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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XIV (Official Thread)

Wagram said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Wagram said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Do you guys think this will be a simulteneous Worldwide release?

Yes. Been stated quite a few times actually. They don't want the Japanese to have a 6 month head start again. Many felt this was really unfair.

Probably December again this year for Japan.

Looking at how things are going Japan is getting a mainine FF release every year on PS3 staring 2009. (2010 = XIV, 2011 = Versus XIII, 2012 = XV)

My guess is late Nov - Early Dec. That is if no drastic problems arise in the beta.


The Alpha to Beta changes are weird though, a lot of them seem to have made it only a bit better or worse.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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darthdevidem01 said:


The Alpha to Beta changes are weird though, a lot of them seem to have made it only a bit better or worse.

I know they had a tough time with the Alpha. Servers were a little buggy. But they were only running like 1 at the time. But they said they had it under control now. and have no expanded to aprox 10 servers. All named after the FF baddies.

..........Yes there is a server called KEFKA!

Beta should be starting within a few weeks. Check your inboxes. The beta wave invites have gone out.

Damn Verizon has been down all day.

Awesome! Thanks for the awesome posts!

I hope FFXIV will have Playstation Move 3-D Mouse support as the PC Mouse counter part.


Keep up the good work!

Will the PS3 be the first and most successful multi-million selling piracy & hack-free console of all time?



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ghinasky said:

Awesome! Thanks for the awesome posts!

I hope FFXIV will have Playstation Move 3-D Mouse support as the PC Mouse counter part.


Keep up the good work!

It might. I know they said that they are taking it under consideration.

Looks pretty great. Could be my first MMO in years. I will be buying PC version of course because MMO and gamepad is not good combination. (lack of buttons and mouse)

KillerMan said:

Looks pretty great. Could be my first MMO in years. I will be buying PC version of course because MMO and gamepad is not good combination. (lack of buttons and mouse)

I'm using my PS3 controller with MMOs. Sadly I HATE the keyboard and mouse for games. I loved FFXIs control scheme with the controller. and XIV is mostly the same, so i'm in!

The single player battle theme totally owns the hell out of the crap XI solo battle theme.

1.1k boost in American Pre-Order sales this week! Not too shabby.