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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 18 Game Thread

I am Reptile

In my PM I am only told that I can vanish and follow people at night, finding out what they are doing.

My Results only contain what they did, not who got targeted, neither I can be sure who did the action because all my night message's start with "Your target tried to..."

It was already said here:

Vetteman94 said:
Stefl1504 said:
Vetteman94 said:
Stefl1504 said:

@ GoW3ever:

Hmmm... I would have to say I investigate peoples night actions, I don't get no reading if the person hasn't done anything at night. So define it in one word... a movementsensor? ROFL?!! Of course there are still such things as being roleblocked and the target being switched.

So the notifications at night look like this: (this are examples)

The target has investigated someone.

The target has killed someone.

The target was following someone.

You were not able to find out what your target did tonight.

The mafia game term is tracker,  So kinda useful but not as useful as a cop.    

I thought that a tracker had the ability to follow people and see who they have visited, I just see their night actions, but not who got targeted...

Well that could just be the limitations he put on it is all. The roles are always open for slight modifications, just to balance out the game.   With 2 cops already that could be why you were limited in your ability. 

The only thing new is my name claim...

If it is okay for GOW I will make it like noname said, but I want GOWs permit to do so before revealing his role... it is the same as with dsis...

Around the Network

I'm not comfortable with revealing my role yet.

If there is a pro-town bus driver that switched any of stefk's targets, please come forward.

Unvote : Stefl

Vote : Vetteman

I believe he is at L-1 right now.

I really really hope this is right....if not, the town is most probably fucked.

Nope, Vetteman still needs 2 votes to be lynched...

Also my targets where as follows:

Night 1: Dsister/GOW 2.0 (hidden result)

Night 2: RCTJunkie (tried to kill someone - Mafia B Leader)

Night 3: Hatmoza/Hephaestos 2.0 (no result - he was double voter and had no night actions)

Night 4: Nikells (no result - Tracker)

Night 5: Vetteman (tried to kill someone)

Everyone I targeted except for Dsis died sooner or later...

I only unvoted because I thought we were at L-1 and I not wanted to end the day to soon...

Around the Network
Stefl1504 said:

Also my targets where as follows:

Night 1: Dsister/GOW 2.0 (hidden result)

Night 2: RCTJunkie (tried to kill someone - Mafia B Leader)

Night 3: Hatmoza/Hephaestos 2.0 (no result - he was double voter and had no night actions)

Night 4: Nikells (no result - Tracker)

Night 5: Vetteman (tried to kill someone)

Everyone I targeted except for Dsis died sooner or later...

I only unvoted because I thought we were at L-1 and I not wanted to end the day to soon...

I also wanted to note that maybe the Mafia is trying to look me guilty by always killing the targets I investigated, or the Mafia believes I am in the other Mafia group and try to give them tipps who to lynch...

Edit: I will be back around 2 am GMT 2

noname2200 said:
Vetteman94 said:

Not Plausible?????   How is it not plausible to role claim a tracker style investigation role and give up one of your own mafia members to make you look like a townie?  How is it that a tracker/investigation role comes up with nothing for information 2 weeks in a row, then all of the sudden gets some information?  Explain that?   And is now backing off his last result?

He never caught me killing anyone as I never left my house last night,  It was a physical impossibility for me.   The only reason MY KILLS look better suited for a SK is because I hit 2 pro-town roles.  Thats it,  it was bad luck and I had bd reads on people.  

Why has Stefl1504 refuse to give a complete role claim like I have?   He keeps dancing around the issue,  because he has something to hide.

Take a second read at what I'm calling not plausible: it has zero to do with stefl's claims and everything to do with yours. 

And about yesterday: I know those "couple hours" flew by pretty quickly once I voted for you, but whatever happened to being willing to take one for the team?  To your having no problems dying to prove your innocence?  If you were genuine, I would think you'd be all for a double-lynch, so long as it takes out a mafia; at least, that's what you said.  Now you just want to stay alive.  Were those comments mere rhetoric to make you look sincere?  Your attitude certainly seems to have changed very quickly.

As for the not plausible part,  I have also explained how that cold have happened,  I know who I targeted the second and fourth nights.  Thats all the information I can give people, other than actually showing people the messages I sent nen-suer.   I can only offer possible scenarios of what happened with other roles based off of what has happened.  

I still am willing to but why are you so eager to get rid of a townie?   As for the no lynch it is still a bad idea for the town.  2 kills during the day drops us to 5,  if there is still 2 mafia members left 2 more kills tonight drops us to 3.  Which could possibly leave 1 from each mafia and a helpless townie.

What I find interesting is that you seem to back Stefl1504 almost without question despite the holes in his stories.  There is nothing to justify his claims other than he gave up a mafia member,  which is easily explained and has happened many times in the past.

GodOfWar_3ever said:

Unvote : Stefl

Vote : Vetteman

I believe he is at L-1 right now.

I really really hope this is right....if not, the town is most probably fucked.

Its not,  I am the Town Vigilante.   But I am done arguing.  

Fuck the town you guys deserve to lose.   I have poked holes through his story and everyone just looked right by.

