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Forums - General Discussion - What religion are you in?

Soriku said:
Lol, what's the noodle thing with balls?

Flying spaghetti monster (FSM). It's the diety of the Pastafarian faith.

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stof said:
Soriku said:
Lol, what's the noodle thing with balls?

It's a flying spaghettie monster.


It was from an episode of South Park in which Richard Dawkins ( a prominent atheism advocate) comes to town and Ms. Garrison falls in love with him. I'll roughly paraphrase it.


Ms. Garison says "But how can you say that you know there isn't a god if you can't actually prove he doesn't exist?"

Dawkins says "Well I could tell you that there's such a thing as a flying spaghetti monster. You can't actually prove that that doesn't exist either."

Ms. Garison says "Oh my god you're so right god is just a flying spaghetti monster!"

Later, they have really unappealing sex. It's an episode about the Wii, so you really should see it.

 Pastafarians have existed long before South Park =)


Experience the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster". 

To Each Man, Responsibility
Kasz216 said:
tiachopvutru said:
Kasz216 said:
stof said:
that's not particularily well thought out or respectful Kasz. I know that dying didn't cause my father believe in a deity.

It didn't have to be respectful our well thought out because it's the truth. I've known a number of atheists... and the ones who have gotten old, a serious condition or just any other sort of trouble have ended up turning to god.

If you've known someone to be different, that's great. But for me... even the people who actually didn't believe in god instead of the people who just want to be atheists because they hate some religion have ended up believing in a god before there end came.

It's a very common way for people to get to the "acceptance" step of death.

Me. I'd rather not reach the acceptance step of death.

In many cases, death is what turn a believer into an atheist ... well, those who watch someone dying, anyway... so it could work both way.


I'm a Buddhist

The concept of impermanence is at the same time as bitter and painful as sweet =/

Either way, what you believe isn't terribly important. The end result will be the same. As for what that end result is... who can say?

Well, I think it actually is pretty important... But in the perspective you're describing from, then it probably isn't.  Faith has brought many bad happenings, but in the end, it's humans doing those actions that's the cause; so I don't believe faith is necessarily a bad thing, just don't let it control the whole things. Well, I'm just ranting, so yea... 

I'm an ALIEN!!!! - officially identified as by Konnichiwa

Of course... My English is still... horrible - appreciation and thanks to FJ-Warez  

Brawl FC: 0301-9911-8154

Well I'll be damned. I did wonder why there would be such an artistic rendering of a south park gag...

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

stof said:
Well I'll be damned. I did wonder why there would be such an artistic rendering of a south park gag...

 May I ask about the usage of "damn" in this case. I never really understand how it's used except "Damn you" which I commonly hear... actually, now that I think about it, I don't really understand about "Damn you" either... For starter though, what does it mean? XD

I'm an ALIEN!!!! - officially identified as by Konnichiwa

Of course... My English is still... horrible - appreciation and thanks to FJ-Warez  

Brawl FC: 0301-9911-8154

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tiachopvutru said:
stof said:
Well I'll be damned. I did wonder why there would be such an artistic rendering of a south park gag...

May I ask about the usage of "damn" in this case. I never really understand how it's used except "Damn you" which I commonly hear... actually, now that I think about it, I don't really understand about "Damn you" either... For starter though, what does it mean? XD

In religious context one who is damned is a person who is gauranteed to go to hell. In this context it is meant more as an expression of shock, surprise, and/or an attempt to convey the idea that an outcome is unexpected.

To Each Man, Responsibility



As you can see here:

The decline of Sea Pirates are directly linked to the increase in global temperature. 


This is of course because the more people who wear full pirate regailia the happier the Flying Spaghetti Monster is.  This decrease in pirates has angered the FSM and he has slowly made his anger known. 

To Each Man, Responsibility
tiachopvutru said:
Kasz216 said:
tiachopvutru said:
Kasz216 said:
stof said:
that's not particularily well thought out or respectful Kasz. I know that dying didn't cause my father believe in a deity.

It didn't have to be respectful our well thought out because it's the truth. I've known a number of atheists... and the ones who have gotten old, a serious condition or just any other sort of trouble have ended up turning to god.

If you've known someone to be different, that's great. But for me... even the people who actually didn't believe in god instead of the people who just want to be atheists because they hate some religion have ended up believing in a god before there end came.

