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Forums - Sales Discussion - WW UP! 360 reigns supreme!!

YES!XBOX = Domination! (except in Japan)

End of 2010 Predictions




(Made on 6-10-2010)

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I'm surprised by those umbers even though I shouldn't be, new model and outgoing clearance of the old units and a price cut should pull off some serious numbers. But I don't think this can hold up, the reason for that is my prediction, that everyone who ever wanted a Xbox already got one, be it elite or arcade, as they were cheap enough already. So this will not attract many new customers, some yes, but not a large ammount. So mostly the Xbox owners that already have an older model will go and replace it with the new "slim".

I expect sales drop after a week or two in the NA, with the same thing happening in EU (maybe only 2 week increase) and Japan no effect at all. Once old SKU's are sold out, people won't choose the new Xbox over the PS3Slim as the value in Slim is higher and they should be selling for the same price. So in a month time, I expect Xbox to be selling like it did right before the "slim" release. I.E. It won't create the momentum PS3 had with the slim release.

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

Lyrikalstylez said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
zero129 said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

RROD strikes again in a near future !!!

Reported for trolling as you're reply clarly was...

And also great sales for the 360 so far, next few weeks should be even bigger once it gets released to the rest of the world, and once hardware restraints go away.

I just have to lol at the sony fans saying "it wont last" , "sales should go back to normal within a few weeks"

i think ye guys now have alot to fear as now ye are starting to sound like the MS fans when the PS3 slim launched...

yes sales would be bigger but you are discounting the fact that once the the cheaper discouted 360 SKU's sell-out,their will be a drop in sales too.lets see how much XBOX S can go over the drop

360 S will continue to have high sales but not these high as sales will stablise but at a higher rate than they were for the past few months

Thats what they said about PS3 everywhere I go there sold out of the elite and slim 360's grrrrrr

PS3  SLIM had a long impending price cut not like 360 which after cheaper SKU's sell out will be back at the price

many people wanted to buy PS3 after PS2 but they couldn't because of the price,at 360's side all XBOX owners already are in

yes ELITE are sold out but we will see them coming in and stablizing in a few weeks

GrumpyM00SE said:

YES!XBOX = Domination! (except in Japan)

excpet WW too atm

USA domination except DS

aragod said:

I'm surprised by those umbers even though I shouldn't be, new model and outgoing clearance of the old units and a price cut should pull off some serious numbers. But I don't think this can hold up, the reason for that is my prediction, that everyone who ever wanted a Xbox already got one, be it elite or arcade, as they were cheap enough already. So this will not attract many new customers, some yes, but not a large ammount. So mostly the Xbox owners that already have an older model will go and replace it with the new "slim".

I expect sales drop after a week or two in the NA, with the same thing happening in EU (maybe only 2 week increase) and Japan no effect at all. Once old SKU's are sold out, people won't choose the new Xbox over the PS3Slim as the value in Slim is higher and they should be selling for the same price. So in a month time, I expect Xbox to be selling like it did right before the "slim" release. I.E. It won't create the momentum PS3 had with the slim release.

this would be true unless this Kinect thing takes off and potential/current wii owners buy into the hype

and buy one.....I think kinect will sell well but in my opinion they need a big title for launch to warrant a purchase

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Solid_Snake4RD said:
GrumpyM00SE said:

YES!XBOX = Domination! (except in Japan)

excpet WW too atm

USA domination except DS

It outsold DS in America?


Seece said:

I don't see sales falling much now tbh, in America anyway, this will last a couple of months at least. Then they'll release a special edition Slim Halo console for september, after that we're going into the holiday and they'll launch the $149/$199 arcade, either close to or with Kinect

NOW for USA:

cheaper SKU sellout = sales drop

XBOX S availability = sales increase

july 20th we should see them stablise 80k-90k


FALL 2010 for USA:

HALO REACH = one week increase

ARCADE SLIM = increase

KINECT = first few weeks medium increase,after few weeks slight increase

Seece said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
GrumpyM00SE said:

YES!XBOX = Domination! (except in Japan)

excpet WW too atm

USA domination except DS

It outsold DS in America?

i was comparing 360's America numbers with DS,WII,PSP,PS3 worldwide numbers as they are so high

Solid_Snake4RD said:
Seece said:

I don't see sales falling much now tbh, in America anyway, this will last a couple of months at least. Then they'll release a special edition Slim Halo console for september, after that we're going into the holiday and they'll launch the $149/$199 arcade, either close to or with Kinect

NOW for USA:

cheaper SKU sellout = sales drop

XBOX S availability = sales increase

july 20th we should see them stablise 80k-90k


FALL 2010 for USA:

HALO REACH = one week increase

ARCADE SLIM = increase

KINECT = first few weeks medium increase,after few weeks slight increase

Is this how you're hoping it goes


Only a few days of possibly constrained sales and minus the other major region so not bad I guess. MS are pushing the advertising hard in the UK (and would assume the rest of EU) but you have to wonder what people think when they say it is "Kinect ready" which must just be a mystery function to the average Joe. 

I am fighting the urge to buy one of these now especially as I have absolutely no need until at least the Kinect launch when I will have no choice but to buy as my family are totally sold on Kinect.

As for those pushing the price reductions argument. It works three ways yes some people will want to snap up the cheaper consoles yet others will want the new console and then others will wait until the old stock is completely deplenishded and the new model gets a price cut. I suspect the majority of that bump is mostly down to new stock.

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.