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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XIV (Official Thread)

This just in!

The Beta starts on Saturday July 10th.


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Update: Pre-Orders

It has been about 8 or 9 days now since the pre-orders have started. FFXIV dropped to 3rd place with about a 70% buying rate per page visited.

Now it is back up to 2nd with a 92% buying rate.

Holy crap that is good for a C.E. considering the S.E. has like a 30% or less.

Some interesting tidbits:

FFXIV will have a longer more epic story than that of XI.

PvP content is in the works.

The game will have 3 different styles of cutscenes. Ones where you just get text while talking to NPCs. Ones where you get an in-game scene that is fully voiced, with full motion capture. and ones that are full CGI cutscenes.

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Do not break NDAs on the forums. -naznatips

This week in Pre-Order updates:

XIV got a MASSIVE PC pre-order boost. This is likely due that the release date was announced.

36,265 Pre-Orders

Total with 12 weeks to go: 41,231

That is spectacular IMO for the game only being on the chart for 2 weeks now.

PS3 Version gained:


Total with N/A weeks to go: 14,604


Overall : 55,835

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I read that S-E just sent a bunch of invites for Beta testing today. I might have got one, as I applied for it.

Yeah anyway... I wonder how much people here got one, just being curious but I know people can't say anything.

lolita said:

I read that S-E just sent a bunch of invites for Beta testing today. I might have got one, as I applied for it.

Yeah anyway... I wonder how much people here got one, just being curious but I know people can't say anything.

Can't tell if you got one or not, it breaks NDA. :P

But good luck to ya! :D

They sent out "thousands" from what I read.

This is prolly posted somewhere else but, I'm to lazy to search around.
I don't know how this will effect some people so, here is the news!

FFXIV only on PS3/PC because Microsoft Said "No"

And this is where I found it;

Pretty much nailed the coffin on this. But, PC/Windows is Microsoft too.

What this means? My guess is SE will keep turning to Microsoft to expand their fan base. But we'll see.

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5

PlayStation Network is definitely a more flexible structure.

I'm ready to take on the world. That's a lot of money for a single mmo, better be awesome :)