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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Square Enix Bringing Valkyrie Profile Sequel to Xbox 360

leo-j said:
phxprovost said:
BMaker11 said:
phxprovost said:
ethomaz said:
Low sales again. Square Enix never learns.

and what exactly does that mean? last time i checked SE double their sales of a recent game by bringing it to the 360....


FFXIII 360: 1.04M

doubles sales?

you take away those 1.8 million sales in japan that were more of a guaranteed sale then mw2 and you realize that in the rest of the world FF13 only sold ~400k more copys worldwide on ps3 then 360.

what makes you think had the game been only on PS3, it wouldn't have sold the same? Alot of PS360 gamers bought it for 360, and alot of 360 owners that were going to get FF XIII for ps3 and a ps3, said no since it was announced on 360.

Its absolute suicide to release a JRPG exclusive to 360 in japan.. STAR OCEAN IS dead.

I agree that releasing a 360 exclusive in japan would be suicide but unless im missing something thats not whats happening here, and if you look im pretty sure that ff13 360 edition was not even released in japan.  And if you check the numbers, in the 360 primary area of competition, North america....FF13 only sold about 200k copys less then the ps3 version.  And if we are playing the theoretical game here, how do you know that those 200k copys on ps3 were not from people who own both consoles but were afraid based on the reports of the game being inferior on the 360 so they went and got it on ps3?  Point is last time they brought a ps3 game to the 360 it got them an extra 1.04 million sales, and last time i checked square is the publisher and the dev so its all good

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You can't compare a GIANT series like Final Fantasy to a niche series like Valkyrie Profile. What is the logic behind that?

If this turns out to be true squarenix is officially the dumbest publisher this gen

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

Fab_GS said:
BMaker11 said:
phxprovost said:
ethomaz said:
Low sales again. Square Enix never learns.

and what exactly does that mean? last time i checked SE double their sales of a recent game by bringing it to the 360....


FFXIII 360: 1.04M

doubles sales?


Without Japan:-


FFXIII PS3: 1.62m

FFXIII X360: 1.04m


Even if the 360 had Japan....I'd only put it at 1.5M as of now, while you're grasping at straws

phxprovost said:
ethomaz said:
Low sales again. Square Enix never learns.

and what exactly does that mean? last time i checked SE double their sales of a recent game by bringing it to the 360....

actually they just moved some sales from the ps3 to the 360 being a cheaper alternative.

even if wanted to ignore japan or put a japanese 360 version would only bring 50k-100k more the 360 version

sales are not even near 50% VS 50%

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Sounds like MS have a huge E3 conference planned again this year then.

g-value got owned so bad. I wonder if g-value will make the same mistake again?


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FreeTalkLive said:
g-value got owned so bad. I wonder if g-value will make the same mistake again?

Nonsense adding in Carl Winslow only IMPROVES his post. It just adds a huge sense of irony(for the website posting it).

PSN ID: KingFate_

Hyruken said:
Sounds like MS have a huge E3 conference planned again this year then.

VP isn't huge in anyway... even if it were complete exclusive this would make no impact... hell even if it were a bigger game like SO it wouldnt be huge.

leatherhat said:
If this turns out to be true squarenix is officially the dumbest publisher this gen

not quite. Sega holds the title of being the dumbest publisher this gen. From lack of advertisements, terrible release dates, and constant shipping errors..they just keep sending these awesome games out to die. Now SE isnt as bad but they are a close second