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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 16 - Brawlsville

Final-Fan said:

I take it back, I can't really find whatever made me suspicious of Nikells.  I'd still like to know what people think of him though. 

As for Stef ... oh, Stef.  If there's one thing he has been consistent on it's the fact that he's obsessed with the idea of voting people.
This fixation on the game mechanic of lynching people, in light of the quoted post, seems like classic noob behavior for a townie.  One would expect a noob mafia player to fixate on the nightkills.  Of course, it could be that he's a mafia overcompensating for his having an ability the town doesn't by obsessing over the ability he does share with us; or he could be roleplaying. 

On the other hand, look at these three posts
"I kind of feel like voting for Falcon095... he feels so untrustworthy with his "dog" avatar"

(SM128 votes Falcon)

"Hummm... Okay then my vote...
"VOTE: Falcon095
"like mario said that guy with his dog is... well... not trustworthy... the dog seems like a part of an evil plan to invade a world..."

(responding to 'stop joke voting ppl')
"mine was also real... I don't think voting is just a mere JOKE!!!"

Stef, you seem pretty defensive here for a guy who voted someone based on Gir being untrustworty.  Maybe there really is a vast difference between voting 'for no reason' and 'as a joke', but I have come to share others' suspicions of you.  And considering that even if you're innocent you may still be a liability to the town, I feel less risky in doing this: 

Vote Stefl1504

Get in here and defend yourself if you want to live. 

P.S.  Also, you suspected Falcon (if we can call it that when all you have to go on is his avatar) and expressed a desire to vote him before SM128's vote.  This contradicts your later claim that you only voted him because there was a vote already on him.  Please explain this as well. 

2 things. 

1. First off I don't really want it to make it sound like I am trying to defend him or anything but I am willing(at this point) to write it off as him just being a newb.

2. You might want to add a quote box to where you quoted him. It looks like you voted for Falcon 

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To be fair I did use quotation marks, but I should have unbolded it.

That may be a valid defense but I want him to come in and explain it himself, and maybe then I'll believe him. I'm not going to just preemptively give him a pass considering the amount of odd stuff he's done.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

theRepublic: We've had this conversation before but in short: You made some good points about myslynch vs mafia kill and I agree with most of your conclusions EXCEPT for the first day because lynching a random player will provide little valuable information on where the rest of the town stands and that loosing a townie is too high of a price for inconclusive information.

Signature goes here!

While I am still suspicious of theRepublic, him and Final-Fan bring up good points about Stefl1504. He has moved up to number 1 on my suspect list. I would like to here an explanation on these accusations.

FoS: Stefl1504

Final-Fan said:
I take it back, I can't really find whatever made me suspicious of Nikells.  

Maybe it was the stuff about hating Nintendo?


Final-Fan said:
I'd still like to know what people think of him though.  

I greatly admire him.

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Right then, my thoughts on night 1.

I'm willing to cut stefl some slack because its his first game. But the evidence is really stacking up against him now.

- Voted to lynch someone for a very unconvincing reason and then changing that reason when questioned about it.
- Changing his vote to no lynch to end the day quickly.

I'd vote for Stefl now: but he almost seems too easy of a target. Surely if he had mafia brothers they'd be helping him out and he wouldn't be making himself look so completely bloodthirsty?

FOS: Stefl1504

Unless we can find a more guilty suspect to lynch or stefl can come up with a compelling reason to explain why he's been so hungry for blood this past day I'm going to vote for him.

I'm becoming more suspicious of dsister. Perhaps he's just being nice to the new player but it really does seem like hes going above and beyond when it comes to defending Stefl. He also pushed to end the day. As much as ignoring Trangent's pompous demands is tempting, in this case he did have a point.

If Stefl is lynched today and turns up guilty I'd heartily recommend lynching dsister next.

I'd also like to hear something from the following people as my lurker sense is starting to tingle:
 falcon, SciFiBoy, KingFate, dtewi

Nikells said:

Right then, my thoughts on night 1.

I think you mean Day One, unless this is some sort of slip up.  

I'd vote for Stefl now: but he almost seems too easy of a target. Surely if he had mafia brothers they'd be helping him out and he wouldn't be making himself look so completely bloodthirsty?
The mafia doesn't get to talk to each other until Night One, and they can't talk in secret during the day phase of the game.  Since this all happened Day One, he was on his own.

I agree about the lurkers.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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I'd vote for Stefl now: but he almost seems too easy of a target. Surely if he had mafia brothers they'd be helping him out and he wouldn't be making himself look so completely bloodthirsty?

Like theRepublic said Stefl was on his own during the first day and if he's scum, the fact that he made himself such a target pretty much guarantees that his friends will try to keep as much distance from him as possible.

Signature goes here!

@Nikells: I agree about your lurker list except for the fact that dtewi was replaced by Vetteman94. You should always pay attention to things like that, they say not paying attention is a scum tell.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
@Nikells: I agree about your lurker list except for the fact that dtewi was replaced by Vetteman94. You should always pay attention to things like that, they say not paying attention is a scum tell.

Ah yes, sorry: I was using the list of players from the first page as reference for who i hadn't seen speak for a while.
Obviously scratch the part about dtewi as Vetteman has posted plenty lately.

I didn't realise the mafia couldn't talk to each other during the day: this pretty much kills my doubts about lynching Stefl.
I'm not going to vote for him before everybody has had their say though. 


@theRepublic: I did mean night 1: these are my opinions now that I've seen what's happened during the night. I was going to mention that hopefully someone (a doctor) has successfully blocked a night kill and now has fairly solid evidence that whoever was targeted is pro-town.
Obviously I don't expect the doctor to say anything: but its an advantage that even a single person has information that could prevent a miss-lynch.