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Forums - Sales Discussion - WW UP! 360 reigns supreme!!

Skeeuk said:
kowenicki said:
Skeeuk said:

WOW they have all come out now as expected, laying quite all this time then coming out beating drums.

grats to microsoft, new redesign discounted consoles old4new trade-in has bumped the WW numbers by a large margin.

exaclty like the ps3 slim then...

sort of similar, but i reckon more xbox owners have or willing to trade in thier old for the new model, than ps3 owners with the ps3 slim.

if majority were new purchases of the 360 slim, SW would have bumped up considerably, so its safe to say most of those sales are upgraders. il prolly end up getting both slims by end of year anyway, but the new slim 360 is much more desirable than the old.

Some of use have been here all along, note even winning my bet I can be modest as it was ALWAYS going to happen.  Not a lot to get really excited about yet though until we get into August and see the pre xmas level.  360 needs to trend above the PS3 before the holidays if Microsoft expect to beat it this holiday, I expect this will be possible when the new model gets a modest price cut (especially in the EU and Japan) post the clearance of old models.

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rafichamp said:

Good sales for 360, but I'd say ps3 is back up top in 2 weeks max (only old 360 units r sold out in Canada, slim models r in full stock).


 i think sells of 360 will stabilize and come back down in 2 or 3 wk's. next wk the sells will be less then 30k diff in favor of 360.

selnor said:
EncodedNybble said:

I would like to wager money, but can't actually ;)  So, what are the usual wagers on here, I put up a particular signature for a set period of time?

Sounds good. I realise now that 6 months is a long time. And that even 1 sale makes me lose. ROFL.

But I wont back out. I'm a man. :)

Being a man does not make this wager a fair one. He changed the rules on you. 1 week sales does not maketh a comeback. I would haggle for something a little bit more realistic as you will be hammered by the slightlest glitch but you point will still be valid.

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.
Skeeuk said:
kowenicki said:
Skeeuk said:

WOW they have all come out now as expected, laying quite all this time then coming out beating drums.

grats to microsoft, new redesign discounted consoles old4new trade-in has bumped the WW numbers by a large margin.

exaclty like the ps3 slim then...

sort of similar, but i reckon more xbox owners have or willing to trade in thier old for the new model, than ps3 owners with the ps3 slim.

if majority were new purchases of the 360 slim, SW would have bumped up considerably, so its safe to say most of those sales are upgraders. il prolly end up getting both slims by end of year anyway, but the new slim 360 is much more desirable than the old.

Not a fair comparison as the PS3 Slim conincided with a hefty price reduction. I would also argue that a number of those sales were to existing customers. After all it was small shiny and black just the sort of bate a fisherman would use to snag a gamer.

If anything the 360 owners have more reasons to want to upgrade, the reality was the PS3 slim removed functionality the 360 is adding it. Couple this with older machines in the market many still prone to the original defect and you have a good reason to purchase. This argument is often used to tried and belittle sales so I will expect to see it used repeatedly if the numbers remain high

Having said that due to the scarcity of the first round of consoles it is likely that the hardcore will be the bulk of the early purchasers. The advertising campaign is in full swing, but they will need to get them into the shops  as they have nothing to purchase at the moment (Except in Canada which as rafichamp pointed out still as them in stock last I looked the ca version of Amazon had them in stock with more arriving soon).

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.
welshbloke said:
Skeeuk said:
kowenicki said:
Skeeuk said:

WOW they have all come out now as expected, laying quite all this time then coming out beating drums.

grats to microsoft, new redesign discounted consoles old4new trade-in has bumped the WW numbers by a large margin.

exaclty like the ps3 slim then...

sort of similar, but i reckon more xbox owners have or willing to trade in thier old for the new model, than ps3 owners with the ps3 slim.

if majority were new purchases of the 360 slim, SW would have bumped up considerably, so its safe to say most of those sales are upgraders. il prolly end up getting both slims by end of year anyway, but the new slim 360 is much more desirable than the old.

 of bate a fisherman would use to snag a gamer.

If anything the 360 owners have more reasons to want to upgrade, the reality was the PS3 slim removed functionality the 360 is adding it. Couple this with older machines in the market many still prone to the original defect and you have a good reason to purchase. This argument is often used to tried and belittle sales so I will expect to see it used repeatedly if the numbers remain high

Having said that due to the scarcity of the first round of consoles it is likely that the hardcore will be the bulk of the early purchasers. The advertising campaign is in full swing, but they will need to get them into the shops  as they have nothing to purchase at the moment (Except in Canada which as rafichamp pointed out still as them in stock last I looked the ca version of Amazon had them in stock with more arriving soon).

i've argued the same point agianst PS3 Slim and i'm here to do it again against the 360 slim. we all know some current 360 owners will go out and buy this new version of the 360 and for me it doesn't tell the true story of what the console is selling?


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very nice sales.





Damn...those are some pretty good sales. I just hope that this continues on a weekly basis.

kowenicki said:

Some PS3 fans need to get a reality check...

The PS3 is now down to 119k... this when one (incredibly) thought it would never drop below 250k again and some more voiced staying above 200k was possible.   Even sensible fans would have not believed a drop to 119k possible.

The PS3 is currently only tracking up by 20% on 2009, this means a massive drop off soon.

If the current trend continues then by the end of August it will be around 1.6m up on 2009.  1m of this will evaporate during September and October... at least.  I dont think the PS3 performance this year is as good as some think.




Based on my calculations thats actually a weaker response from the price drop than there was to $400. I suspect they have passed the point of diminishing returns and any successive price cuts will be weaker in the mid term (5-6 months vs same time previous year old price). I suspect we've already passed that magic price point barrier for all consoles and perhaps because of this we may not see an Xbox 360 price cut.

@Werekitten: If you read this, see! See!!!! I was right! (no offense lol)


welshbloke said:
selnor said:
EncodedNybble said:

I would like to wager money, but can't actually ;)  So, what are the usual wagers on here, I put up a particular signature for a set period of time?

Sounds good. I realise now that 6 months is a long time. And that even 1 sale makes me lose. ROFL.

But I wont back out. I'm a man. :)

Being a man does not make this wager a fair one. He changed the rules on you. 1 week sales does not maketh a comeback. I would haggle for something a little bit more realistic as you will be hammered by the slightlest glitch but you point will still be valid.

I didn't change any rules.  I responded to someone (not him) who said that the 360 would outsell the PS3 for the rest of the year.  Selnor jumped on it and said "Yeah! yada yada yada Kinetic bla bla bla". ;)  So, I assumed he was thinking the same thing as the original person I responded to.


If he wants a different bet, that's fine, that's what a disucssion is for.  The original poster I replied to said that the 360 would beat the ps3 for every week for the rest of the year, I was simply wanting to make that wager with him.


For reference this was the post I responded to originally.

shinyuhadouken on 06/28/10 10:27 PST

360 finally back on top of ps3. 

it'll probably stay like that for the remainder of the year.

Seece said:
kowenicki said:
deskpro2k3 said:

only in america

I think you will find a few other countries follwoing suit soon

Never heard so many excuses in all my life

That is not an excuse, it was simply a comment.

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