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Forums - Sony Discussion - Without a doubt in my mind Kratos would annihilate Link.

Khuutra said:
Staude said:
Khuutra said:
Staude said:

If link has access to everything hes gotten in any game then so should kratos.

There's never a canonical Kratos who has access to everything.

Letsdance, however, said Kratos would beat "every Link combined". Even leaving out the stuff Link doesn't have at the ends of each game, taking them solely canonically.... combining them is pretty much the height of screwing over the bald guy.

and for the last time. At the point of links physical contact kratos can use it against him. Simple. You just don't want to admit it would work due to bad programming in a game.


And kratos can. Noone said he dint have access to all his stuff. Au contrair

This isn't actually an argument! You are not making an argument! The Magic Cape works the way it works! Letsdance even allowed the use of the Triforce explicitly.

And at what point do you suggest Kratos be used, canonically, that would give him access to this stuff?

If it works the way it works than the programmers intentionally made it so bombs don't effect link either... link gets a nuke and blows up kratos along with half the world and walks away... link wins.

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pizzahut451 said:
Khuutra said:

Kratos doesn't have the Blade of Olympus here, remember? And it's not actually capable of one-shotting gods and titans anyway, unless you stab them in a place where they would die from terrestrial steel anyway.

you see, thats what i tought at first, but than you mentioned golden gautlets even though i said sword and shield ONLY. if link can use golden gautlets than kratos can use blade of olympus.


Also you fail the see the big diffrence between Kratos and Link. They are from 2 totally diffrent worlds. Kratos's world is much more brutal and dangerous. That means if Link can defeat entire army of enemies in a Zelda game, he probably couldnt pass first 5 enemies in GOW3. Especially if he uses sword and shield only.

Hahaha, I guess that's fair - forget the gauntlets, then. If we reduce Lin and Kratos both down to their natural strength and swords and shields made of regular old steel or iron or bronze, I'd still give it to Link.

And no, I do see the difference between their worlds - but it's not in the direction that you would think. I see the God of War world as being more violent, not as being a place where the enemies are more powerful than in Zelda.

I mean, Link was able to kill a dinosaur the size of a Mack Truck (with hauling trailer) when he was ten. This isn't some regular punk ten-year-old here, the kid is insane. He scales active volcanoes while they're spewing lava plumes all over the place, and can actually be hit by volcanic stones raining from the sky and just shrug it off so long as he has his shield. Even when he's small, Link is strong as Hell.

"Ganon was building up his forces here so he could make his wish completely true"

Hence Ganons wish never came true. Therefor the tri-force isn't as powerful as you guys are saying.

Even if it were... Ganon lost the triforce after the wish... why wouldn't link lose it? All it says is "wishes of the heart" it doesn't say you get numerous times it can look in your heart. I really think you just touch it and whatever is inside your "heart" it grants. I don't even think you would need to say anything. Then poof gone for the next guy to get it. You guys can not prove otherwise... and Ganon losing it kinda debunks what you guys say.

Also for the milk if it gives infinite magic for infinite time (even though this wont help link) why wouldn't Ganon just drink a cup and use his evil magic non stop to morph the world in his vision?

letsdance said:
"Ganon was building up his forces here so he could make his wish completely true"

Hence Ganons wish never came true. Therefor the tri-force isn't as powerful as you guys are saying.

Even if it were... Ganon lost the triforce after the wish... why wouldn't link lose it? All it says is "wishes of the heart" it doesn't say you get numerous times it can look in your heart. I really think you just touch it and whatever is inside your "heart" it grants. I don't even think you would need to say anything. Then poof gone for the next guy to get it. You guys can not prove otherwise... and Ganon losing it kinda debunks what you guys say.

Also for the milk if it gives infinite magic for infinite time (even though this wont help link) why wouldn't Ganon just drink a cup and use his evil magic non stop to morph the world in his vision?

Ganon got his wish, which was to rule Hyrule. He got his wish. This has been said so many times I feel like a broken record. He ruled Hyrule, and he broke the seal on the Sacred Realm that was supposed to be impossible to break. BAM! Wish granted.

And if you'll notice something else, he didn't lose the Triforce after he made the wish! The Triforce is still there.

And no, it says 'wishes of the one who holds it'. It doesn't go away after you make a wish unless you want it to, like when the king of Red Lions made a wish. Ganon kept the Triforce, and there's nothing that canonically suggests that the Triforce went away after Link wished on it, either.

