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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

hatmoza said:
theprof00 said:
Hephaestos said:
Hephaestos said:
theprof00 said:

I'll still take the deal supermario.

I, thepro00, hereby relinquish my life should supermario be lynched innocently.

luckly we have an SK who can execute such sentence without the town losing a lynch... unless there is a bus driver  :/

oh and to edit.... I'm not saying i'll kill him, i'm just putting forward the option... to avoid losing a day of discution.

I'm not dying at night. I'm taking a lynch tomorrow. That is the condition of the agreement.

I still have to see if he comes up innocent or not, so killing me at night is outside the scope of the agreement as well. Otherwise I would've just taken a double lynch.

And I didn't say I WILL be lynched. I said "I relinquish my life" my fate is up to the town in the end.

Clever ...  you are unlynchable ... and your coming off as scummy.

Unlynchable =/= won't be lynched.

I won't be lynched because SMART townies know that I am a noob town player. I'm sad that I'm so readable but it's true. That is why I said I would not be lynched guaranteed.

Additionally he was attacking me, and I wanted him to understand that there are bigger fish to fry.

Tomorrow, I will prepare a statement. If you do not accept, you can kill me at night.

If sm128 is a mafia, I'm in the clear.

Around the Network

I'm pretty sure smb is mafia. His story doesn't make sense. He's a desperate scum trying to survive a little longer.

As for Vette, I think it's safe to say he's the perfect candidate for a lynch tomorrow. (I'm sure ToS will be pleased to finally get on his ass )

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

unvote supermario

permit me a few minutes while I prepare my roleclaim.

I am roleclaiming because I think someone might do something foolish and kill me tonight.

I am going to let my information flow freely.


After this cigarette

hey proff i'm not gonna kill you tonight, I was proposing for the next day... you know, once we actually have the result of what SM was ^^


I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Hephaestos said:

since the day is comming to a close (L-1) and the discution is about over.


I have 2 potential targets that I would put at 60% chance of scum, do you want me to take a shot?

(not saying the names because of the possibility of a bus driver).

Keep in mind that there is the mafia killing tonight and the "butchering guy" guy too (who seems to be a 1 night off killer)... this could reduce the town to 11 people (counting the lynch). Worst case senario there is 2 factions and we have up to 1 mafia and 3 of the other so  6Vs1VS3VsMe (since i'm not yet cured and it's a worst case senario).

I think it's worth it....

Quoting cause i do want y'all's thought on this (got lost in the palin pics).

Do you want me to go on a huntch or just wait?


Nickells was strongly against, republic (or Cj0 I forgot) was for...


Vote Count

8 out of 15 players have voted

6 Votes Supermario128 (L-2)

SciFiBoy, hatmoza, Hephaestos, noname2200, dtewi, nen-suer

1 Vote Hatmoza (L-7)



@ heph

 I'm for you going after scum tonight because:

1- it may get the whore off my back tonight (she'll block you instead) so I can cure you. Especially since they can't kill you with doctor's protection tonight. They'll have to block you. I hope.

I just don't want to die before treating you. Because if I die You'll remain a SK and scum ... and eventually get lynched.

2- If you're as smart as I think you are, I'm sure you can get a scum tonight.

However, if you kill someone is very likely to be innocent and claim it was a mistake, we will hang you -_-

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

* i just realized my previous post is empty

Fucking VGC bugs

What I said was: Prof, I don't see why you want to role claim ... can it wait till tomorrow at least? I really don't want this day going on any longer.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Hephaestos said:

hey proff i'm not gonna kill you tonight, I was proposing for the next day... you know, once we actually have the result of what SM was ^^

someone else may kill me.

No. At this point in time I think it's vital that things are known to clear suspicions I've seen flying around, and also to reassert my own suspects as dangerous.