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Forums - Sony Discussion - Without a doubt in my mind Kratos would annihilate Link.

letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:
Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:

It's never made clear exactly how the Triforce works. That's an enigma. We don't even really know what Ganon did with it except change the Sacred Realm into the Dark World just by holding.

All we know is that Link used it and changed the world.

I seem to have recalled reading that if used by someone who isn't balanced or chosen, it breaks up again and you only keep the triforce piece that best fits you... that's why it broke up when Ganon had it.

Either way, it doesn't matter with Link.

It happens when you first touch it, but Ganon can have it when he brings the pieces together again.

Oh yeah, i never argued he couldn't.  I'm just saying that's why it broke up the first time.

If someone like link touched it... they wouldn't need to bother reassembling it.

So you believe... since this isn't touched upon we are just going to have to assume a regular joe schmoe who was selected to weild to triforce of courage doesn't have the balance either. In fact my interpretation of the whole triforce thing was it was a metephor. That the balance has always and will always be all three.

The fact that you think the Triforce is a metaphor shows you weren't paying any attention... like at all... to any Zelda game you played.

That's like me saying that I believe Kratos godly powers were a metaphor and he was really just some kid at camp having a daydream becuase he wasn't allowed to go into the pool because he's afraid of leeches.

Only Zelda Ive seen it be as an actual item was LoZ. Also the "born with it" kinda doesn't make sense if its a tangible item. Sorry but there is an inconsistancy here. You thinking Link isn't an amatuer shows how much you know. He is just a boy with a wooden sword in Ocarina of time. Yes he levels his skills up but no where near Kratos level. Kratos probablly had better fighting skills as a 10 year old than adult link

Which is why you need to play more Zelda.  Download LttP on virtual console.

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Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Khuutra said:

Threads in the loom aren't automatic. The Sisters have to weave your Fate into it, and you can fight against Fate, too, like Kratos did.

Regardless, the Sisters have been dead. No new lives are being added to the weave. It was actually Kratos's first step to destorying the world.

The goddesses are creation goddesses. All-powerful. The Triforce is literally the essence of their powers, on level with the creation goddsses hemselves. That's why it can create, reshape, and destroy entire worlds.

Kratos does not compare.

why not if he too can destroy why can't he also create?

He's never been shown to have the power, and he doesn't destroy things directly anyway? Much less on the scale that Link acts with the Triforce.

since i've only played part of the first legend of zelda what should I do to see all the the triforce can do or what do I need to play to see what it actualy does?


Also you should replay Twilight Princess... and try and figure out why he turns into a Wolf... and why Ganon can't use his powers directly on link as easily as everybody else.

Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:
Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:

It's never made clear exactly how the Triforce works. That's an enigma. We don't even really know what Ganon did with it except change the Sacred Realm into the Dark World just by holding.

All we know is that Link used it and changed the world.

I seem to have recalled reading that if used by someone who isn't balanced or chosen, it breaks up again and you only keep the triforce piece that best fits you... that's why it broke up when Ganon had it.

Either way, it doesn't matter with Link.

It happens when you first touch it, but Ganon can have it when he brings the pieces together again.

Oh yeah, i never argued he couldn't.  I'm just saying that's why it broke up the first time.

If someone like link touched it... they wouldn't need to bother reassembling it.

So you believe... since this isn't touched upon we are just going to have to assume a regular joe schmoe who was selected to weild to triforce of courage doesn't have the balance either. In fact my interpretation of the whole triforce thing was it was a metephor. That the balance has always and will always be all three.

The fact that you think the Triforce is a metaphor shows you weren't paying any attention... like at all... to any Zelda game you played.

That's like me saying that I believe Kratos godly powers were a metaphor and he was really just some kid at camp having a daydream becuase he wasn't allowed to go into the pool because he's afraid of leeches.

Only Zelda Ive seen it be as an actual item was LoZ. Also the "born with it" kinda doesn't make sense if its a tangible item. Sorry but there is an inconsistancy here. You thinking Link isn't an amatuer shows how much you know. He is just a boy with a wooden sword in Ocarina of time. Yes he levels his skills up but no where near Kratos level. Kratos probablly had better fighting skills as a 10 year old than adult link

Which is why you need to play more Zelda.  Download LttP on virtual console.

