happen and you came up with a lame excuse that you were blocked by the prostitute in which GodOfWar_3ever actually gave you the name of, which is far fetched if you ask me.   Also  when people started backing you with no actual proof of your claims only broken promises, I figured it was time to step in then.   Plus with you having a history of false roleclaiming, it kinda just fit.

As for the replies you posted,  I had mentioned to dtewi that I was suspicious of you many timed before that paticular post,  and I had explained it to him exactly why just before that post.  When I told him I didnt believe their were 2 psychiatrist roles, because I was one.  The reply you show is my role claim and him yet again questioning why I am suspicious of you. And since I wasnt clear enough the first couple times I figured it was a lost cause with him.  Hence my sarcastic comment.

The only information I know about my target is his name and that he is insane with power and me curing him will make him rejoin Olympus.

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Incoming explanation.

Vette you will hang. And so will you noname

theprof00 said:
Vetteman94 said:

How did you act when Hat was told the last letter.

Did you get a message too?

I seem to remember you arguing with me about my theory.

What's funny is, if Hat did lie and the letter or selection was different. You would be caught in a lie if you said you got the same message.

Are you not going to address what I actually said?  Or just dodge that as well.

I never got a message, and its the only thing that doesnt quite fit with my accusation of hatmoza, it would have been an extreme coincidence for him to guess that.  Unless he was going to back off later and claim it must have been the last letter of the character.   Plus that message is referring to a completely different character than the one I am looking for.  It would have been nice if I had gotten a message

theprof00 said:

Incoming explanation.

Vette you will hang. And so will you noname

You wont stop till you kill all the gods will you?   Are you sure you didnt get Kratos as a character?

I am aphrodite, I am a pro-town roleblocker.

On Night 1, I blocked Final-Fan. He was acting suspicious and I was eager to be helpful.
Here I am admitting that I made a huge mistake night 1.

Later, we learn that squilliam targeted Hatmoza for framing. A testament to all the naysayers calling me crazy, they really did frame hat. They had no idea I was coming.

In another post, after we learn of squilliams framing, I make a comment that I was "vindicated" and "did more on day 1 by sheer dumb luck"

This discounts all the mafia roleblockers my suspects seem to put out, and completely verifies my story about the mafia bus driver, whose existence is also being denied by my suspects.

For the mafia, Hatmoza's crusade for Aphrodite was a blessing. There were two players who stepped forward to undertake that quest. Noname2200 and ToS. Noname went after Aph first, calling for nameclaims and other things, fully hoping that I would not step forward, and let Hat die because of the inherent suspicion Hat's role belies.

ToS, on the other hand, saw noname2200s post and suggested another (safer) route.

Back when Sm128 lashed out and voted Hatmoza, I was questioning noname2200 why he was keen to follow through with Hat's execution tomorrow. Using the information that he was asking Aphrodite to step forward in order to "see who is lying".

Additionally, he was pushing for hatmoza to be lynched tomorrow. Nobody else really has. I went along with it, and even sent a coded message to hat.

Noname was pushing for the lynch and Hat responded. I wrote a post to Hat explaining the town position and why the lynch should go through. Then I wrote:
"LOOK CLOSELY:" Followed by a paragraph. The first letters of each sentence spell out NO LYNCH followed by TRUST ME.

Later, I realized there was a bus driver. I was being countered by vetteman and supermario. Vetteman especially could not see my side of things. I asked him isn't there a way? He said "NO". Then he and Supermario128 both said I was suspicious because I was pushing the subject so hard. They wanted proof. My only proof was a roleclaim, which I wasn't prepared to do. I found that highly suspicious.

Dtewi then started believing them so I tried to help him understand. I started with this post:

I wrote, "I salute your moral. code." The first letters spelled BUS.

He didn't get it. So I followed with this post:

I specifically say "I thought there was a way we could send secret messages to each other using the first letters, or somethin"

I wasn't sure if he understood or not.
In any case I wrote this:

In respect to the existence of the mafia busser, the first word of each sentence makes a sentence. THEY DO I AM 100% SURE.


See guys, in the code world, words that are spelled incorrectly, especially first letters, point out code. You would do well to learn this in the future and figure out your own ways of sending coded messages.

Either way, he understood that there was a busser. To which vetteman immediately tried to quell. We debated the existence against another possibility. Vette claimed there were two mafias, two blockers, and two doctors. One roleblocker targeted FF and the other team killed him, additionally he supposed that both doctors blocked heph and hat canceling out the mafia kills.

Against this supposition, dtewi said, "don't you think it is even slightly more likely that there is just a busser?"

Vetteman said: NO, because there is no busser. (or something very similar to that extent)

Now, back to noname:
Given my information. Given the people who have been fighting me this whole time. Noname, sm128, vette. They all agree with each other. Look at this post by noname as well:

He told vette to ignore me in order to avoid verbal diarrhea because I didn't have solid proof. That to me sounds like he's giving advice to vette because vette is showing scummy behavior. In fact, the whole argument with vette went something like this.
ME:You don't believe in the busser, you are a lost cause.
Vette: You crack me up
ME:(seeing that denial of possibility was scummy): I know you're cracking, I just don't have any solid evidence yet.
Vette: You won't find any evidence on me, don't waste your time. It is beyond your ability anyway.

