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Forums - Sales Discussion - WW UP! 360 reigns supreme!!

Japan will have small bump

but 5000, is ten times better than 200 or 500 sales for xbox 1 each week in Japan.


ms doing a clever marketing here

July - November xbox 360 S will have very good WW sales

then they will doing a Kinect Bundle for Nov-Dec, this will bump the sales even more

June and July NPD will be interesting.

Around the Network

Not bad, should be improving in the coming months I hope.


                                       That's Gordon Freeman in "Real-Life"


Excellent Xbox 360 sales!!

It will be interesting to see where it settles after the dust acclimatises!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

jarrod said:
chenguo4 said:

Redesign's doing well.

Anyone think there'll be a second wave of slims? It seems to me both the ps3 and the 360 slim versions aren't that slim at all. With an HDD I doubt we'd get to PS2 slim status, but surely when the next generation hits, a last revision could push sales one final time.

Wii slim?  lol!

Actually, they probably could make Wi slimmer if they dropped the GC controller/memory ports (which would also mean dropping backwards compatibility).  Maybe they could throw in DVD playback, a much bigger flash drive (2GB or more), integrate Motion Plus into the base Wiimote design...

Yes, now that they bundle it almost everywhere, it would make sense and it would make them save a few quids. Moreover, not having to plug a dongle would give users the sensation of greater toughness. Finally, WM Plus included in a more definitive way than bundling, would persuade 3rd parties to use its features on more games.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

why didn't it sell more in europe? I think it's undertracked in PAL

Around the Network

Excellent Xbox 360 sales!!

It will be interesting to see where it settles after the dust acclimatises!

Rather disapointing after all the declarations about people changing their fat xboses into slims.


I think the numbers are not dissapointing due to the actual number of days on sale and the limited number available. You only have to look around and I think it will be supply constraint that is holding the redesigned 360 up for this week and for the coming weeks.

Amazon - Backorder expected delivery 13 July

Best buy - Backorder 1 - 2 weeks

Walmart - Out of stock no further information

I am sure a large bulk of these sales will be to existing customers a lot will also be new customers especially with the volume of advertising and the newness of the product. I think it is fair to say a lot of the PS3 Slim models went to existing PS3 owners. The difference with the slim is it took a combination of price and a new model to stoke up the sales. I fully expect the price part of the 360 to arrive closer to Kinect launch and once the pipe has been cleared of the older stock.

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.
lolage said:

why didn't it sell more in europe? I think it's undertracked in PAL

Not sure if this is stating the obvious but the redesigned 360 is not on sale in Europe yet and the price reduction has not been communicated all the focus has been on advertising the new 360 for a mid month launch.

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.
Zlejedi said:

Rather disapointing after all the declarations about people changing their fat xboses into slims.

Shock horror! Who would of thought that the select few MS fans on vgchartz isn't indictive of the global consumer all those 'people' are all from America right? Anyway, lofty expectations based on niche generalisations aside, near tripling their previous weeks sales has to be looked at as a good thing for MS.