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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 18 Game Thread

theRepublic said:

By the way, has anyone else noticed we already have two people who claim their role "sucks"?  I just thought that was a little odd.

I noticed. Wasn't sure what to make of it.

Thought it could be said to make yourself look like an average protown to the town, or to make yourself a less attractive target to the mafia - you know, depending on truthfulness and alignment.

Also stelf seemed to think his role was "Nice!"

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theRepublic said:

By the way, has anyone else noticed we already have two people who claim their role "sucks"?  I just thought that was a little odd.

Could be for multiple reasons, like they are just simply disappointed with their roles.

I remember in last years Nintendo themed game someone claiming to have the "best" role possible, and he was telling the truth. He got Kirby. I forget who said that.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:

I find it strange that MM ignored me last night and is ignoring us today. Maybe his role doesn't allow him to talk or respond to players about his role.

I want to believe that him never being in the OP was a screw up from nen, so I'll wait for nen to clear things up. If things stay the same after that, I say we lynch the fuck out of MM because Noob Saibot is invisible and is an assassin according to MK Wiki.

*edit: added "about his role"

You could be onto something. 

The guy in that Nintendo game who got the best role was...Khuutra

So I finally arrived at this game after a long weekend!

I hope my absence isn't interpreted as lurking.My firend had a big Birthday party with a lot of alcohol. You know how things turn out :)

Amyway, I'm here now, at least phisically [mentally more or less =) ]

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

trangentspree said:
theRepublic said:

By the way, has anyone else noticed we already have two people who claim their role "sucks"?  I just thought that was a little odd.

I noticed. Wasn't sure what to make of it.

Thought it could be said to make yourself look like an average protown to the town, or to make yourself a less attractive target to the mafia - you know, depending on truthfulness and alignment.

Also stelf seemed to think his role was "Nice!"

hmm... the nice was about finally getting my role pm... but you are right my role is quite nice...

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My roles sucks too.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

hatmoza said:


You never signed up nor are you included in the OP.

Also, GTFO because you ignored me last night and I'm feeling kinda salty towards you at the moment -_-

Sorry, but I'm not going to muck about with the the OP of a game I'm not controlling.  It's up to nen to make things look right.  :P

hatmoza said:
theRepublic said:

By the way, has anyone else noticed we already have two people who claim their role "sucks"?  I just thought that was a little odd.

Could be for multiple reasons, like they are just simply disappointed with their roles.

I remember in last years Nintendo themed game someone claiming to have the "best" role possible, and he was telling the truth. He got Kirby. I forget who said that.

Pretty sure it was Khuutra, and it was in Soleron's game based on video game characters, with WoW as co-mod.  The one where I roleclaimed Dante when suspicion was cast on me, only claiming to be a vigilante when I was really the mafia godfather.  xD

As for people being disappointed in their role, it's either they're truly disappointed in their role, or they're trying to make themselves seem non-threatening when in fact they really are.  Could go either way, really, so it's not enough to call somebody out on.


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theRepublic said:

By the way, has anyone else noticed we already have two people who claim their role "sucks"?  I just thought that was a little odd.

Be that as it may...
One more claiming their role sucks would be me...
My role is kind of interesting though...
Be assured though i am protown :)

oh, and i would ask that pro-town people not come to my house for tea at night, i had enough tea parties last game thank you very much :)

*currently listening to Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas*

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