Very defensive for such a tiny bit of pressure don't you think? I've been doing this all game. Applying a little pressure and see who bites. dtewi did a little bit, as did others....but vette took a big old shark crunch outta this surfer.

This was when noname told vette to shut it, in the link above.

Now, how about last night's interrogation of sm128. Pretty exciting right? Look at all the tension flaring (mostly me lol). Now look at the dialogue between noname and sm128. Noname seems to lead the conversation doesn't he? Supermario is quite up front about everything, but really only with him.

Supermario then claimed to be HADES.

I immediately made the assumption that he could somehow bring Khuutra back. As always, someone comes in and tells me how foolish I am. Players are DEAD, they can't come back- I was told. Well next thing you know sm128 claims he can bring people back to life upon certain conditions. He did not get his information from me. He wasn't taking he ideas. He really can do that. There is a role in mafia called revivier, who can bring people back to life. He is Hades. It fits. However, revivier is usually townie...but Khuutra's death is so suspicious, especially for the fact that he was "sent to Hades (the underworld) in the fluff. I believe that the massacred and butchered people cannot be revived. 

Earlier, I mentioned how noname and sm128 were probably innocent due to the fact that they voted for squiliam. Noname said "thanks for the support, but it is common mafia tactic to vote for their own". Noname is leading this charge my brother townies.


thank you for your time. I will now answer any questions you may have.

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Vetteman94 said:

I waited because I was in a similar situation last game, and I figuredwith who you were claiming to be you would have been killed by the mafia, thus showing everyone your true role.   But it didnt happen and you came up with a lame excuse that you were blocked by the prostitute in which GodOfWar_3ever actually gave you the name of, which is far fetched if you ask me.   Also  when people started backing you with no actual proof of your claims only broken promises, I figured it was time to step in then.   Plus with you having a history of false roleclaiming, it kinda just fit.

As for the replies you posted,  I had mentioned to dtewi that I was suspicious of you many timed before that paticular post,  and I had explained it to him exactly why just before that post.  When I told him I didnt believe their were 2 psychiatrist roles, because I was one.  The reply you show is my role claim and him yet again questioning why I am suspicious of you. And since I wasnt clear enough the first couple times I figured it was a lost cause with him.  Hence my sarcastic comment.

The only information I know about my target is his name and that he is insane with power and me curing him will make him rejoin Olympus.

First paragraph is shallow accusations. I'll deal with that tomorrow. If I die, you won't have to deal with me though because I'll pop up exactly what I claimed to be and you'll have a world of explaining to do.

I'll say, I still think it's weird you waited so late in the game to counter my role. However, I will not completely deny the possibility of 2 phychiatrists looking for 2 seperate people ... I mentioned very early in the game that my pm stated that I need to find and treat Kratos so he may serve the Gods again . Your pm says your target needs to join Olympus ??? Did you just make that up and similar to waht I said to make it more believable?

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Very Interesting prof!

I'll need some time disecting that juicy ... delicious post.

*starts reading again carefully*

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
Vetteman94 said:

I waited because I was in a similar situation last game, and I figuredwith who you were claiming to be you would have been killed by the mafia, thus showing everyone your true role.   But it didnt happen and you came up with a lame excuse that you were blocked by the prostitute in which GodOfWar_3ever actually gave you the name of, which is far fetched if you ask me.   Also  when people started backing you with no actual proof of your claims only broken promises, I figured it was time to step in then.   Plus with you having a history of false roleclaiming, it kinda just fit.

As for the replies you posted,  I had mentioned to dtewi that I was suspicious of you many timed before that paticular post,  and I had explained it to him exactly why just before that post.  When I told him I didnt believe their were 2 psychiatrist roles, because I was one.  The reply you show is my role claim and him yet again questioning why I am suspicious of you. And since I wasnt clear enough the first couple times I figured it was a lost cause with him.  Hence my sarcastic comment.

The only information I know about my target is his name and that he is insane with power and me curing him will make him rejoin Olympus.

First paragraph is shallow accusations. I'll deal with that tomorrow. If I die, you won't have to deal with me though because I'll pop up exactly what I claimed to be and you'll have a world of explaining to do.

I'll say, I still think it's weird you waited so late in the game to counter my role. However, I will not completely deny the possibility of 2 phychiatrists looking for 2 seperate people ... I mentioned very early in the game that my pm stated that I need to find and treat Kratos so he may serve the Gods again . Your pm says your target needs to join Olympus ??? Did you just make that up and similar to waht I said to make it more believable?

Well what I put there is almost word for word what my role PM says,  if I had added any more information i would probably have been modkilled

theprof00 said:

I am aphrodite, I am a pro-town roleblocker.

On Night 1, I blocked Final-Fan. He was acting suspicious and I was eager to be helpful.
Here I am admitting that I made a huge mistake night 1.

