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Forums - General Discussion - What religion are you in?


But isn't it illogical to claim that something which cannot be proven to not exist can't exist?

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Lost tears of Kain said:
no harm in believing right
If you die and even if god doesnt exist, no harm in insurance in believing in him

 Ok. I'll backtrack on the not getting too much into it statement. And I realize that that's not the entirety of your beliefs and reasoning, I'm just zoning in on that one tiny aspect of belief.


I've always been fairly opposed to that reasoning for the following reasons.

 Why the christian god? There have been thousands of dieties worshipped by human beings.  It's not a 50/50 assumption of god or not, it's more like a  50/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/ of no gods or which god. now the safe bet would be to believe in all of them then. Except that 1. Most religions put a priority on exclusive belief, so that pantheism would actually induce damnation and 2. It'd just be really hard to find out all the religions you'd have to believe in.


And also, regardless of the diety, were you to die and be judged by them, do you really think they'd say "Well you're only believing in me to get into my afterlife.... so sure! Why not!? 

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.


Rath said:

But isn't it illogical to claim that something which cannot be proven to not exist can't exist?

 Your right, but there are infinate possibilities of what can technically possibly exist. 

Ultimately, we can never really prove or disprove anything. But we can't actually operate on that principal. I can't prove that you, I or videogames exist. I can't prove that I'm not a dream, and I can't prove that when I wake up in the morning and get out of bed that the floor won't dissapear and I'll float off in to nothingness. But I can't spend all day wrapped in my covers screaming that there might not be a floor.

 Ultimately, we have to first acknwledge that nothing can ever truly be proven or disproven, and then we have to completely ignore that technicality.

I think the ideas behind it have already been described in this thread far better than I can. 


I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

C.R.C denomination
Have Masters in Divinity
Ordained Minister
I'm not a fundamentalist nor a liberal Christian.

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I don't have a religion; I have a relationship. God is my heavenly father.

I am a Christian (a follower of Jesus Christ and His teachings)

Lost tears of Kain said:
no harm in believing right
If you die and even if god doesnt exist, no harm in insurance in believing in him

 And there is harm in not believing?  It is illogical for a creator to throw you into internal damnation simply because someone chose not to believe in them.  If I had children who at some point stopped acknowledging that I existed and then later in life they showed up at my door again, I don't think I'd throw them into the fire.

I wouldn't want anything to do with a God capable of being such a prick. 

 Believing in god seems to help a lot of people cope with life  so I guess that is good.


Ramen brothers. 

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Roman catholic... but not very traditional.

I don't go to church unless for a social event, I believe in contraceptive methods and sometimes I can't stand the way the church handles itself and it's crowd.

I do believe in God... but I think he hates me. He does bad things to me :(

I am Lord of the Sith

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

I'm baptist Roman Catholic but don't really much believe in that, in the sense of what the Curch and the bible is obligating people. I do believe in gods and that there's more out there, but I don't believe life stops on earth once you're dead. I believe in life after death. I never go to church either and neither on Christmas. Am more into Buddhism. Other then that I don't believe, you should believe in yourself and in others the living people around you, who you can touch and get an answer from. I see people who're heavy religious but are more selfish than the people who're not so religious as their only faith is in "god". And how many wars and fights are going on in the world only made by the different, stupid religions, as one person with a religion can't except the other person because he has a different religion. Ireland as a good example, two Christian religions only, each with a different view and after almost 3 decades of stupid fights, finally some peace.

That's plain selfish. Its not you can't be a good person if you don't visit a church or don't believe in a god. the inner good comes from out a person and not from out of a religion... believe me.

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