Ganon has infinite magic anyway because he has the Triforce of Power. Even without it he has infinite magic because he's one of the most powerful sorcerers ever.

Khuutra said:
pizzahut451 said:
Khuutra said:

Kratos doesn't have the Blade of Olympus here, remember? And it's not actually capable of one-shotting gods and titans anyway, unless you stab them in a place where they would die from terrestrial steel anyway.

you see, thats what i tought at first, but than you mentioned golden gautlets even though i said sword and shield ONLY. if link can use golden gautlets than kratos can use blade of olympus.


Also you fail the see the big diffrence between Kratos and Link. They are from 2 totally diffrent worlds. Kratos's world is much more brutal and dangerous. That means if Link can defeat entire army of enemies in a Zelda game, he probably couldnt pass first 5 enemies in GOW3. Especially if he uses sword and shield only.

Hahaha, I guess that's fair - forget the gauntlets, then. If we reduce Lin and Kratos both down to their natural strength and swords and shields made of regular old steel or iron or bronze, I'd still give it to Link.

And no, I do see the difference between their worlds - but it's not in the direction that you would think. I see the God of War world as being more violent, not as being a place where the enemies are more powerful than in Zelda.

I mean, Link was able to kill a dinosaur the size of a Mack Truck (with hauling trailer) when he was ten. This isn't some regular punk ten-year-old here, the kid is insane. He scales active volcanoes while they're spewing lava plumes all over the place, and can actually be hit by volcanic stones raining from the sky and just shrug it off so long as he has his shield. Even when he's small, Link is strong as Hell.

There you go at it again... putting game play into this... How fun would the game be if everytime you bought it the second you make a mistake it would be game over and you would need to rebuy the game to play it again?

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letsdance said:
Khuutra said:

Hahaha, I guess that's fair - forget the gauntlets, then. If we reduce Lin and Kratos both down to their natural strength and swords and shields made of regular old steel or iron or bronze, I'd still give it to Link.

And no, I do see the difference between their worlds - but it's not in the direction that you would think. I see the God of War world as being more violent, not as being a place where the enemies are more powerful than in Zelda.

I mean, Link was able to kill a dinosaur the size of a Mack Truck (with hauling trailer) when he was ten. This isn't some regular punk ten-year-old here, the kid is insane. He scales active volcanoes while they're spewing lava plumes all over the place, and can actually be hit by volcanic stones raining from the sky and just shrug it off so long as he has his shield. Even when he's small, Link is strong as Hell.

There you go at it again... putting game play into this... How fun would the game be if everytime you bought it the second you make a mistake it would be game over and you would need to rebuy the game to play it again?

Now are you suggesting he doesn't kill a giant dinosaur or that he can't scale an active volcano so long as he has a shield that won't catch fire? Because he does both of those things, and is instructed to bring a shield made of metal because it won't burn to ashes when struck with flaming volcanic stone. This is said in-game! It is part of the narrative.

Khuutra said:
letsdance said:
"Ganon was building up his forces here so he could make his wish completely true"

Hence Ganons wish never came true. Therefor the tri-force isn't as powerful as you guys are saying.

Even if it were... Ganon lost the triforce after the wish... why wouldn't link lose it? All it says is "wishes of the heart" it doesn't say you get numerous times it can look in your heart. I really think you just touch it and whatever is inside your "heart" it grants. I don't even think you would need to say anything. Then poof gone for the next guy to get it. You guys can not prove otherwise... and Ganon losing it kinda debunks what you guys say.

Also for the milk if it gives infinite magic for infinite time (even though this wont help link) why wouldn't Ganon just drink a cup and use his evil magic non stop to morph the world in his vision?

Ganon got his wish, which was to rule Hyrule. He got his wish. This has been said so many times I feel like a broken record. He ruled Hyrule, and he broke the seal on the Sacred Realm that was supposed to be impossible to break. BAM! Wish granted.

And if you'll notice something else, he didn't lose the Triforce after he made the wish! The Triforce is still there.

And no, it says 'wishes of the one who holds it'. It doesn't go away after you make a wish unless you want it to, like when the king of Red Lions made a wish. Ganon kept the Triforce, and there's nothing that canonically suggests that the Triforce went away after Link wished on it, either.

Ganon has infinite magic anyway because he has the Triforce of Power. Even without it he has infinite magic because he's one of the most powerful sorcerers ever.

