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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Do you fell the 360 is the closest to the ps2 this gen?


Do you fell the 360 is the closest to the ps2 this gen?

Yes 78 22.74%
No 207 60.35%
Maybe 16 4.66%
I dont know 5 1.46%
Can you repeat the question? 24 7.00%
Your not the boss of me n... 13 3.79%

While I'm currently enjoying my 360 more than the other consoles this gen, I don't think that the xbox 360 can really be compared to the PS2. The ps2 had by far the greatest library of games for its generation. And by greatest library, I'm not just talking quality, but also variety. The Ps2 had games that could appeal to many different audiences. It had the best games in almost every genre. It had Jack and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, final fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, God of War, MGS, Gran Turismo, and many other top quality titles that were the best of their genres, except FPS games. But the Xbox 360 is a really great console IMO, but then again I'm mostly an FPS player.

If anything the PS3 is on the right track. But I don't think that there is going to be a true king of this generation. The wii doesn't count. The Wii is basically a gamecube with motion controls. If you consider the Wii a console of this generation, than I guess you think the release of the playstation move and Natal will signal the start of next gen.

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No. PS2 has way more exclusives.

Technology wise... yea the 360 is closest to the PS2... lol old school tech.

“Absolutely, we can do much more with it. I don’t know if we are even close to 50 percent of PlayStation 3’s power at this point,” said Asmussen about God of War 3.


Ps2 was very much about having something for everyone, from accessible social gaming to incredibly niche genres, whereas the gamecube and xbox were more targeted at specific audiences. The Wii has proved to be much better at selling niche software than the PS2, and obviously much better at selling accesibile social games than the PS2.

The 360 is this generation's xbox. It's expanded a bit, sure. But it's still aimed mostly at American males aged 15-20 years old.


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this is a hard

Yes, but then again I read the OP so my answer is no surprise.

Based on your incorrect statements, I would say no. Based on the real facts, I would also say no.

The only similarity is that they both play video games and dvd's. And honestly what kind of a tool refers to themselves in the third person? Lay off the wacky weed man.

Oh yes absolutely.

Thats why last gen I owned and loved the PS2, and why this gen I own and love the 360.

The 360 has more games that are better across a wider variety of genres. It gets most games first as well. Very rare to see PS3 to get games first. ( The wii to me is not a gamers console. Sorry, but Ive played many Wii games and boredom comes to mind. ).

Whether it be RPG's, JRPG's or especially Racing games. 360 has the biggest and more pleasing library. It also looks set to take the physoclogical/horror genre as well. TPS is in the bag as is FPS. The 360 really is the place to be as a gamer.