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Forums - Sales Discussion - Mass Effect 2 shipped 6.6 million? 360 undertracked or amazing PC numbers?


BioWare founders to keynote Develop, Brighton

BioWare founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk are to present the keynote at this summer's Develop conference in Brighton.

The pair co-founded the studio in 1995, and sold it to EA in 2007. Muzyka is currently general manager of BioWare and senior VP of EA and Zeschuk is creative officer of BioWare and VP of EA.

BioWare has launched a number of successful franchises, including Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Mass Effect 2 sales, since the game's launch earlier this year, currently stand at 6.6 million worldwide.

The Develop conference will take place in Brighton this July 13-15.

Other confirmed speakers include Louis Castle, founder of Westwood Studios and CEO of Instant Action and David Helgason of Unity Technologies.


OK, so this is really suprising to me (even though I love the game). We currently have the game at 1.66 million for the 360 version. If this 6.6million figure from this article is correct than it's either undertracked or Bioware has way more PC fans than anyone could have predicted.

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LOL its a typo
they mean dragon age, mass effect 1 and mass effect 2 probably
it cant be, i mean we have npd numbers and the game is out of the charts everywhere (except maybe for uk) in pal regions

Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

No, 6.6 m shipped for DA, ME 1 & 2 combined would be waaaaaaaaaaaay too low. They clearly say about ME2.

Stores just bought way too much.

or ME is also a very strong PC franchise ....

Time to Work !

I don't think it's a typo. She clearly states that it was released earlier this year. If it's a mistake than it's a complete franchise mix-up of a mistake. Either way this is a fairly well-respected networking site for the UK games industry so if it is a mistake I expect it to get rectified soon. It could be that it really is a ridiculously huge PC fanbase, but I'm not sure either way.

*waits for Shio to turn up*

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No, i was wrong
its most likely SHIPPED numbers for ME1 (PC and 360) + ME2 (PC and 360) counting steam

Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:


Seems quite possible but they clearly state ME2 only. Confusing.

still this game does deserve big sells :(

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

People, don't say nonsense about big PC fanbase. Don't you remember how low ME2 on PC started in UK on the chart. Fanbase is on the X360, not PC.

Retailers just bought too much copies of the game is that so hard to understand ?

donsterydo2 said:
People, don't say nonsense about big PC fanbase. Don't you remember how low ME2 on PC started in UK on the chart. Fanbase is on the X360, not PC.

Retailers just bought too much copies of the game is that so hard to understand ?

The charts don't include digital downloads which is where the majority of PC sales would occur. Not to mention there are other countries in Europe and worldwide where PC gaming is still much greater than console gaming, unlike the UK. And Bioware still has a massive fanbase on PC ever since Baldurs Gate.

It does say worldwide, not just UK.