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Forums - General Discussion - Why did you quit Christianity?

-ku- said:

Simming through the chat I believe it should be more of a question who quit catholoscism.

Because Christianity is the general belief of Christ and God. I beleive it's this whole western ideal propaganda that is ruininf its own religion. Only Roman Catholic priests are pedophile because they have to devout themselves to god (a rule which they made up). I think other than groups in America and UK most of the world stays devout because they evolved or stayed "orthodox" (right) the past few centuries. We never here any complaints about Mainland european religious leaders and apperently the eastern rite does end up  being the better "rite".

On a side note I'm still Greek CATHOLIC a small denomynation of some 10 million of people of different races world wide but I have refined my views a little and tried to understand the religion Im following, abondonding what you don't really know is a quitter way out. An interesting doc/interview I would reccomend is this 9hr peice called (if you google vid search it).

Interview with an ex-vampire

Hope you'll enjoy.

denominationof 10  million is not small.  My denomination has less than 1 million.

I actually thought about being a Greek Orthodox Priest.  After taking Greek for 2 years, ralized that it was still Greek to me so I decided against being a priest

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Calmador said:
FaRmLaNd said:
Calmador said:

I never quit... and I'm living my life quite happily... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Although as Christians we are warned that we will be judged and go through hard times just because we're Christians and I do find that to be true at time but I'm pretty happy as well :3

I still believe because I think the idea of morals is super-natural and shouldn't exist if it wasn't for G-d. Also inteligent design makes sense... the DNA in us definitely seems like something an inteligent being would make... it's information and information comes from inteligence not out of random events.

Evolution via Natural selection isn't random. Its not random if a creature has a mutation (random) that helps its chances of survival (not random) in some way so that its more likely to sexually reproduce. Its precisely the opposite of random.

If I remember... there's micro and macro evolution... one of them isn't random at all... the other is based on random events. Your probably talking about the one that isn't. Anyways togther they both make of up evolution...and I think the more fundumental parts of evolution are based on random events. It isn't just about natural selection, it's also about a big bang and how all these substances got mixed because of huge number of random events we have ourselves a functional human being with impossible odds. Evolution is definitely based on random events.

No. The bing bang is not what I'm talking about, the big bang is not evolution.

Evolution is about random mutations, yes, but that leaves out natural selection which culls the random events that aren't beneficial. So no evolution via natural selection isn't completely random, part of it is, but these impossible odds seem far less impossible if you've got the mechanism that allows beneficial mutations to thrive. Which is natural selection.

Now in terms of the substances mixing and creating the first organism, that is called I believe abiogenisis and I don't know enough about it. But again, its NOT evolution. Evolution is what happens once self-replicating organisms exist. Its a different process and one science doesn't completely understand yet (as far as I know).

I think it'd be a disservice to your God to make him a God of the gaps. The fact that science can admit it doesn't know something doesn't mean it wont work it out and looking at its track record my moneys on science to come up with a most adequate answer (plus it'll cull the crap).

Couldn't find my wallet one day and got pissed, no real god would allow me to lose my wallet and make it to class an hour late. IS THIS YOUR PERFECT GOD!?

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.

FaRmLaNd said:
Calmador said:
FaRmLaNd said:
Calmador said:

I never quit... and I'm living my life quite happily... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Although as Christians we are warned that we will be judged and go through hard times just because we're Christians and I do find that to be true at time but I'm pretty happy as well :3

I still believe because I think the idea of morals is super-natural and shouldn't exist if it wasn't for G-d. Also inteligent design makes sense... the DNA in us definitely seems like something an inteligent being would make... it's information and information comes from inteligence not out of random events.

Evolution via Natural selection isn't random. Its not random if a creature has a mutation (random) that helps its chances of survival (not random) in some way so that its more likely to sexually reproduce. Its precisely the opposite of random.

If I remember... there's micro and macro evolution... one of them isn't random at all... the other is based on random events. Your probably talking about the one that isn't. Anyways togther they both make of up evolution...and I think the more fundumental parts of evolution are based on random events. It isn't just about natural selection, it's also about a big bang and how all these substances got mixed because of huge number of random events we have ourselves a functional human being with impossible odds. Evolution is definitely based on random events.

No. The bing bang is not what I'm talking about, the big bang is not evolution.

Evolution is about random mutations, yes, but that leaves out natural selection which culls the random events that aren't beneficial. So no evolution via natural selection isn't completely random, part of it is, but these impossible odds seem far less impossible if you've got the mechanism that allows beneficial mutations to thrive. Which is natural selection.

Now in terms of the substances mixing and creating the first organism, that is called I believe abiogenisis and I don't know enough about it. But again, its NOT evolution. Evolution is what happens once self-replicating organisms exist. Its a different process and one science doesn't completely understand yet (as far as I know).

I think it'd be a disservice to your God to make him a God of the gaps. The fact that science can admit it doesn't know something doesn't mean it wont work it out and looking at its track record my moneys on science to come up with a most adequate answer (plus it'll cull the crap).


All gaming systems, consoles/PC, have thier perks... why fight over preferences? I like Coke and you like Pepsi, that's it, let's not fight over which toy we like best cause that's what they are. Is someone's preference in a toy important or is the relationship between you and your neighbor more important? Answer is obvious, but THE most important thing is your relationship with God almighty. God Bless you in Jesus's name.

I can communicate without talking... I can send a loved one money without actually sending money... and I can commit theft without the product disappearing, the point of theft is the point of theft not one of it's possible symptoms which is the product dissappearing. The thief wants to gain something without paying for it, that's the point of theft, the thief doesn't have to care or anybody else has to care if the product dissappears. The product dissappearing is just a possible symptom of theft. Gifts are sacrfices, in order to give a gift, it has to be a genuine sacrfice/gift, meaning a copy of the game isn't still in your PC. Piracy is theft and/or being a culprit of theft.

sapphi_snake said:
Coca-Cola said:
sapphi_snake said:
Coca-Cola said:
sapphi_snake said:
2000cc said:

You can never say never, but I personally believe that evolution by natural selection is a more likely cause of how we are than intelligent design

But then I kicked out of church for being a bad influence on my christian friends and eventually their families made them stop talking to me, then with all the difficulties we just lost contact, so I might be more partial to a non church method


LOL... I knew a girl that was kicked out of church. Then again they did that 'cause she accidentaly set a priest on fire. I think he got a restraining order against her.

I can't say that I got kicked out of a church, but I was asked to leave 4 times. 

Why? Did you set a priest on fire too?

One time I was asked to leave because during my confirmation interview, the pastors and elders asked me questions like, 'have i smoked, drank, and such'.  I told them the truth!  When I got home 40 minutes after the interview, my dad knew everything - those guys told my dad the answers I gave them.  haha.  So my dad, who was an elder, and couple of other elders asked me find another church.

Ouch! You own father.

Were they supose to share that information? Good thing that during confession I'd leave out the parts about porn/sex. Never did trust those guys.

Another time i got kicked out has something to do with porn. 

I did something as a prank in 9th grade, and church people didn't think it was funny. 

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Please elaborate. Seems like a potentially funny story.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


because its a backwards and repulsive belief system.

well they forced us to study all religions at school. And the one thing they all had in common was a GOD that either rules us or other smaller gods etc...

All the other stuff was just different stories.

So to conclude.

An alien planting us on this planet is as likely as any other explanation of GOD.

Religion is the thing that was put in front by people to benefit them and scare people into following what they wanted to say.




sapphi_snake said:

Well, I used to be pretty religious when I was little. Went to church fairly often, prayed in the morning and before I went to  bed and all that. I think most people (especially my mother)  thought that I'd become a priest when I grew up (though the ideea never really appealed to me even then).

As I grew older I started questioning my beliefs and came to the conclusion that I had no logical reason to believe any of it. I also disagreed with many Christian teachings. Even of God  were real he would have  no right to my life, nor anyone else's. I don't like dictators, and the Christian God seemed to me like nothing more or less than that. Forcing people worship him just because he created everybody and everything, sending those that refused to be his mindless sheep to hell. Of course this would be under the pressumption that he existed.

you have a pretty wrong picture of a God than.God does not forces you nor needs you to worship him. if he wanted or needed that, he would just make us all do that because he can. he gave you a power of free will, so that YOU can deside if you want to worship someone or not.

pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:

Well, I used to be pretty religious when I was little. Went to church fairly often, prayed in the morning and before I went to  bed and all that. I think most people (especially my mother)  thought that I'd become a priest when I grew up (though the ideea never really appealed to me even then).

As I grew older I started questioning my beliefs and came to the conclusion that I had no logical reason to believe any of it. I also disagreed with many Christian teachings. Even of God  were real he would have  no right to my life, nor anyone else's. I don't like dictators, and the Christian God seemed to me like nothing more or less than that. Forcing people worship him just because he created everybody and everything, sending those that refused to be his mindless sheep to hell. Of course this would be under the pressumption that he existed.

you have a pretty wrong picture of a God than.God does not forces you nor needs you to worship him. if he wanted or needed that, he would just make us all do that because he can. he gave you a power of free will, so that YOU can deside if you want to worship someone or not.

If one doesn't worship him won't one be sent into the depths of hell to burn for all eternity?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