Later, we learn that squilliam targeted Hatmoza for framing. A testament to all the naysayers calling me crazy, they really did frame hat. They had no idea I was coming.

In another post, after we learn of squilliams framing, I make a comment that I was "vindicated" and "did more on day 1 by sheer dumb luck"

This discounts all the mafia roleblockers my suspects seem to put out, and completely verifies my story about the mafia bus driver, whose existence is also being denied by my suspects.

For the mafia, Hatmoza's crusade for Aphrodite was a blessing. There were two players who stepped forward to undertake that quest. Noname2200 and ToS. Noname went after Aph first, calling for nameclaims and other things, fully hoping that I would not step forward, and let Hat die because of the inherent suspicion Hat's role belies.

ToS, on the other hand, saw noname2200s post and suggested another (safer) route.

Back when Sm128 lashed out and voted Hatmoza, I was questioning noname2200 why he was keen to follow through with Hat's execution tomorrow. Using the information that he was asking Aphrodite to step forward in order to "see who is lying".

Additionally, he was pushing for hatmoza to be lynched tomorrow. Nobody else really has. I went along with it, and even sent a coded message to hat.

Noname was pushing for the lynch and Hat responded. I wrote a post to Hat explaining the town position and why the lynch should go through. Then I wrote:
"LOOK CLOSELY:" Followed by a paragraph. The first letters of each sentence spell out NO LYNCH followed by TRUST ME.

Later, I realized there was a bus driver. I was being countered by vetteman and supermario. Vetteman especially could not see my side of things. I asked him isn't there a way? He said "NO". Then he and Supermario128 both said I was suspicious because I was pushing the subject so hard. They wanted proof. My only proof was a roleclaim, which I wasn't prepared to do. I found that highly suspicious.

Dtewi then started believing them so I tried to help him understand. I started with this post:

I wrote, "I salute your moral. code." The first letters spelled BUS.

He didn't get it. So I followed with this post:

I specifically say "I thought there was a way we could send secret messages to each other using the first letters, or somethin"

I wasn't sure if he understood or not.
In any case I wrote this:

In respect to the existence of the mafia busser, the first word of each sentence makes a sentence. THEY DO I AM 100% SURE.


See guys, in the code world, words that are spelled incorrectly, especially first letters, point out code. You would do well to learn this in the future and figure out your own ways of sending coded messages.

Either way, he understood that there was a busser. To which vetteman immediately tried to quell. We debated the existence against another possibility. Vette claimed there were two mafias, two blockers, and two doctors. One roleblocker targeted FF and the other team killed him, additionally he supposed that both doctors blocked heph and hat canceling out the mafia kills.

Against this supposition, dtewi said, "don't you think it is even slightly more likely that there is just a busser?"

Vetteman said: NO, because there is no busser. (or something very similar to that extent)

Now, back to noname:
Given my information. Given the people who have been fighting me this whole time. Noname, sm128, vette. They all agree with each other. Look at this post by noname as well:

He told vette to ignore me in order to avoid verbal diarrhea because I didn't have solid proof. That to me sounds like he's giving advice to vette because vette is showing scummy behavior. In fact, the whole argument with vette went something like this.
ME:You don't believe in the busser, you are a lost cause.
Vette: You crack me up
ME:(seeing that denial of possibility was scummy): I know you're cracking, I just don't have any solid evidence yet.
Vette: You won't find any evidence on me, don't waste your time. It is beyond your ability anyway.

Very defensive for such a tiny bit of pressure don't you think? I've been doing this all game. Applying a little pressure and see who bites. dtewi did a little bit, as did others....but vette took a big old shark crunch outta this surfer.

This was when noname told vette to shut it, in the link above.

Now, how about last night's interrogation of sm128. Pretty exciting right? Look at all the tension flaring (mostly me lol). Now look at the dialogue between noname and sm128. Noname seems to lead the conversation doesn't he? Supermario is quite up front about everything, but really only with him.

Supermario then claimed to be HADES.

I immediately made the assumption that he could somehow bring Khuutra back. As always, someone comes in and tells me how foolish I am. Players are DEAD, they can't come back- I was told. Well next thing you know sm128 claims he can bring people back to life upon certain conditions. He did not get his information from me. He wasn't taking he ideas. He really can do that. There is a role in mafia called revivier, who can bring people back to life. He is Hades. It fits. However, revivier is usually townie...but Khuutra's death is so suspicious, especially for the fact that he was "sent to Hades (the underworld) in the fluff. I believe that the massacred and butchered people cannot be revived. 

Earlier, I mentioned how noname and sm128 were probably innocent due to the fact that they voted for squiliam. Noname said "thanks for the support, but it is common mafia tactic to vote for their own". Noname is leading this charge my brother townies.


thank you for your time. I will now answer any questions you may have.

Then why are you trying to kill 2 people who claim to be Gods then?

Oh additionally, I went on for about a page trying to find a way that if sm128 claimed aprhodite, it would be understood that he was lying, thereby keeping me free from having to roleclaim.

Until vette stepped in once again.