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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Morgan Webb rants about Super Mario Galaxy 2, hilariously bad reasons

mai said:


im saying this for the last time. it's her opinion and she has a right to it.

In my opinion, your opinion sucks. What's your opinon on my opinion concerning your opinion?

your opinnion sucks to. im happy we found common ground.

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LordTheNightKnight said:

Opinions are not automatically valid. They still have to be based on things that are true and reasonable.

Let's say Bob says he likes apples more than oranges, because oranges are not sweet. Since sweetness is one of the four things taste buds detecet, and since oranges set off those buds, that opinion is not valid, since it's based on a false fact.

Or a real life thing where IGN complained about parts of Sonic and the Black Knight, which were not true, and indicated the reviewer hadn't completed the game, but was making comments as though the reviewer did. Thus the opinion of the review wasn't valid, since the reviewer wasn't being truthful.

So if Morgan's comments were not reasonable, that is not a valid opinion. So her comments should be looked at to determine whether or not they were.

i don't know. you got me sit'n' on a stum with that one LoL. it's reasonable because it's visual perception. lets say i see something that doesn't look right to me but it looks right to you. my opinion of how it looks can't be challenged because we see things differently.

some people posted about her love of R&C, and the fact that she loves that game, but didn't talk about how cartoony it was so they called her a hypocrite. the thing is that she can like what ever she wants to like without being challenged.

it's like oranges and bananas. love oranges but i don't to mutch carre for bananas because there soft, but if you think about it. oranges are soft to and some people will contradict me all day and say im wrong because there both soft.


Here's the thing. Have you looked at the video to determine what her opinion is based on? I haven't, because it was taken down before I could look. So I'm trying not to directly comment on what she said since I don't know exactly what she said. But the notion of opinions can never be questioned is something I disagree with strongly.

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mai said:


im saying this for the last time. it's her opinion and she has a right to it.

In my opinion, your opinion sucks. What's your opinon on my opinion concerning your opinion?

your opinnion sucks to. im happy we found common ground.

See? That's how awful argument can get, when people shielding with opinions without proper arguments to back them up.

funny How Marcus dindt reply about my soccer example

I'll just say this

 Lately on a lot of post, I see people tryin to defend others with the opinions excuse

but like I said if u aint qualified to be talkin about a somethin then ur opinion doesnt matter

and if she dissin mario for bein cartoony then she's not qualified to be takin seriously from us real gamers

Nintendo made me a gamer so I'd be stupid to ever try to forget that                                             like so many people nowadays

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twistedcellz said:
hsrob said:
IxisNaugus said:
dtewi said:

it's still her OP.

*bashes skull against wall*

You didn't really expect people to have moved on did you? Do you really think they're here to defend Morgan Webb? We'll be seeing a lot more of these posts in the future.

it's sad when the right of the  OP dies. whats even worse is that it died online, and not by war.

I'm going to say this for the last time in this thread because I'm assuming you mustn't have read most of the other posts but the expression is "everyone has the right to their opinion", not the right to have their opinion go unchallenged.

The manner in which she stated her opinion is the problem, if she had said, "I don't like Mario and I don't like this game" and left it at that this thread would have died pages ago if it was created at all.

im saying this for the last time. it's her opinion and she has a right to it.

I say this she dont kno what she talkin about

so f*** her opinion

and thats for real, if somebody is complainin about mario bein cartoony and mario has always bein like that. That means that u never liked him in the first place, so in this case ur opinion doesnt count cuz ur biased.

Just like I hate soccer, so if I say the new soccer game is really bad then u as a soccer fan,what would u think of my opinion.

Its BullS*** thats what u would say

no your opinnion is biased, but i can respect that. and reading my mind is a good trick how did you do that? your saying she doesn't have the right to say what she wants to about anything. thats biased! im having a free and open discussion about this and calling me biased is over the line, cause no matter how mutch i may dissagree with you i would have never called you biased. but you've forced my hand.

she can complain about Mario's cartoony look all day if she wants to. calling me biased isn't cool because i never said it's my way or no way. being biased would imply that we couldn't dissagree, or my opinion is the only one that matters but i didn't say that. now i have done neither of the things listed under the definition of bias, but i do respect your opinnion of me being bias although i dissagree. and this is where i end my debate with you good sir.

Definitions of bias on the Web:

  • a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation





Around the Network
LordTheNightKnight said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

Opinions are not automatically valid. They still have to be based on things that are true and reasonable.

