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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - My theory on Xbox exclusive games hate

The more hate a Xbox exclusive game gets, the more more hype builds around it and it ends up selling more than it would have normally. I was worried before that Halo 3 may not sell well because of all the hate of "its not original" "its the worst game on earth" kind of stuff but it even destroyed Halo 2's launch. The more any game is talked about , good or bad, the more hype builds around it. A game not talked about is worse. Ignored games like Folklore, eye of judgment, PGR4. There good games but they tank commercially

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You may have your causality backwards there.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Well then shouldn't LAIR have been a supre blockbuster!!


Your theory is wrong cus it's only fanboys who say OH this is the WORST GAME ON EARTH

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NO , Lair was confirmed as fact to be one of the worst by just about every journalist. That was the difference. Its rare any game gets a 4.5. Thats not even average, just bad

I think Lair wouldve been pretty good without the damn motion controls. Aww well though.

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Oh and another difference with Lair is that the hate didnt come until AFTER the reviews. Before the reviews, no one cared about it or hardly talked about it. It was only talked about after cause the reviews were so shockingly bad all around.

Because of the hype I borrowed a friends XBox to play Halo and forced myself to play through the entire game. I thought it was a dull repetative mess made dramatically worse by a controller that felt monsterous in your hands; the outdoor environments were fun but the indoor environments were garbage ... Many people (including Penny-Arcade) shared this opinion and were shocked that it was so highly reviewed.

When you examine most of the reviews which praised the game, and look at what the fanboy love was focused on, there was an over emphasis on the fact that you could hook up 4 XBoxes together and have a 16 person lan game; as I've said many times, Barbies Horse Adventures would probably be a riot if you're playing with 15 of your friends.

Now, the reason you see so much "Hate" about games like Halo (and certain other XBox exclusives) is that many people have played these games and had very negative experiences with them and are annoyed that this game (of all games) is so successful; much like how people hate bands like Nickleback, My Chemical Romance and countless other second rate bands that have had massive success. If you're bitter that Halo had such success and yet everyone seemed to ignore a gem like psychonauts it may come across as "Halo Hate"

Eminem thrived on hate. So did Michael Jackson and Britney Spears. Hate sells! But if you look deep into the hate with an open mind, you will realize that there is a reason they are also loved. Hard to dispute that any of them genuinely are talented. Halo is a great game to so many millions and thats all that matters.

eugene said:
Eminem thrived on hate. So did Michael Jackson and Britney Spears. Hate sells! But if you look deep into the hate with an open mind, you will realize that there is a reason they are also loved. Hard to dispute that any of them genuinely are talented. Halo is a great game to so many millions and thats all that matters.

It's only a great game to those who have never played a decent FPS in their entire life. There are at least 10 FPS's that blow Halo out of the water. And most of them are on the PC.

I guess it depends on who plays them.


I'll bet my avatar and a 1 month ban that the PS3 by March 08 will be 3 Million units away in WW sales of the Wii. konnichiwa, Your gonna regret this!!!!!!

Another great example of hate selling is freakin George W. Bush. During the 2004 elections, he was the most Hated man in America as much as he was loved. People threw eggs at his limo at the innaugaration on one side and threw flowers on the other. HATE SELLS!