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Forums - PC Discussion - lost shutdown icon in start....

Vienna said:
mancandy said:
You have a virus. You've been locked out of your administrator status. You can't even install new programs that can remove the virus.

maybe you are right W32.Sasser.Worm or W32.Sasser.B.Worm are doing this

 i had this once, =(((, though i was being hacked lol

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Around the Network

Are you using Vista, XP, or what? And if you have any anti-virus, run it.....if you don't try to download a free trial of Norton's easy to find..


Game_boy said:
Are you using a genuine home version of Windows, fully updated?

If yes, and the problem continues, you can:

1) back up your data and reinstall Windows.
2) Use Linux, per Parokki.
I second this.


If you don't have a virus checker do a search for Trend-Micro's Housecall. It is a free browser based anti-virus that requires no installation so it should fix the problem.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

That's what you get for watching porn on the Internet.

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.

Around the Network

When someone asks for a solution to a problem, don't tell them to install Linux. That is the most useless advice you could ever give. Please don't use this to push your open-source, I hate Microsoft, agenda. I am not saying that Linux is bad, as I have a machine with it installed, but really, the OP has a problem and is asking for a solution.

As others said, you probably have a virus. Worse comes to worst, get all of your important files onto an external harddrive, format and reinstall windows (or linux. lol)

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Sucks for you.

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