Let's say Bob says he likes apples more than oranges, because oranges are not sweet. Since sweetness is one of the four things taste buds detecet, and since oranges set off those buds, that opinion is not valid, since it's based on a false fact.

Or a real life thing where IGN complained about parts of Sonic and the Black Knight, which were not true, and indicated the reviewer hadn't completed the game, but was making comments as though the reviewer did. Thus the opinion of the review wasn't valid, since the reviewer wasn't being truthful.

So if Morgan's comments were not reasonable, that is not a valid opinion. So her comments should be looked at to determine whether or not they were.

i don't know. you got me sit'n' on a stum with that one LoL. it's reasonable because it's visual perception. lets say i see something that doesn't look right to me but it looks right to you. my opinion of how it looks can't be challenged because we see things differently.

some people posted about her love of R&C, and the fact that she loves that game, but didn't talk about how cartoony it was so they called her a hypocrite. the thing is that she can like what ever she wants to like without being challenged.

it's like oranges and bananas. love oranges but i don't to mutch carre for bananas because there soft, but if you think about it. oranges are soft to and some people will contradict me all day and say im wrong because there both soft.


Here's the thing. Have you looked at the video to determine what her opinion is based on? I haven't, because it was taken down before I could look. So I'm trying not to directly comment on what she said since I don't know exactly what she said. But the notion of opinions can never be questioned is something I disagree with strongly.

repect the last sentence. i had already assumed you hadn't seen the video. yes i saw the video. i didn't mean to imply you had seen it, and where dabting the topic and for that i am srry. i ment to put that in the orginal post, but i didn't. im sure if you go to or youtube you'll find it.

but i wouldn't bother cause this has gotten out of hand. her opinion was based on the cartoony look and how shes over it in so many words. she never said the game play was bad, and she didn't reveiw it but im sure she played it.

mai said:
mai said:


im saying this for the last time. it's her opinion and she has a right to it.

In my opinion, your opinion sucks. What's your opinon on my opinion concerning your opinion?

your opinnion sucks to. im happy we found common ground.

See? That's how awful argument can get, when people shielding with opinions without proper arguments to back them up.

i don't get that, but with all the opinions that have been posted in forums all over this site sence it's creation: you'd think her opinion would just be agreed or dissagreed with and everyone would move on, but sadly thats not the case. the sad part is that i don't even remember what your opinion was?

can you tell me if anyone here has made a valid argument against her opinion. all im saying is that she can say what she wants to say about anything and not be called a hypocrite, and for those that do are hypocrites them selvies because they would want there opinions debated and respected.

she doesn't haft to be right because it's her opinion.

mai said:
mai said:


im saying this for the last time. it's her opinion and she has a right to it.

In my opinion, your opinion sucks. What's your opinon on my opinion concerning your opinion?

your opinnion sucks to. im happy we found common ground.

See? That's how awful argument can get, when people shielding with opinions without proper arguments to back them up.

so who here has the proper argument? im staritng to think it's all flawed and not even worth debating. it's not worth debating when i realy sit her and think about. arguing for someone elses opinion. what am i crazy? im not sleeping with her. shes not my girl. i refuse to defend her any longer.

twistedcellz said:
hsrob said:
IxisNaugus said:
dtewi said:

it's still her OP.

*bashes skull against wall*

You didn't really expect people to have moved on did you? Do you really think they're here to defend Morgan Webb? We'll be seeing a lot more of these posts in the future.

it's sad when the right of the  OP dies. whats even worse is that it died online, and not by war.

I'm going to say this for the last time in this thread because I'm assuming you mustn't have read most of the other posts but the expression is "everyone has the right to their opinion", not the right to have their opinion go unchallenged.

The manner in which she stated her opinion is the problem, if she had said, "I don't like Mario and I don't like this game" and left it at that this thread would have died pages ago if it was created at all.

im saying this for the last time. it's her opinion and she has a right to it.

I say this she dont kno what she talkin about

so f*** her opinion

and thats for real, if somebody is complainin about mario bein cartoony and mario has always bein like that. That means that u never liked him in the first place, so in this case ur opinion doesnt count cuz ur biased.

Just like I hate soccer, so if I say the new soccer game is really bad then u as a soccer fan,what would u think of my opinion.