So the almighty tri-force got beat by some punk kid... there goes your "omnipotent" theory. Face it... you are trying argue facts that you dont have to argue with... Why would Ganon only have one wish? Why would Ganon need to "complete" his wish if he got his wish? There is nothing to suggest after LttP that the triforce is this all powerful being that you suggest. You are just to thick headed and stubborn to realize you are wrong.

Khuutra said:
letsdance said:
Khuutra said:

Hahaha, I guess that's fair - forget the gauntlets, then. If we reduce Lin and Kratos both down to their natural strength and swords and shields made of regular old steel or iron or bronze, I'd still give it to Link.

And no, I do see the difference between their worlds - but it's not in the direction that you would think. I see the God of War world as being more violent, not as being a place where the enemies are more powerful than in Zelda.

I mean, Link was able to kill a dinosaur the size of a Mack Truck (with hauling trailer) when he was ten. This isn't some regular punk ten-year-old here, the kid is insane. He scales active volcanoes while they're spewing lava plumes all over the place, and can actually be hit by volcanic stones raining from the sky and just shrug it off so long as he has his shield. Even when he's small, Link is strong as Hell.

There you go at it again... putting game play into this... How fun would the game be if everytime you bought it the second you make a mistake it would be game over and you would need to rebuy the game to play it again?

Now are you suggesting he doesn't kill a giant dinosaur or that he can't scale an active volcano so long as he has a shield that won't catch fire? Because he does both of those things, and is instructed to bring a shield made of metal because it won't burn to ashes when struck with flaming volcanic stone. This is said in-game! It is part of the narrative.

No. I'm saying he wouldn't get smashed by a volcanic rock unprotected and keep on ticking....

letsdance said:
Khuutra said:

Ganon got his wish, which was to rule Hyrule. He got his wish. This has been said so many times I feel like a broken record. He ruled Hyrule, and he broke the seal on the Sacred Realm that was supposed to be impossible to break. BAM! Wish granted.

And if you'll notice something else, he didn't lose the Triforce after he made the wish! The Triforce is still there.

And no, it says 'wishes of the one who holds it'. It doesn't go away after you make a wish unless you want it to, like when the king of Red Lions made a wish. Ganon kept the Triforce, and there's nothing that canonically suggests that the Triforce went away after Link wished on it, either.

Ganon has infinite magic anyway because he has the Triforce of Power. Even without it he has infinite magic because he's one of the most powerful sorcerers ever.

So the almighty tri-force got beat by some punk kid... there goes your "omnipotent" theory. Face it... you are trying argue facts that you dont have to argue with... Why would Ganon only have one wish? Why would Ganon need to "complete" his wish if he got his wish? There is nothing to suggest after LttP that the triforce is this all powerful being that you suggest. You are just to thick headed and stubborn to realize you are wrong.

Link is carrying items that specifically repel the Triforce's power when it's wielded by someone with an evil heart - that's what the Master Sword is for. It channels the powers of the gods so that it can be used in case the Triforce is held by someone with an evil heart. It's the most powerful weapon in the universe, and even it can't protect Linkn from the ambient powers of the Triforce, which turned him into a freaking rabbit when he first stepped into the Dark World.

The worst part of this is that I probably know more about God of War than you do, but you know almost nothing about Zelda.

The Triforce is omnipotent, but when wielded b a person with an evil heart it can be fought by someone with the Mastser Sword. The Master Sword is always, always, always necessary to kill Ganon because it's the only thing that can pierce the protection of the Triforce, ad even that only works if the holder of the Triforce is evil and the wielder of the Master Sword is of pure heart.

The Triforce can cause realities to wink out of existence, turn people into monsters, ressurect the dead, and move the face of the earth in a blink. Even if you want to argue that it's not actually omnipotent it's effectively omnipotent, and in the hands of someone with a pure heart it has no limitations. This is canonical fact.

Tell you what. If you want to argue the point, go complete some more Zelda games to learn something about the way the Zelda world works. Then you might be able to make an argument, here.

letsdance said:
Khuutra said:

Now are you suggesting he doesn't kill a giant dinosaur or that he can't scale an active volcano so long as he has a shield that won't catch fire? Because he does both of those things, and is instructed to bring a shield made of metal because it won't burn to ashes when struck with flaming volcanic stone. This is said in-game! It is part of the narrative.

No. I'm saying he wouldn't get smashed by a volcanic rock unprotected and keep on ticking....

Yet he does! Oh dear.

Of course it can kill him, too - and quickly - when he's unprotected, but being able to survive the impact of a volcanic eruption with stones the size of your body just by using a metal shield? The import of that can't be overstated.