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Forums - PC Discussion - lost shutdown icon in start....

Idk what happen but i when i go to start i lost the shutdown icon that has restart ect... and i only have the logoff one... and i cant openthe taskmanager because i says the admin has disabled it and i cant see search or run in the start menu.....

but the weird thing is that i am a the computer admin by default ( i am the only user)

Around the Network

Have you considered switching to Linux?

lmao why u asking that? i am going too.. try it on anouther computer soon but i want to fix this problem.

Did you join the computer to a domain? If so, a policy could be pushed down to your computer from that.

i dont think i did...

Around the Network

Are you using a genuine home version of Windows, fully updated?

If yes, and the problem continues, you can:

1) back up your data and reinstall Windows.
2) Use Linux, per Parokki.

Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

If you are interested in trying Ubuntu or Linux in general, PM me and I will answer your questions and help you install it if you wish.

Did you do the install yourself? If so, hit alt+f4 while at the desktop. This should bring up the shut down menu (or just unplug the thing). Then boot into safe mode and it should bring up a log in menu that has a user called "Administrator" (or however that is spelled). Log into that using the password you should have been asked to give for the account (if there is one at all) and make sure all your user settings are set correctly. If you want to get to the internet and ask further questions go for safe mode with networking support. Odds are someone changed a User setting and didn't realize what it meant.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

in worst case open the cmd line and use the shutdown command :)

You have a virus. You've been locked out of your administrator status. You can't even install new programs that can remove the virus.

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

mancandy said:
You have a virus. You've been locked out of your administrator status. You can't even install new programs that can remove the virus.

maybe you are right W32.Sasser.Worm or W32.Sasser.B.Worm are doing this