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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 16 - Brawlsville

Vote Count  (Day 5)

Vetteman94: supermario128, Tanstalas, Final-Fan, theRepublic (L-0) Lynched!

supermario128:  Vettemna94 (L-1)

Not Voting: TruckOSaurus, hatmoza

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Vote Spread (Day 5)

Tanstalas: Vetteman94 > supermario128 > > Vetteman94
hatmoza: theRepublic > > 
supermario128: Vetteman94
Vetteman94: supermario128
TruckOSaurus: Vetteman94 > > 
theRepublic: Vetteman94 > > supermario128 > Vetteman94
Final-Fan: supermario128 > >Vetteman94

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

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With a nod, the brawlers agreed to take a screaming Vetteman94 to the gallows. 

"Agh, no not meeeeeeee- cragh!"

The last thing Vetteman do is twitch his right foot, and explode into shimmering purple dust. 

The townies rejoiced when it was obvious he was the Big Primid who likes playing with Fire!

REAL NIGHT 5 Begin! OP will be updated, send in your PMs! 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Sorry I haven't posted my thoughts earlier, I've been having a crazy day at work.

The person I want to lynch right now is Vetteman because the only defense he put forward was "theRepublic figured everything out" but then he failed to answer the follow-up questions people had for him. So the theory of him jumping on the first plausible defense seems very likely to me.

Also, if he turns town we automatically know SM128 is up to no good.

Vote: Vetteman94


Edit: Oh well... guess that was unnecessary after all!

Signature goes here!

The townies ran out to the town square eager to learn about any breaking news.

Nothing, again.


DAY 6 Begin!

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Big Primid who likes playing with Fire - You are a soldier of the Subspace Army! There are countless with you, but only you and your two partners are in charge of taking over this town.

Big ability- You can bloat up into a big, bubbly Primid. You’re so bouncy now! Anything that happens to you will just bounce off. You can also try to protect your other comrades by standing in front of them.

1st bold part This leads me to believe the subspace army is now gone. Which means someone else must have their own win condition after all. (Hatmoza?)

2nd bold part: This also proved I was not lying as he could also protect just as I though.

Vetteman being scum also proves Trucks really is some sort of "cop" and now I want to hear from theRepublic as to why he was so sure vetteman was innocent until the last minute and if he really is the doctor. If he is there is really only 1 person left (Hatmoza) I think could win on his own. Unless Tanstalas also can, we don't know too much of his role.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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supermario128 said:
Big Primid who likes playing with Fire - You are a soldier of the Subspace Army! There are countless with you, but only you and your two partners are in charge of taking over this town.

Big ability- You can bloat up into a big, bubbly Primid. You’re so bouncy now! Anything that happens to you will just bounce off. You can also try to protect your other comrades by standing in front of them.

1st bold part This leads me to believe the subspace army is now gone. Which means someone else must have their own win condition after all. (Hatmoza?)

2nd bold part: This also proved I was not lying as he could also protect just as I though.

Vetteman being scum also proves Trucks really is some sort of "cop" and now I want to hear from theRepublic as to why he was so sure vetteman was innocent until the last minute and if he really is the doctor. If he is there is really only 1 person left (Hatmoza) I think could win on his own. Unless Tanstalas also can, we don't know too much of his role.

Well, I did some reasearch on the wiki while we were having downtime, I think Jo combined the primids: 

  • Big Primid: A larger-sized Primid that functions similar to its smaller counter-parts. A Big Primid can take more damage than a regular Primid and can also deal more damage with its punches, however it is slower and a much bigger target than a normal Primid.
  • Boom Primid: A Primid that is equipped with a boomerang. It attacks both long-range and close up. It regularly throws its boomerang at the direction its facing the player.
  • Fire Primid: A Primid that is red in color. Its attacks are all fire-based.
  • Metal Primid: A type of Primid whose whole body is encased in metal. It can sustain more damage than a normal Primid. It also does not flinch and can reflect some projectiles.
  • Sword Primid: A Primid that is equipped with a sword similar to the Beam Sword. It attacks by using its sword rather than landing punches.
  • Scope Primid: A Primid that is equipped with a weapon similar to the Super Scope. It can be found on higher areas or longer distance and fire projectiles from its weapon.


We had a fire primid who could also go big IE: Big Primid + Fire Primid and the first one (SFB) was a combo of the Sword + Scope primid

So I am thinking the last scum means he is a Primid due to the wording Jo used "You and your two partners are in charge of taking over this town" unless it meant SFB's primid and the Ancient minister, however, that would mean this game should be over...

So either we started with 1 Ancient Minister + 3 primids or 1 Ancient Minister + 2 primids + someone who can win if all the townspeople are taken out..

I'm thinking if the other person is a Primid then he will be a combo of the Metal + Boom primid, in which case he might be indestructible to any night kill action that a pro-town would use...  

Dsister tried to use his nightkill ability on TOS on night 3, thinking maybe TOS was able to survive that?

Anyhow, I'm thinking that there is only 1 person left that is antitown, and I am also going to go with the following order:

theRepublic, SM128 then TOS..  so

Vote: theRepublic

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

Also, Hatmoza would be my 4th guess, the only person I am sure is pro-town at this point would be FF...

As long as FF and I don't get murdered at night I am sure we can win by voting out those 4 people in order.. if FF and I do go out, well, then good luck

(Knowing my luck FF is the last Primid)

theRepublic > SM128 > TOS > Hatmoza

Your guys opinions?

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

I just read my previous post, and I know how scummy that makes me seem wanting to be one of the last 2 people, but I assure you I do not have an alternate win condition, and even if I did, since dsister role claimed I would believe that that would render my alternate win useless since I am a vanilla townie..

That's why Hatmoza isn't high on my kill list as well, if he did role claim I would think his alternate win condition may be ruled out. As well, if he knew he was going to roleclaim - whyw ould he pick ganondorf, as everyone who has played Zelda knows Ganondorf = bad guy = most likely SSA.

I read the wiki, and it sounds like Ganondorf *IS* SSA, but he had some sort of falling out and tried to backstab Tabuu..

I'd be willing to lynch Hatmoza 2nd though after theRepublic just in case.. (providing theRepublic doesn't wow me over with his defense)

sorry for the multiple posts... I post then think of something else :)

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

I think you are right about the primid thing. If there was 6 total and Jo already combined two then it almost certainly means there is one person left that is a combination of the other two.

As for who to vote for right now, I'm not entirely sure. I want to hear from Trucks before deciding because there is a possibility he could have investigated someone else tonight.

If I had to guess I would say theRepublic is the last remaining scum based on how he acted yesterday and how he was reluctant to change his vote even though I role claimed and lost my powers, saying "alright, fine" as if he really didn't want to vote for vetteman.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

supermario128 said:
I think you are right about the primid thing. If there was 6 total and Jo already combined two then it almost certainly means there is one person left that is a combination of the other two.

As for who to vote for right now, I'm not entirely sure. I want to hear from Trucks before deciding because there is a possibility he could have investigated someone else tonight.

If I had to guess I would say theRepublic is the last remaining scum based on how he acted yesterday and how he was reluctant to change his vote even though I role claimed and lost my powers, saying "alright, fine" as if he really didn't want to vote for vetteman.

Hopefully if TOS is a cop he can still investigate and hasn't used up all his guesses, if he investigated last night and he DIDN'T investigate you or theRepublic I would be shocked..

I will keep my vote the way it is until I hear from TOS or theRepublic

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos