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Forums - Sony Discussion - Without a doubt in my mind Kratos would annihilate Link.

letsdance said:
Khuutra said:
letsdance said:

Looks to me like its one wish "Now touch with A wish in your heart." And if the triforce was omnipotent how does Ganon get "completely destroyed" before the triforce grants his wish? Inconsistant galore. Link could wish to have the power to defeat kratos but the triforce might send him on a quest to get an object before his wish is complete Kratos can destroy him.

The Triforce itself says it grants wishes. Plural! PLURAL!

Yes, plural... as in it has been assembled and wished upon before... Why does he only talk about one wish for Ganon (Which doesn't even come true... so much for "all powerful" triforce!) And says "A wish in your heart" Just because you make ONE wish doesn't mean one thing happens. Ex: "I wish to restore this land to order and peace" And voila... one wish becomes multiple actions as shown in the clip. It talks about wishes plural then starts talking wish singular... Face it its open to interpretation... oh wait you have been ignoring valid points all thread.

"The Triforce will grant the wishes of the one who holds it"

The Triforce grants wishes (plural) to the one (singular). This is pretty clear-cut language being used here.

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Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Khuutra said:

Well, all right. If we agree then we agree, and that's all there is to it.

I think you'll like Link to the Past. it's been enchanting people for nearly twenty years now, and doesn't really lose any of its charm.

yep although I'm curious how well you think Link would do without the Triforce? 

cool that's important.  Some things can be great at the time and remembered fondly but are best left as a memory.

That's actually what the first half of the topic is about. Link has acheap-ass magic item that makes him able to hurt the neemy while they can't touch him, only limited by magic. In another game Link has a special drink that gives him unlimited magic. Combined, Link is unkillable.

And yeah, Zelda games don't tend to be that way if you approach them right. I only beat the first one in like 2008, but I enjoyed it a lot. Made my own map while I was playing and everything.

What Khuutra fails to mention is the fact that the unlimited magic has a timer and that its unclear if Link can be attacked while attacking. He also forgets to mention Kratos gets an item in the third game which would help him in this instance... again he ignores logic and valid points to benifit himself.

Khuutra said:
letsdance said:
Khuutra said:
letsdance said:

Looks to me like its one wish "Now touch with A wish in your heart." And if the triforce was omnipotent how does Ganon get "completely destroyed" before the triforce grants his wish? Inconsistant galore. Link could wish to have the power to defeat kratos but the triforce might send him on a quest to get an object before his wish is complete Kratos can destroy him.

The Triforce itself says it grants wishes. Plural! PLURAL!

Yes, plural... as in it has been assembled and wished upon before... Why does he only talk about one wish for Ganon (Which doesn't even come true... so much for "all powerful" triforce!) And says "A wish in your heart" Just because you make ONE wish doesn't mean one thing happens. Ex: "I wish to restore this land to order and peace" And voila... one wish becomes multiple actions as shown in the clip. It talks about wishes plural then starts talking wish singular... Face it its open to interpretation... oh wait you have been ignoring valid points all thread.

"The Triforce will grant the wishes of the one who holds it"

The Triforce grants wishes (plural) to the one (singular). This is pretty clear-cut language being used here.

Its not very clear cut as it talks about one wish that never even came true for Ganon... so much for your triforce is all powerful theory.

Kratos killed the Sisters of Fate...FATE..

letsdance said:
Khuutra said:
letsdance said:

Yes, plural... as in it has been assembled and wished upon before... Why does he only talk about one wish for Ganon (Which doesn't even come true... so much for "all powerful" triforce!) And says "A wish in your heart" Just because you make ONE wish doesn't mean one thing happens. Ex: "I wish to restore this land to order and peace" And voila... one wish becomes multiple actions as shown in the clip. It talks about wishes plural then starts talking wish singular... Face it its open to interpretation... oh wait you have been ignoring valid points all thread.

