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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Killzone 3 Concept Art Showing New Characters and Environment

Some photographs from the Killzone 3 press event last month have surfaced showing off posters of new concept art.  The first two pictures showcase the two Helghast leaders vying for control after Visari's death (the former a Helghan General and the latter the head of Stahl Arms), while the other pictures show off new enemy designs (in hazmat suits, etc.) and a new environment (probably the jungle environment, but possibly some form of caves of some sort).

Also, there's a new page up on dedicated to the W.A.S.P., including demonstration dootage: W.A.S.P. Launcher, A Portable W.M.D.

Around the Network

Amazing concept art looks amazing.

btw, the helghast leaders look like

Easily the best looking enemies in any game

GodOfWar_3ever said:

Amazing concept art looks amazing.

btw, the helghast leaders look like

First guy looks more like Stalin.

Please tell me that W.M.D. isn't in the online...

4 ≈ One

Around the Network
Dgc1808 said:

Please tell me that W.M.D. isn't in the online...

I'd say it'll be like the Electricity gun in KZ2...Powerful SP only weapon.

WASP looks beyond badass!

The really look nazis .-. But still awseome! :D


Is this Killzone 3 or another COD game based on WWII?

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MLB 09: The Show(PS3)


Wow I love the look of the explosions in that! Looks amazing