Its BullS*** thats what u would say

no your opinnion is biased, but i can respect that. and reading my mind is a good trick how did you do that? your saying she doesn't have the right to say what she wants to about anything. thats biased! im having a free and open discussion about this and calling me biased is over the line, cause no matter how mutch i may dissagree with you i would have never called you biased. but you've forced my hand.

she can complain about Mario's cartoony look all day if she wants to. calling me biased isn't cool because i never said it's my way or no way. being biased would imply that we couldn't dissagree, or my opinion is the only one that matters but i didn't say that. now i have done neither of the things listed under the definition of bias, but i do respect your opinnion of me being bias although i dissagree. and this is where i end my debate with you good sir.

Definitions of bias on the Web:

  • a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation





I was just sayin an example with the soccer thing, I never said u were biased but she was.

and to say she doesnt have the right, thats true bcuz if Im a soldier and u sayin war is wrong

then ur opinion doesnt matter to me bcuz u nver been in the battlefield.

Sayin she dissin mario for bein somethin he always been, then that means she never liked him ( =biased) so she wouldnt have the right to argue with unbiased people who could say galaxy is not good compare bcuz mario 64 was better....

its the same as people as sayin war is not good even tho their opinion matters but to a soldier or the army, they cant be taken seriously.

Just like for us real gamers who will never describe a game bad bcuz its too cartoony

she is not to be taken seriously so her op is bshit to us

Nintendo made me a gamer so I'd be stupid to ever try to forget that                                             like so many people nowadays

The Top  Best Consoles Are SNES and PSX 

Currently Playing: 1.Monster Hunter tri 2.MegaMan 10

twistedcellz said:
twistedcellz said:
hsrob said:
IxisNaugus said:
dtewi said:

it's still her OP.

*bashes skull against wall*

You didn't really expect people to have moved on did you? Do you really think they're here to defend Morgan Webb? We'll be seeing a lot more of these posts in the future.

it's sad when the right of the  OP dies. whats even worse is that it died online, and not by war.

I'm going to say this for the last time in this thread because I'm assuming you mustn't have read most of the other posts but the expression is "everyone has the right to their opinion", not the right to have their opinion go unchallenged.

The manner in which she stated her opinion is the problem, if she had said, "I don't like Mario and I don't like this game" and left it at that this thread would have died pages ago if it was created at all.

im saying this for the last time. it's her opinion and she has a right to it.

I say this she dont kno what she talkin about

so f*** her opinion

and thats for real, if somebody is complainin about mario bein cartoony and mario has always bein like that. That means that u never liked him in the first place, so in this case ur opinion doesnt count cuz ur biased.

Just like I hate soccer, so if I say the new soccer game is really bad then u as a soccer fan,what would u think of my opinion.

Its BullS*** thats what u would say

no your opinnion is biased, but i can respect that. and reading my mind is a good trick how did you do that? your saying she doesn't have the right to say what she wants to about anything. thats biased! im having a free and open discussion about this and calling me biased is over the line, cause no matter how mutch i may dissagree with you i would have never called you biased. but you've forced my hand.

she can complain about Mario's cartoony look all day if she wants to. calling me biased isn't cool because i never said it's my way or no way. being biased would imply that we couldn't dissagree, or my opinion is the only one that matters but i didn't say that. now i have done neither of the things listed under the definition of bias, but i do respect your opinnion of me being bias although i dissagree. and this is where i end my debate with you good sir.

Definitions of bias on the Web:

  • a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation





I was just sayin an example with the soccer thing, I never said u were biased but she was.

and to say she doesnt have the right, thats true bcuz if Im a soldier and u sayin war is wrong

then ur opinion doesnt matter to me bcuz u nver been in the battlefield.

Sayin she dissin mario for bein somethin he always been, then that means she never liked him ( =biased) so she wouldnt have the right to argue with unbiased people who could say galaxy is not good compare bcuz mario 64 was better....

its the same as people as sayin war is not good even tho their opinion matters but to a soldier or the army, they cant be taken seriously.

Just like for us real gamers who will never describe a game bad bcuz its too cartoony

she is not to be taken seriously so her op is bshit to us

now that i can understand and some what agree with, but i don't think it means shes always hated Mario! i think it means shes just grown out of him. it looks more kidy thean cartoony and miyamoto himself said that was and is something he was trying to avoid.

you know shes going to play it anyway. just like me eventhough it looks kidy to me. kidy but just can't stay away from Mario? i grew up gaming with that guy! from the Nes all the way to the wii.