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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Other M Thread

chriscox1121 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

Even if I couldn't afford the game now, I would have considered trying it out later, until I heard you can't skip the sut scenes. It's not just that I don't like the story (I've liked quite a few games with bad stories), but having to sit through it, in an action game, is annoying. I tolerated it with God of War 1 and Metroid Prime 3, but that's my limit.

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What I've seen of the story does not impress me (videos are available online). Even giving that the Ridley scene is consitent with the manga (which they should have at least included in the game to give context), the lines are written, and spoken, really flatly. Again, I could have taken that if I could have skipped those and just played the game.

That's th biggest reason I was turned off from Heavy Rain. Despite what I've posted about that game, I really was giving the game a shot (especially when the trailers made it look like it was all about an intense hunt for a serial killer) until I saw the actual gameplay, and knew the entire game was me having to sit through all that. I wonder if the trailers versus the gameplay is why it opened well but had no legs, but that's for another thread.

Plus even RPGs tend to grate on me now for that, and I'm a big RPG fan. One of the reasons I like Kingdom Hearts II and 358/2 over the first game and Chain of Memories (the GBA version, not sure about the remake) is skipping cut scenes.

So in short, I don't like the story (details or execution), and having that peppered througout the game will make it very grating, despite how good it might or might not play.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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LordTheNightKnight said:

Even if I couldn't afford the game now, I would have considered trying it out later, until I heard you can't skip the sut scenes. It's not just that I don't like the story (I've liked quite a few games with bad stories), but having to sit through it, in an action game, is annoying. I tolerated it with God of War 1 and Metroid Prime 3, but that's my limit.

It really only hits you hard at a few choke points: the first time she encounters the soldiers, when you're running around the control room (a lot of super-slow over-the-shoulder walking), and then a good bit at the very end


It moves pretty quickly otherwise.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

novasonic said:

This game was EPIC! There was nothing wrong with the controls and everything fit into the time line perfectly. To everyone that says this is bad game: You are ignorant and not a real Metroid fan.

The first time you encounter 'Little Birdie' was the creepiest part of the game by far. Death glare.

The story is dumb acting aweful and this is not the same samus 

she is an  impostor 

A Japanese fetish girl

You are actually ignorant to say we are ignorant 

mhsillen said:
novasonic said:

This game was EPIC! There was nothing wrong with the controls and everything fit into the time line perfectly. To everyone that says this is bad game: You are ignorant and not a real Metroid fan.

The first time you encounter 'Little Birdie' was the creepiest part of the game by far. Death glare.

The story is dumb acting aweful and this is not the same samus 

she is an  impostor 

A Japanese fetish girl

You are actually ignorant to say we are ignorant 

I wish. Where are the shoolgirl outfits, and her cosplaying as a cat girl for the cultural festival?

And there doesn't seem to be an unlockable skimpy santa dress.

Plus it doesn't show here having a crush on another woman when she was younger.

Japanese fetish girl, my ass.



Please know I'm joking.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

mhsillen said:
novasonic said:

This game was EPIC! There was nothing wrong with the controls and everything fit into the time line perfectly. To everyone that says this is bad game: You are ignorant and not a real Metroid fan.

The first time you encounter 'Little Birdie' was the creepiest part of the game by far. Death glare.

The story is dumb acting aweful and this is not the same samus 

she is an  impostor 

A Japanese fetish girl

You are actually ignorant to say we are ignorant 

And this samus is the first game where she whines like a little emo girl.

So you should really think before you call someone ignorant

I'm a real metriod fan not a game made team ninja and the bad writing of sakamoto

Around the Network
LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:
novasonic said:

This game was EPIC! There was nothing wrong with the controls and everything fit into the time line perfectly. To everyone that says this is bad game: You are ignorant and not a real Metroid fan.

The first time you encounter 'Little Birdie' was the creepiest part of the game by far. Death glare.

The story is dumb acting aweful and this is not the same samus 

she is an  impostor 

A Japanese fetish girl

You are actually ignorant to say we are ignorant 

I wish. Where are the shoolgirl outfits, and her cosplaying as a cat girl for the cultural festival?

And there doesn't seem to be an unlockable skimpy santa dress.

Plus it doesn't show here having a crush on another woman when she was younger.

Japanese fetish girl, my ass.



Please know I'm joking.

Sakamoto has promised it in the next Metriod Emo

uhhh....did anyone else get stuck at the boss towards the end and die a million times?  or am i just not very smart?

anyone else have a prolbem figuring out how to defeat QM?  They don't tell you.  ugh

chriscox1121 said:

uhhh....did anyone else get stuck at the boss towards the end and die a million times?  or am i just not very smart?

Which one? Nightmare (the gravity changer), the Queen Metroid, or something else?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
chriscox1121 said:

uhhh....did anyone else get stuck at the boss towards the end and die a million times?  or am i just not very smart?

Which one? Nightmare (the gravity changer), the Queen Metroid, or something else?

queen metroid