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Forums - General Discussion - Rate The Movie Above


Rugrats The Movie

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network

realy a 8 ? for me the movies were like 4 and thats only because of angelina jolie
spider-man - the first was good 8/10 - the rest were not that good so more like a 6

the departed

Lol I was goimg to say that

sweet childhood movie

The Patriot

looks like my comment above was too late -_-

The Departed: 7/10
The Patriot: 8.2/10

Spider-Man 2

Around the Network


I see the hate comments now

The Wolfman

Not seen

Spider-Man 2 -- 10/10


Kill Bill Vol 1

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


Spider-Man 3

That was the worse one

Life is beautiful

Since no one saw Life is beautiful, I'll skip it and I'll rate Spider-Man 3 myself since you made a little typo in your score.

Spider-Man 3: 9.3/10

Edward Scissorhands