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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Morgan Webb rants about Super Mario Galaxy 2, hilariously bad reasons

Rpruett said:

The word 'Cartoony' can be a very subjective word.  It can be very open-ended.  Her definition of Cartoony and your definition of Cartoony may very well differ.  Essentially making your 'opinion' that her 'opinion' has no ground to stand on....and invalid one.    So while you can certainly question it, debate it, argue it.   You cannot act as if it is unreasonable, illogical, or even has bad reasons for having it.

She thinks Mario is cartoony due to the fact that it has colorful graphics and non-sense characters. There's nothing to argue here, that's what she thinks. Why else would she think the game is cartoony, huh?

If the game is 98% 3D (Your words not mine) than what about that 2%?  Is she not allowed to really dislike that 2% that isn't 3D?    Again, you are saying her opinion is crazy, absurd, has no basis to be made because it stands in directly opposite to yours.

Are you fucking kidding me? She wants the game to be more 3D when a good 25 hours of the game already are. She plays in 2D more for 30 minutes tops. That is not a valid complaint. She didn't say she didn't like the 2D, just "Moar 3D". You think there isn't ENOUGH 3D platforming in the game?


In otherwords, You can't say her opinion on this matter is incorrect or false because you cannot prove it. And they aren't horrible reasons. Mario is a cartoony game.  Some people will love that (And have), some people will hate that (and have).  Super Mario Galaxy 2 has 2D parts (True or false?)  That might be too much 2D for someone.  (Again which would validate her dislike for it.).

I can most certainly prove it. The Mario and Luigi games are cartoony as well along with Ratchet and Clank and she still likes them. She is using invalid reasons to construe the idea that SMG2 is bad. 


I think Nintendo fans upset by this need to get over it.  She doesn't like the game.  That doesn't mean she has some weird bias against Nintendo or anything absurd like that.  It means she is disappointed for a myriad of reasons with the Mario series.   I actually agree with that notion as well.

She's saying that she wants more 3D when there's 25 hours of 3D platforming and is being a hypocrite for the cartoony graphics reasons. She's pretty obviously biased.

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dtewi said:
Rpruett said:

Sure it is. 

Mario has progressed in 25 years.  What I have mentioned is the stagnation of the series since the original 3D Mario hit the scene.   I showed several other series which have in most cases really changed a lot in 13-14 years.  

How has Mario not changed as much as Gran Turismo?

In terms of pure appearance...It's not even close.  Gran Turismo has changed 10 fold while Mario 64 / Mario Galaxy is very comparable. 

In terms of gameplay, Gran Turismo hasn't changed much in terms of 'controls' I would say but much of that is primarily due to the nature of game it is.  A racing sim isn't going to suddenly add 15 different controls.   But the physics and all of the other components contained within a Gran Turismo as well as the little fine details all add up and maybe aren't inherently noticeable by the average player but all work towards a more realistic result.

I mean honestly, what has been added to Mario 64.  That is game breaking?  I know gravity,but many games use some form of gravity nowadays.

Rpruett said:

In terms of pure appearance...It's not even close.  Gran Turismo has changed 10 fold while Mario 64 / Mario Galaxy is very comparable. 

You're insane! Mario Galaxy is miles better than 64! Why don't you PLAY the games before saying stupid shit like that?

In terms of gameplay, Gran Turismo hasn't changed much in terms of 'controls' I would say but much of that is primarily due to the nature of game it is.  A racing sim isn't going to suddenly add 15 different controls.   But the physics and all of the other components contained within a Gran Turismo as well as the little fine details all add up and maybe aren't inherently noticeable by the average player but all work towards a more realistic result.

I mean honestly, what has been added to Mario 64.  That is game breaking?  I know gravity,but many games use some form of gravity nowadays.

Let's see....

New Powerups

New Levels

New Playable Characters such as Luigi and Yoshi

More Linearity 

Star Bits that you can use to buy new levels

Entirely new gameplay mechanics that revolve around the idea of moving around on the planet's 3D surface instead of its 2D surface in 64

Not to mention every fucking level is new and creative.

Discount those reasons for Galaxy just being a recycled 64.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

dtewi said:

She thinks Mario is cartoony due to the fact that it has colorful graphics and non-sense characters. There's nothing to argue here, that's what she thinks. Why else would she think the game is cartoony, huh?

Are you fucking kidding me? She wants the game to be more 3D when a good 25 hours of the game already are. She plays in 2D more for 30 minutes tops. That is not a valid complaint. She didn't say she didn't like the 2D, just "Moar 3D". You think there isn't ENOUGH 3D platforming in the game?


I can most certainly prove it. The Mario and Luigi games are cartoony as well along with Ratchet and Clank and she still likes them. She is using invalid reasons to construe the idea that SMG2 is bad. 


She's saying that she wants more 3D when there's 25 hours of 3D platforming and is being a hypocrite for the cartoony graphics reasons. She's pretty obviously biased.

1.)  Wait so a game that has colorful graphics and non-sensical characters isn't liked by someone because they said they felt it had too much colorful graphics and non-sensical characters?  Isn't that again the very foundation of a basic opinion.  She feels it is over-done.  Over the top.  Too Cartoony.   Who are you to say which degree is too cartoony to complain about?  Again, it's subjective.

2.)  Again,  some people are picky SOBs.  That 30 minutes of 2D might have really been a deal breaker for her.  It's just like anything else.  Kill Zone 2 got panned critically for it's controls because they didn't resemble Call of Duty's.  (Well no shit it's a different game), but that doesn't matter.  Everyone has an opinion on a subject.   An incorrect opinion on this would be her saying that a game that contains NO 2D, has too much 2D.  Since this game has 2D portions, she is incorrect in her opinion.