Before the twilight princess Link only swung his sword around wildly. Yes kratos is swinging his weapons around like that too but he grapples, punches, jumps, and is very percise and is and expert with the weapons

Wonktonodi said:
Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:

why not if he too can destroy why can't he also create?

He's never been shown to have the power, and he doesn't destroy things directly anyway? Much less on the scale that Link acts with the Triforce.

since i've only played part of the first legend of zelda what should I do to see all the the triforce can do or what do I need to play to see what it actualy does?

Link to the Past and maybe Twilight Princess would be the best examples.

Around the Network

There is no way in hell I'm spending my time on TP again. It was the worst one I've played. I don't know if its because my tastes have changed or if it were genuinly bad experience for me but man was it boring and gave me little incentive to do anything.

letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
letsdance said:
Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:
Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:

It's never made clear exactly how the Triforce works. That's an enigma. We don't even really know what Ganon did with it except change the Sacred Realm into the Dark World just by holding.

All we know is that Link used it and changed the world.

I seem to have recalled reading that if used by someone who isn't balanced or chosen, it breaks up again and you only keep the triforce piece that best fits you... that's why it broke up when Ganon had it.

Either way, it doesn't matter with Link.

It happens when you first touch it, but Ganon can have it when he brings the pieces together again.

Oh yeah, i never argued he couldn't.  I'm just saying that's why it broke up the first time.

If someone like link touched it... they wouldn't need to bother reassembling it.

So you believe... since this isn't touched upon we are just going to have to assume a regular joe schmoe who was selected to weild to triforce of courage doesn't have the balance either. In fact my interpretation of the whole triforce thing was it was a metephor. That the balance has always and will always be all three.

The fact that you think the Triforce is a metaphor shows you weren't paying any attention... like at all... to any Zelda game you played.

That's like me saying that I believe Kratos godly powers were a metaphor and he was really just some kid at camp having a daydream becuase he wasn't allowed to go into the pool because he's afraid of leeches.

Only Zelda Ive seen it be as an actual item was LoZ. Also the "born with it" kinda doesn't make sense if its a tangible item. Sorry but there is an inconsistancy here. You thinking Link isn't an amatuer shows how much you know. He is just a boy with a wooden sword in Ocarina of time. Yes he levels his skills up but no where near Kratos level. Kratos probablly had better fighting skills as a 10 year old than adult link

Which is why you need to play more Zelda.  Download LttP on virtual console.

Before the twilight princess Link only swung his sword around wildly. Yes kratos is swinging his weapons around like that too but he grapples, punches, jumps, and is very percise and is and expert with the weapons

Nice job... you know... trying to dodge the whole "Look games show the Triforce and it's powers... go play them" thing.

Heck... you own twightlight princess right?  Replay that.

letsdance said:
Ssenkahdavic said:
David vs. Goliath.

No one thought David could win either, but everyone has a chance. That said, Kratos wins 99/100 times.

Have you played GoW3 yet? Link would never win. Trust me. This is like USA using nuclear warfare vs the indigenous people of Canada.

US wouldn't need to use nuclear war, just send a few Navy S.E.A.Ls.

The Triforce is a sacred relic that reappears throughout the Legend of Zelda series. These golden sacred triangles were left behind by the three Golden Goddesses — Din, the Goddess of Power; Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom; and Farore, the Goddess of Courage — after the creation of the land of Hyrule. It was formed at the point where they ascended to the heavens, in a different dimension connected to Hyrule called the Sacred Realm, which would later be referred to as the "Golden Land." The Triforce consists of three separate sacred golden triangles: the Triforce of Power (top), the Triforce of Wisdom (left), and the Triforce of Courage (right).

The Triforce has the power to grant the wish of whoever touches it, and molds the Sacred Realm to reflect that person's heart

so it would give link one wish. The molding the sacred realm part wouldn't mean much since that's now where you guys have it taking place.

Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:
Khuutra said:
Wonktonodi said:

why not if he too can destroy why can't he also create?

He's never been shown to have the power, and he doesn't destroy things directly anyway? Much less on the scale that Link acts with the Triforce.

since i've only played part of the first legend of zelda what should I do to see all the the triforce can do or what do I need to play to see what it actualy does?

Link to the Past and maybe Twilight Princess would be the best examples.

cool thanks

although more importantly what are the ones you like best?