Vetteman94 said:
noname2200 said:
Vetteman94 said:

Not Plausible?????   How is it not plausible to role claim a tracker style investigation role and give up one of your own mafia members to make you look like a townie?  How is it that a tracker/investigation role comes up with nothing for information 2 weeks in a row, then all of the sudden gets some information?  Explain that?   And is now backing off his last result?

He never caught me killing anyone as I never left my house last night,  It was a physical impossibility for me.   The only reason MY KILLS look better suited for a SK is because I hit 2 pro-town roles.  Thats it,  it was bad luck and I had bd reads on people.  

Why has Stefl1504 refuse to give a complete role claim like I have?   He keeps dancing around the issue,  because he has something to hide.

Take a second read at what I'm calling not plausible: it has zero to do with stefl's claims and everything to do with yours. 

And about yesterday: I know those "couple hours" flew by pretty quickly once I voted for you, but whatever happened to being willing to take one for the team?  To your having no problems dying to prove your innocence?  If you were genuine, I would think you'd be all for a double-lynch, so long as it takes out a mafia; at least, that's what you said.  Now you just want to stay alive.  Were those comments mere rhetoric to make you look sincere?  Your attitude certainly seems to have changed very quickly.

As for the not plausible part,  I have also explained how that cold have happened,  I know who I targeted the second and fourth nights.  Thats all the information I can give people, other than actually showing people the messages I sent nen-suer.   I can only offer possible scenarios of what happened with other roles based off of what has happened.  

I still am willing to but why are you so eager to get rid of a townie?   As for the no lynch it is still a bad idea for the town.  2 kills during the day drops us to 5,  if there is still 2 mafia members left 2 more kills tonight drops us to 3.  Which could possibly leave 1 from each mafia and a helpless townie.

What I find interesting is that you seem to back Stefl1504 almost without question despite the holes in his stories.  There is nothing to justify his claims other than he gave up a mafia member,  which is easily explained and has happened many times in the past.

er.... no one was talking a  no lynch. 

I mentioned that a double-lynch of you and stefls was possible. If we are to believe either of you the one is certainly scum. What makes it look weird is that you said you would be willing to die, and then when I brought up no lynch, you denied it saying it was a bad idea. 

People who are pro-town generally would jump in the idea of lynching the sum they're trying to get, even if it means getting killed yourself. Seriously, it's happened. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Stefls and vetteman are both essentially claiming that the other guy is mafia. Vetteman got caught by stefls trying to kill last night, so vetteman went back and claimed that stefls was lying. Which is a bit revenge-voty, but okay.  

Facts against Vetteman: 

-Sabby was a Serial Killer, and supposedly ha had no kills through out the game. Now that he's dead, vetteman claims that he has no more night kills. That... just simply looks bad for vetteman. Because if sabby is dead then there are no more "other" kills. 
- Vetteman first said he'd be willing to get lynched if that would prove stefls was scum. When I proposed a double-lynch him with Stefls he says, "No,  a double lynch this late is a bad idea.  Especially since every townie is important at this point.  And killing me would net you one less." And then, noname questioned him about it, but vette doesn't even answer the question correctly! Why such a change in heart? 

Facts against Stefls:

- There's been a cop, deputy and a tracker already. 
- He somehow wasn't able to get any info on Nikells, he also managed to get RCT red-handed. Which is weird, because godfather's don't usually make a kill themselves. 

All stefl has against him is the inconsistency of his role. To explain he describes it as, "I can vanish and follow people at night finding out what they are doing." Also that instead of visintg people like a tracker, he just sees what they did. 

A possible answer I have for the RST part is that since RCT was the godfather, he has to order what to kill, right? So stefls could still see that RCT was in fact trying to kill someone. Not necessarily that he was ordering, but that depends on how the mod works the role. Maybe nen pairs godfathers and his goonies in the sense that hey are both come up as killing the same person. 

Nikells on the other is unexplainable. We're gonna have to wait and see. Maybe we have a roleblocker of some kind. That's probably the only big hole stefls has in his claim. 

However I see it vettman has the most against him. I stand the fact that a double-lynch isn't too far off if the town can't come down on a decision. 

Now onto other people: 

GodofWar's life depends on stefls at this point. If stefl is scum then GoW is in trouble. He sounds pro-town, and he's also not willing to give up his role which is acceptable, remember, dsis was against role-claiming too. Gow gave up his role easily before he became dsister. So I'm pretty assured that dsister/gow has a pro-town character with some kind of important role. 

Silver-Tiger hasn't posted in this fiasco besides correcting about his vanilla towniness. He has layed low for a lot of the game, kinda like me, except that people have been suspicious of him for most of the game. As for myself (partly in because of my super awesome list) I think he'a another safe bet at scum.

Noname is pretty much clear. That dude has helped n' shit. Somehow, he could be the remaining godfather trying to play as much of a pro-town game as possible. 

Trangenstpree for me is a bit is like Silver-Tiger. They both have posted about the same, with trangentspree's posts being a bit more directed at scum-hunting. He has been quite for parts of the game, I imagine it's because he's busy. He's suspicious to me because of his silence, which I don't associate with him. 

I am pro-town. That's all I have on moi. 

Edited to fix mistakes. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."