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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Did you play Eternal Darkness? Why or why not.

Great game. It's a must play if you have a Gamecube or Wii. While it's storyline isn't really original (in the sense that the premise is practically lifted from Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos), the writing is excellent and the atmosphere is perfect.

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I did it and I love it... In fact I still have it...

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

The game is definitely worth getting if you have a Gamecube or a Wii, and an interest in other types of games than the ones Nintendo usually makes.

The game is basically an extremely heavily Lovecraft-inspired horror/action game, made with the quality you'd expect from Nintendo. There are some cool insanity effects (don't ask, you'll just spoil yourself), and a mostly epic plot, but a lot of the gameplay elements really annoy some people.

Oh, and you play as Buffy. =P

Have you played Alone in the Dark, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, or any other even remotely horrorish game? It's tough to say if I think you'll like it unless you tell us a bit more about your tastes.

Yucks! I hated the game! I bought it just last Christmas and i hated the controls and the camera! The only great thing (IMO) in this game is the whole dark atmosphere.

OK, I am going to ask again- What is it like with Surround Sound?

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CHYUII said:
What a Spartan quiting? Just joking. Well at least you're going back.
Did you have Surround Sound?

Sadly no, however I found the atmosphere produced by the music and sound effects to still be very impressive and disturbing. I still remember those screams and the thumping heart. Classic.

Owner of Wii, DS and 360, planning on getting a PS3 when it's cheaper. Supporter of all consoles.

Silicon Knights is currently financially mired in the train wreck that is Too Human, its doubtful we'll see Eternal Darkness 2 much ales the trilogy that was promised. I'm worried that if they do make an Eternal Darkness 2, it will be a rushed effort in order to make a quick buck to dig them out of their financial troubles.

Yes I did, because it's awesome!!! One of the greatest games last gen IMO. The story is excellent, once you've finished it 100% you'll think, wow. All the hints and just, omg, yea brilliant.

Top notch atmosphere, use of sound, terrific voice acting. My only gripe about it is that there is no sequel!!

Amazing game. I bought it new for $10 2 years back and have to say it is one of the best gaming experiences I have ever had. I hope to one day finish the other paths.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

gamingdevil said:
Yucks! I hated the game! I bought it just last Christmas and i hated the controls and the camera! The only great thing (IMO) in this game is the whole dark atmosphere.

Do you think if you had played it at the time of its launch you would have like it better? Meaning, alot of times other people find ways, during the life of a system to utilize the controller and hardware better.

For instance Call of Duty was a good FPS on the Wii but when MP3 was released they found a better way to use the Wii remote a way that will probably be the standard for now on.