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Forums - Sales Discussion - WW UP! 360 reigns supreme!!

A lot of excuses..... damage control much?


Great sales from the X360, I guess summer just got interesting (in terms of sales) DS and Wii in their own league

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Ssenkahdavic said:

DS reigns supreme buddy.

But damn that is amazing for Americas.  I wonder how many of those are old stock vs new stock?

Good edit, tho no one "flipped" out.

Yeah nice 360 american sales top PS3 WW.  a nice 40k bump up from last week, tho i want to see if the difference was mae by the price drop or the new model

I Hate the fact that all these pillows are contaminated by retard!!

zero129 said:

Hahaha, the amount of damage controll in here from some PS3 fans is just so funny..

If im correct the PS3 was out selling the 360 by 150k a week for 2 months when the PS3 slim was announced and that was without price cuts on existing SKU's. Im not a fanboy im just saying that the 40k bump is largely from people buying older models with the price cut, not the new slim as much which is selling well. I got one with my discount. However if there are still older models around during the holidays and the price cut is still in  effect sony will be in lots o trouble

I Hate the fact that all these pillows are contaminated by retard!!

kowenicki said:
deskpro2k3 said:

only in america

I think you will find a few other countries follwoing suit soon

Never heard so many excuses in all my life


kowenicki said:
jneul said:
Seece said:

I don't see sales falling much now tbh, in America anyway, this will last a couple of months at least. Then they'll release a special edition Slim Halo console for september, after that we're going into the holiday and they'll launch the $149/$199 arcade, either close to or with Kinect

Game, set, match :D

no not by far yet lol xD, the magic $199 will sell more that that deal lol MS no way has this in the pocket the war goes on... not to mention at this point in x360's life(ps3 vs x360 lifetime) it only had 30million consoles, it does not take a genious to figure out ps3 is selling quicker

I see you lost your bet....

meh you call that a victory i already sent slowmo a message, he has not replied yet, at least I have the guts to admit I did not know about the 360 s deal when I made the bet and to be honest once I knew I kinda suspected it may not stand(my bet), new models always sell

it's the future of handheld


The official Vita thread

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FullMetalMerc said:
zero129 said:

Hahaha, the amount of damage controll in here from some PS3 fans is just so funny..

If im correct the PS3 was out selling the 360 by 150k a week for 2 months when the PS3 slim was announced and that was without price cuts on existing SKU's. Im not a fanboy im just saying that the 40k bump is largely from people buying older models with the price cut, not the new slim as much which is selling well. I got one with my discount. However if there are still older models around during the holidays and the price cut is still in  effect sony will be in lots o trouble

EDIT: nevermind, reading comprehension fail

FullMetalMerc said:
zero129 said:

Hahaha, the amount of damage controll in here from some PS3 fans is just so funny..

If im correct the PS3 was out selling the 360 by 150k a week for 2 months when the PS3 slim was announced and that was without price cuts on existing SKU's. Im not a fanboy im just saying that the 40k bump is largely from people buying older models with the price cut, not the new slim as much which is selling well. I got one with my discount. However if there are still older models around during the holidays and the price cut is still in  effect sony will be in lots o trouble

No the slim came with a $100 price was like a double whammy.

Bu ti agree with the sentiment of your post. This is great, but very normal for $50 price on existing SKU's and people rebuying a better concole version at full price.

In lieu of the aforementioned id say this is a pretty normal increase in sales, i dont understand why everyone thinks this will for some reason boost sales of the 360 long term when once the stock clears out its going to be back to square one.

Seece said:
kowenicki said:
deskpro2k3 said:

only in america

I think you will find a few other countries follwoing suit soon

Never heard os many excuses in all my life

Seece, its not excuses, youre talking about reigning supreme but when we analyze the variables its really not that me a name, make a sarcastic comment about how im scared but the PS3 at $100 more WW this year outsold the 360 by 1.1 million consoles...a weekly average of over 45k

Now, in a market in which over 60% of the 360's sales have come this year and 53% of its userbase resides, there was a $50 price cut coupled with upgrading existing users and the 360 still came short of what the PS3 was doing on average every week for 6.5 months.

Its just not as amazing as you wish it were, that doesnt mean im making excuses for these companies i have no ties too, im just pointing out in the grand scheme of things its really not that amazing.

EncodedNybble said:
FullMetalMerc said:
zero129 said:

Hahaha, the amount of damage controll in here from some PS3 fans is just so funny..

If im correct the PS3 was out selling the 360 by 150k a week for 2 months when the PS3 slim was announced and that was without price cuts on existing SKU's. Im not a fanboy im just saying that the 40k bump is largely from people buying older models with the price cut, not the new slim as much which is selling well. I got one with my discount. However if there are still older models around during the holidays and the price cut is still in  effect sony will be in lots o trouble

You're partially correct.  If memory serves me correctly the existing PS3 units were discounted by $100 after TGS 2009.  The slim was released in early September 2009.

Can't speak for World Wide, but in the States, the $100 reduction on existing PS3 SKU's was immediate...that is why I have a PS3 phat, because I wasn't waiting for a slim, I was waiting for (IMO) a reasonable price.

ON topic, I'm actually a little surpised, I wasn't expecting sales that high given the limited availability of the 360 S and lack of advertising of the existing SKU pricecut.

steverhcp02 said:
Seece said:
kowenicki said:
deskpro2k3 said:

only in america

I think you will find a few other countries follwoing suit soon

Never heard os many excuses in all my life

Seece, its not excuses, youre talking about reigning supreme but when we analyze the variables its really not that me a name, make a sarcastic comment about how im scared but the PS3 at $100 more WW this year outsold the 360 by 1.1 million consoles...a weekly average of over 45k

Now, in a market in which over 60% of the 360's sales have come this year and 53% of its userbase resides, there was a $50 price cut coupled with upgrading existing users and the 360 still came short of what the PS3 was doing on average every week for 6.5 months.

Its just not as amazing as you wish it were, that doesnt mean im making excuses for these companies i have no ties too, im just pointing out in the grand scheme of things its really not that amazing.

Actually analyzing the data compared to PS3 slim launch and all the variables. 360s release is looking like a better success. 

You mention this price cut. The same thing that happened to PS3 ( which were still available during the first 2 months of PS3 slim ).

And you are very wrong about the PS3 average. It only managed 105,000 in Launch week of PS3 slim in a better time of the year. And by week 3 was at 112,000.