3.)  Again, they are different games.  Maybe she felt they were fitting with what was being presented in the game.  Maybe she has different expectations from DS games or Wii games.  A console with more horsepower than a handheld you might hold with different regards in terms of appearance and how games should look.   Ratchet and Clank is a totally different ball of wax.   Just because Ratchet and Clank is a cartoon game doesn't mean it suddenly is Mario's equivalent in cartoon appearance.  Maybe, she feels that Ratchet and Clank is the right amount of Cartoony and Mario is too much.  I certainly would say in my opinion that R&C is less cartoony than SMG. (Even though both are cartoons).  Again, you can't prove this point.

4.)  People dislike games for different things all the time.  People complain about swearing in games. People complain about controls, appearance, etc.  What's your point?   The points she raises certainly exist in the game and while some people love them, some might absolutely hate them.  Thus making the opinion valid (Able to be questioned, but still valid).   There is enough 2D in the game for someone to be bothered by it obviously and I'm sure she isn't the only one saying it.     Just because she didn't do the routine ball wash of Super Mario Galaxy 2 doesn't mean she is biased.

dtewi said:

New Powerups

New Playable Characters such as Luigi and Yoshi

More Linearity 

Star Bits that you can use to buy new levels

Entirely new gameplay mechanics that revolve around the idea of moving around on the planet's 3D surface instead of its 2D surface in 64

Discount those reasons for Galaxy just being a recycled 64.

Removing redundancies. Things like new levels(seriously?).  Every game has 'new levels'.   I'm talking on a legitimate sense.  These above are the 'improvements' to the Mario series in 14 years. 

- Linearity

- Star Bits


-Playable Characters

- Walking on 3D Surfaces

I would say a good portion of those features we have witnessed games add between sequels in the same generation a year or two apart.  14 years later and one of the big innovations is 'Collecting Star Bits?'.  Since when is Linearity something that is applauded?   You're making my case for me.

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Rpruett said:

1.)  Wait so a game that is has colorful graphics and non-sensical characters isn't like by someone because they said they felt it had too much colorful graphics and non-sensical characters?  Isn't that again the very foundation of a basic opinion.  She feels it is over-done.  Over the top.  Too Cartoony.   Who are you to say which degree is too cartoony.

2.)  Again,  some people are picky SOBs.  That 30 minutesof 2D might have really been a deal breaker for her.  It's just like anything else.  Kill Zone 2 got panned critically for it's controls because they didn't resemble Call of Duty's.  (Well no shit it's a different game), but that doesn't matter.  Everyone has an opinion on a subject.   An incorrect opinion on this would be her saying that a game that contains NO 2D, has too much 2D.  Since this game has 2D portions, she is incorrect in her opinion.

3.)  Again, they are different games.  Maybe she felt they were fitting with what was being presented in the game.  Maybe she has different expectations from DS games or Wii games.  A console with more horsepower than a handheld you might hold with different regards in terms of appearance and how games should look.   Ratchet and Clank is a totally different ball of wax.   Just because Ratchet and Clank is a cartoon game doesn't mean it suddenly is Mario's equivalent in cartoon appearance.  Maybe, she feels that Ratchet and Clank is the right amount of Cartoony and Mario is too much.  I certainly would say in my opinion that R&C is less cartoony than SMG. (Even though both are cartoons).  Again, you can't prove this point.

4.)  People dislike games for different things all the time.  People complain about swearing in games. People complain about controls, appearance, etc.  What's your point?   The points she raises certainly exist in the game and while some people love them, some might absolutely hate them.  Thus making the opinion valid (Able to be questioned, but still valid).   There is enough 2D in the game for someone to be bothered by it obviously and I'm sure she isn't the only one saying it.     Just because she didn't do the routine ball wash of Super Mario Galaxy 2 doesn't mean she is biased.

Points 1 and 3)

Look, you're just making shit up. You're trying to back up her opinion of it being too cartoony by bringing up things she's never even said before. The game is no more cartoony than the DS games yet she loves those. She is being a hypocrite, she didn't mention the degree of cartooniness, just that she is an adult and doesn't want cartoony games even though she's played them.

2) She's being irrational saying she wants more 3D. 30 minutes of 2D gameplay is by far not a deal breaker.

4) Because she's making up reasons to not like Super Mario Galaxy 2!

She says she's an adult who doesn't like cartoon-styled game even though she's admitted to liking to them. What's your response to that?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Rpruett said:

Removing redundancies. Things like new levels(seriously?).  Every game has 'new levels'.   I'm talking on a legitimate sense.  These above are the 'improvements' to the Mario series in 14 years. 

- Linearity

- Star Bits


-Playable Characters

- Walking on 3D Surfaces

I would say a good portion of those features we have witnessed games add between sequels in the same generation a year or two apart.  14 years later and one of the big innovations is 'Collecting Star Bits?'.  Since when is Linearity something that is applauded?   You're making my case for me.

You're being a troll you know.

"I want majah differences from a sequal! Raaaaghh!"

You're saying Gran Turismo has had more changes even though it is still just driving.

Mario will always and forever be jumping.

And yes, gravity is a fucking huge change since almost every level centers around that idea.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Dtewi, stop.

Walk away now.

Khuutra said:

Dtewi, stop.

Walk away now.

Someone is wrong on the internet.

(Don't worry, I can keep my temper down enough to not get banned.)

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

dtewi said:
Khuutra said:

Dtewi, stop.

Walk away now.

Someone is wrong on the internet.

(Don't worry, I can keep my temper down enough to not get banned.)

This isn't going to go anywhere. You gain nothing from continuing this, and neither does Rpruett.

You could be replaying FFIX, or actually buying SMG2.