"The Triforce will grant the wishes of the one who holds it"

The Triforce grants wishes (plural) to the one (singular). This is pretty clear-cut language being used here.

Its not very clear cut as it talks about one wish that never even came true for Ganon... so much for your triforce is all powerful theory.

Ganon's wish was to rule Hyrule. He got his wish. Ganon only made the one wish: for the power to rule Hyrule! That's what he wanted. That's what he got. He just didn't bet on Link showing up.

And it's not a theory. The Triforce can change reality. It does it right there! It's ressurecting the dead, pulling people from between dimensions, changing the face of the very landscape left and right!

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Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Khuutra said:

Well, all right. If we agree then we agree, and that's all there is to it.

I think you'll like Link to the Past. it's been enchanting people for nearly twenty years now, and doesn't really lose any of its charm.

yep although I'm curious how well you think Link would do without the Triforce? 

cool that's important.  Some things can be great at the time and remembered fondly but are best left as a memory.

That's actually what the first half of the topic is about. Link has acheap-ass magic item that makes him able to hurt the neemy while they can't touch him, only limited by magic. In another game Link has a special drink that gives him unlimited magic. Combined, Link is unkillable.

And yeah, Zelda games don't tend to be that way if you approach them right. I only beat the first one in like 2008, but I enjoyed it a lot. Made my own map while I was playing and everything.

Well I won't bring back the first half the discussion.


letsdance said:
Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Khuutra said:

Well, all right. If we agree then we agree, and that's all there is to it.

I think you'll like Link to the Past. it's been enchanting people for nearly twenty years now, and doesn't really lose any of its charm.

yep although I'm curious how well you think Link would do without the Triforce? 

cool that's important.  Some things can be great at the time and remembered fondly but are best left as a memory.

That's actually what the first half of the topic is about. Link has acheap-ass magic item that makes him able to hurt the neemy while they can't touch him, only limited by magic. In another game Link has a special drink that gives him unlimited magic. Combined, Link is unkillable.

And yeah, Zelda games don't tend to be that way if you approach them right. I only beat the first one in like 2008, but I enjoyed it a lot. Made my own map while I was playing and everything.

What Khuutra fails to mention is the fact that the unlimited magic has a timer and that its unclear if Link can be attacked while attacking. He also forgets to mention Kratos gets an item in the third game which would help him in this instance... again he ignores logic and valid points to benifit himself.

My problem is not knowing all of what Link has in his vast arsenol of games.  I know Kratos also has something for unlimited Magic and unlimited rage of the titans and when his block is leveled up can be hit only by very few things and all other things can be doged.

Also haven't played gow3 so I don't know anything he gained then either so I'll be staying out of further discusion

well I think it's time that this thread is put to rest next time outline all the rules at the start lol

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

zarx said:

well I think it's time that this thread is put to rest next time outline all the rules at the start lol

i love it

letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:

Or... to just save time..


He grants a LOT of wishes... it's REALLY worth playing LttP though.  It's my favorite Zelda by a mile.

Looks to me like its one wish "Now touch with A wish in your heart." And if the triforce was omnipotent how does Ganon get "completely destroyed" before the triforce grants his wish? Inconsistant galore. Link could wish to have the power to defeat kratos but the triforce might send him on a quest to get an object before his wish is complete Kratos can destroy him.

See this is where not playing Link to the Past is going to have hurt you.  Every thing different there is a different wish.  Ever think he kept touching it with... different wishes?  Like held on to it and kept holding differnt wishes in his heart.

Sorry... this is where Link being a mute hurts you. That is your interpretation of the end. Mine is him and Ganon both got a wish. Links was to negate ganons doings... that also doesn't explain my other question... If the triforce was so powerful how come ganons wish doesn't come true? The tri-force is neither good nor bad... it even says it depends on your heart and how powerful it is...

If it only negated ganons wishes... then why were many of the things that happened stuff that didn't happen before ganon?  For example the Bully getting a friend?