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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Elimation Game---Game of the Year Edition

ssj12 said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
Im with you leo

just back off and let them do whatever they want, just proves how much this site is pro nintendo and why many dont consider us accurate......


 Anyone who believes that because the site is representative of the population at large it is biased is clearly not someone we want posting here anyways.

The fact is that the Wii and its games are popular, if folks can't look past their own preferences and see that then I would say that is more of a deterence to people taking the site seriously than this list.  If anything it makes perfect sense that Wii fans come here, the sales are very Wii positive right now so Wii fans enjoy the positive atmosphere.  You would have a point if that positivity wasn't justified but considering that every form of sales tracking out there confirms these positive numbers (obviously at varying levels) it is hardly a valid reason to doubt the numbers, and as I was saying above the last thing this site needs is more posters who don't require validity in their ideas to post them.

Nobody is always right and even though people like to think they are "normal" their usually not the within the "norm".  This is the same reason why I concede the point about Mass Effect, I don't see it nearly in as positively a light as everyone else, but not every game is going to appeal to everyone and if I use my indifference to it as the sole reason for not giving it credit then I am basically blinding myself to reality just so everything fits my view of the world. Its not accurate, its not healthy, and it is why if there is a PC version I will probably play the game to give it a fair try.


To Each Man, Responsibility
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Sqrl said:
ssj12 said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
Im with you leo

just back off and let them do whatever they want, just proves how much this site is pro nintendo and why many dont consider us accurate......


 Anyone who believes that because the site is representative of the population at large it is biased is clearly not someone we want posting here anyways.

The fact is that the Wii and its games are popular, if folks can't look past their own preferences and see that then I would say that is more of a deterence to people taking the site seriously than this list.  If anything it makes perfect sense that Wii fans come here, the sales are very Wii positive right now so Wii fans enjoy the positive atmosphere.  You would have a point if that positivity wasn't justified but considering that every form of sales tracking out there confirms these positive numbers (obviously at varying levels) it is hardly a valid reason to doubt the numbers, and as I was saying above the last thing this site needs is more posters who don't require validity in their ideas to post them.

Nobody is always right and even though people like to think they are "normal" their usually not the within the "norm".  This is the same reason why I concede the point about Mass Effect, I don't see it nearly in as positively a light as everyone else, but not every game is going to appeal to everyone and if I use my indifference to it as the sole reason for not giving it credit then I am basically blinding myself to reality just so everything fits my view of the world. Its not accurate, its not healthy, and it is why if there is a PC version I will probably play the game to give it a fair try.


I have zero problems letting super mario galaxy win, i have problems with the top games for the other two systems are eliminated right off the bat by the wii fans. They will always put their games on top. I can see the hate on this site by the fact that halo 3 got knocked off right from the start. They eleminated the games they disliked not the games they saw as goty potential. Theres a difference. If this was a vote where everyone voted their favorite games i have no problem letting those two games win, cause its popular vote and goes to what you state. Theres a difference when anything they like is so much more danm deserving of goty over anything else on other systems. I do not like metroid but it doesnt stop me from voting that is goty potential, why i voted down orange box because i dont think a rehash of a bunch of different games and some added things is GOTY material.


In all this was a popular vote, proving that nintendo fans dominate and only consider their games goty potential and dont consider anybodys else worth a danm.

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
RolStoppable said:
Super Mario Galaxy is like Shigeru Miyamoto, a predictable winner of an elimination game. So these two shouldn't be part of the game.

Which makes Metroid Prime 3 Corruption the GotY. Well deserved. Yay!

 Thanks for the help

To Each Man, Responsibility

Also theirs a difference at population at large and a bunch of fanboys that hit every other game on the system lower then their own. Its evident by many things and once again im saying it proves how pro nintendo this site is becoming, not just by popular vote by the fact of the amount of fanboys that attack the other two systems and shows how "equal" we are to the other consoles.

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.

Note im not calling anyone in here a fanboy.......least not entirely but gives way to the site looking like it has major fanboys.......

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
Around the Network

Thats just it, the elimination games were never make a list from first to worst. Its only valid for the top spot. Far too many people try to vote out the competition early for it to be valid as a list. You are looking at it like you are supposed to vote for the best and worst on the list, but its an "elimination game" you want to eliminate competition. And so people do/did.

With that said I tried to vote for the best and worst accordingly because I think it would make for a more interesting game. But I can't force everyone to do the same any more than you can.

Really we agree LToK, I'm just saying its not nearly as big of a deal as you seem to think it is.

To Each Man, Responsibility
Lost tears of Kain said:
Sqrl said:
ssj12 said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
Im with you leo

just back off and let them do whatever they want, just proves how much this site is pro nintendo and why many dont consider us accurate......


 Anyone who believes that because the site is representative of the population at large it is biased is clearly not someone we want posting here anyways.

The fact is that the Wii and its games are popular, if folks can't look past their own preferences and see that then I would say that is more of a deterence to people taking the site seriously than this list.  If anything it makes perfect sense that Wii fans come here, the sales are very Wii positive right now so Wii fans enjoy the positive atmosphere.  You would have a point if that positivity wasn't justified but considering that every form of sales tracking out there confirms these positive numbers (obviously at varying levels) it is hardly a valid reason to doubt the numbers, and as I was saying above the last thing this site needs is more posters who don't require validity in their ideas to post them.

Nobody is always right and even though people like to think they are "normal" their usually not the within the "norm".  This is the same reason why I concede the point about Mass Effect, I don't see it nearly in as positively a light as everyone else, but not every game is going to appeal to everyone and if I use my indifference to it as the sole reason for not giving it credit then I am basically blinding myself to reality just so everything fits my view of the world. Its not accurate, its not healthy, and it is why if there is a PC version I will probably play the game to give it a fair try.


I have zero problems letting super mario galaxy win, i have problems with the top games for the other two systems are eliminated right off the bat by the wii fans. They will always put their games on top. I can see the hate on this site by the fact that halo 3 got knocked off right from the start. They eleminated the games they disliked not the games they saw as goty potential. Theres a difference. If this was a vote where everyone voted their favorite games i have no problem letting those two games win, cause its popular vote and goes to what you state. Theres a difference when anything they like is so much more danm deserving of goty over anything else on other systems. I do not like metroid but it doesnt stop me from voting that is goty potential, why i voted down orange box because i dont think a rehash of a bunch of different games and some added things is GOTY material.


In all this was a popular vote, proving that nintendo fans dominate and only consider their games goty potential and dont consider anybodys else worth a danm.

I totally agree.  I mean Halo 3 was the first game eliminated.  Just flat out ridiculous.  I mean, it broke the entertainment record for most sale dollars in one day!  I'm not necessarily saying it should have been game of the year, but come on!  SMG is a nice game.  I played it for about a week.  I was a little un-impressed with it, to be honest.  That's why I sold it and my Wii (for the second time now) for about a $100 profit.  For me Mass Effect doesn't appeal to me and Bioshock didn't impress me with the demo I played.  I would have to go with Gears of War, but I could stand SMG or Halo 3 winning it (for real).