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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gaming Blog Bias

hunter_alien said:
I agree with Legend ... not everithing Nintendo makes is near-perfect , lets face it lately their games are way to short and way to easy ... and no way the games will ever look so good as the competitions ... so yeah , suck it up , and go forward :)

so SMG is to short and to easy,also what about fire emblem i recall reviewers saying the game was to hard

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Legend11 said:
loadedstatement said:
Hey guys.  Just wanted to discuss something that has really been bothering me.  It really isnt a big deal.  But it just irritates me when I see it.  Gaming bias.  Im not talking about GoNintendo or websites that are clearly advertised as bias before you enter.  Those are fine.  I expect it from them.  But...Is it just me or are some Kotaku writers ALWAYS ripping on the Wii?  I know its probably in good fun, but they only do it to the Wii.  Im not sure if 1UP or Joystiq does it at all because I don't frequent those sites as much, but Ive noticed with Kotaku (especially Luke Plunkett).  Anyway, before you yell at me with  "omg lighten up.  its a website" and all that jazz, I know.  Its definitely not a big deal.  Its just somehow slightly irritating considering they are supposed to report accurate unbiased news.  Kind of like how Fox is supposed to, but they dont (and many other news stations).

Really?  Because I just went to Kotaku about 2 minutes ago and saw the following:

A story about the discovery of a giant scorpion fossil.  What does that have to do with videogames you may be asking yourself?  Well the story makes fun of Sony and their Genji comments of "historical accuracy", "giant crabs", and "massive damage".

Another one has a story called "Pure Ace Combat 6 Hate" and shows a picture of a AC6 dvd broken in half and praise for Playstation installments of the game. 

And yet I don't seen any 360 or PS3 fanboys making a thread crying "bias".  Some Nintendo fans need to learn to take criticism or at least get a sense of humor because it's like nobody can put down anything on a Nintendo console anymore no matter how bad it is. 

Super Mario Galaxy is at the top of GameRankings and yet anytime some crap game on the Wii gets a 6 or lower we have to listen to a bunch of fanboys cry bias.  Edge gave Mass Effect a 7, go look in the thread and see if any 360 fans cried "bias", yet if it had been a highly anticipated Wii game we would have had a least one of two threads bashing them.

Anyways if you don't like the website don't go there but don't expect anyone to take the bias claims seriously anymore.

yeah but that barely happen to 360 and ps3,it mostly happens to wii

Words Of Wisdom said:
The first most logical explanation is simply that Wii owners are the clear majority right now. The Wii has quickly over taken and overshadowed its competition. The result is that Wii owners are the most vocal group. Attacks or simply negative comments directed against the Wii have the most backlash by sheer popularity.

The second explanation is simply pride. Wii owners, more or less, love their little white bundle of goodness so they take comments a lot more personally than more "hardcore" gamers who view their console with a bit more indifference. It doesn't just put pretty shinies on the screen, it produces fun.

Another likely explanation is that the most vocal 360 owners have been shut up with in the past year by the Wii's success. So many of them predicted failure on every level for the Wii that with each passing month, Wii fans repeatedly drilled it into their thick skulls that the Wii was the real thing and it was crushing their precious 360. Months of listening to that likely discouraged many 360 gamers so you don't hear them quite as often.

The final explanation for the PS3 owners is that there simply isn't that many of them. Plus they're too busy playing their epic-length games like Resistance FoM and Heavenly Sword.

Sarcasm aside, not every community is the same. Some gaming communities are vastly different than others.  That's not bias, it's simply not equal representation.

yeah 360 owners were all saying that wii will never beat 360 in sales and when it did they were saying well nothing on wii is better then bioshock,halo3 etc and then comes SMG thats beats all its games

I always find it hilarious when people complain about complaining. If you have a problem with negativity write positive things. If you don't like a site don't bring their trash here. Just start a thread about a site you do think is fair, or a game you do like, or a review you thought was even handed.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt

If you think bad reviews don't get some massive backlash go look up some Assassin's Creed reviews when the crappy scores were just starting to come in. The backlash was a lot more harsh. The first 1000 or so responses are a lot of swearing and threatening and cries of OMFG BIAS.

The only time it's really worth pointing out is when there's an obvious bias or someone is crapping all over a game just for some cheap and easy page hits. Even then it's fun like the "Sponsored by Sony" and "alliwantforxmasisapsp" fiascoes.

But I hope fans of X console or Y game never lighten up, I hope they continue to treat it like life or death. The joy of any console war is saying intentionally inflammatory stuff to get the console warriors in a typing, frothing frenzy. Sit back, relax, take a deep breath, type out something inflammatory and (sometimes) totally off base and enjoy watching socially retarded virgins with FAAAAR too much emotion investment in a piece of electronics explode in a furious rage.

Obviously I don't throw rocks at the bee hive on this site as I don't want to get banned and I like it here, but you have to be zen about these things. This is one of the few places on the internet where discussion is kept somewhat civil, and for that reason (and others) VG Chartz worth preserving.

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dschumm said:
I always find it hilarious when people complain about complaining. If you have a problem with negativity write positive things. If you don't like a site don't bring their trash here. Just start a thread about a site you do think is fair, or a game you do like, or a review you thought was even handed.

So how do you feel about the people coplaining people complaining about complaining.
