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I'm baptist Roman Catholic but don't really much believe in that, in the sense of what the Curch and the bible is obligating people. I do believe in gods and that there's more out there, but I don't believe life stops on earth once you're dead. I believe in life after death. I never go to church either and neither on Christmas. Am more into Buddhism. Other then that I don't believe, you should believe in yourself and in others the living people around you, who you can touch and get an answer from. I see people who're heavy religious but are more selfish than the people who're not so religious as their only faith is in "god". And how many wars and fights are going on in the world only made by the different, stupid religions, as one person with a religion can't except the other person because he has a different religion. Ireland as a good example, two Christian religions only, each with a different view and after almost 3 decades of stupid fights, finally some peace.

That's plain selfish. Its not you can't be a good person if you don't visit a church or don't believe in a god. the inner good comes from out a person and not from out of a religion... believe me.

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