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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XIV (Official Thread)

Just like XI, every version of the game you purchase will come with a 30 day free trial.

.....and on a side note, the collectors edition will cost me 87.45.

I hate the U.S.

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GameStop is offering FREE overnight shipping on Final Fantasy XIV to the first 3,000 customers. So hop on it! Instead of paying 87.45, I got it for 80.99! Wootaru!

I'd prolly get the digital deluxe edition on steam, if it will be there on steam anyways.

dahuman said:

I'd prolly get the digital deluxe edition on steam, if it will be there on steam anyways.

Should be. I wouldn't see as to why it wouldn't be considering that Final Fantasy XI is on steam.

I dunno if my idea is to far fetched but we should form a VG Chartz guild. =D

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I will buy this game if it doesn't have monthly subscription fees..

EDIT: Looks like not...well I'm passing this it seems. I don't like to be a slave of subscription fees, even if it offers more!

Can I join?

I will play it on PS3 =)

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

PakChiuCheng said:

I dunno if my idea is to far fetched but we should form a VG Chartz guild. =D

Said that for awhile :)

One of my gripes about FF12 (well not really a gripe) but didn't know anyone who liked FF enough to pay a monthly subscription fee - not that I know you guys really either, but better than grouping with total strangers

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

wenlan said:

Can I join?

I will play it on PS3 =)


I will have the collector's edition. It's only £10 more. 1 month's play is £8.99, so basically it's like paying it (because of the 30 days free play) and getting the goodies for £1.01!