It's a very common way for people to get to the "acceptance" step of death.

Me. I'd rather not reach the acceptance step of death.

In many cases, death is what turn a believer into an atheist ... well, those who watch someone dying, anyway... so it could work both way.


I'm a Buddhist

The concept of impermanence is at the same time as bitter and painful as sweet =/

Either way, what you believe isn't terribly important. The end result will be the same. As for what that end result is... who can say?

Well, I think it actually is pretty important... But in the perspective you're describing from, then it probably isn't.  Faith has brought many bad happenings, but in the end, it's humans doing those actions that's the cause; so I don't believe faith is necessarily a bad thing, just don't let it control the whole things. Well, I'm just ranting, so yea... 

Honestly, i believe any wrong that was done by some church's control and laws that have nothing to do with the religion would of still happened in a world of Atheists.  Not the exact act... but an about equally bad act, that just used some other excuse to pull it off.  Bad, controlling people are going to be bad controlling people whether they believe in god or not... and people who want something will use anything to get what they want.

The people who started the crusades would of just found some other reason to attack the middle east.  Or not of joined up and had brutal wars between themselves cause huge deathtolls.  It's all the same in my opinion.

@Kasz216: I completely agree.


@Sqrl: Thanks for the info about that word. 

I'm an ALIEN!!!! - officially identified as by Konnichiwa

Of course... My English is still... horrible - appreciation and thanks to FJ-Warez  

Brawl FC: 0301-9911-8154

What religion am I in? :) People are "in" locations, organizations, employment, school, clubs, cults, sanity (or what any single person would dub it), etc. "In" is a word leading to a state of existence. Do you mean what I have come to conclusions on based on my experience and rationalization of the world around me? Do you mean, "what do I believe to have happened to the world in the beginning?" "What do I believe is the overall essence of everything?" "What do I believe will happen when we die?" Or are you wanting to know if we superficially see ourselves as part of a sect or group of people who think a particular way? I'm sure I could fit in at a lot of different organizations that seem to believe similar things, however, I don't know if I could say that I am "in" any labeled system.

I "believe" that there are more important things than being stated as "in" something, even if you just so happen to be in something. Seeing yourself as "in" something should not be the reason that you are in it. There are purposes that bring us into certain states and if you see yourself as complete by being "in" one of those states then you have by most definitions of the states, lost the purpose for which they exist, therefore making your own state that differs from the actual state.

To be fair, there are three instances I can think of offhand that being "in" something might be able to stand singularly, and I attempt to look closer at each: If being in the group satisfies a purpose in itself (already touched on slightly), if claiming participation in a group helps on grounds of quick communication, and if a group is needed to leverage a purpose.

Many times just being in a group or state can satisfy a purpose as mentioned above, if your purpose is to have a feeling of belonging. But that purpose is still more important than the state, and you could satisfy that purpose with many different states, making the state that you are in of little significance to be mentioned. By having your own agenda in the state, you are still alone in your purposes and will not ever give a complete effort toward the same tasks that everyone else is moving towards at the time. You could though, find others in the group that need a feeling of belonging which would give you all the same agenda, but then aren't you just making friends and creating stability for yourself?

The other circumstance is to use a general state to help explain your thoughts and purposes. Those who are Christian are understood to believe in a higher power, God, his embodiment as a human, Jesus, his death, and resurrection. If this is a background that you want to portray, then you might use the term "Christian." But Christian means a lot of things these days to many different people because of its history and those other Christians that have come in contact with the audience in question. "Christian" could mean hate, cult, hypocrisy, ignorance, and blind to some while meaning love, unity, higher purpose, enlightened, and blessed to others. And for a more petty reason, can you be "in" Christianity? Does that even make sense? haha

In an extension of this concept, being "in" a group of like-purpose individuals can heighten the attention given to your cause for better result. The Population seems to take more notice when a larger portion of it works together, though that isn't as much the case anymore. We could use the concept of "in a mob," here. ha Each has their own driven purpose and while united, they are individual people with their own purposes. None of them are going to look around them and say, "I'm in a group." Though they know that, they are there because they want to make a difference and just happen to be doing it in the same place. After they achieve that goal, despite the friends that were made and celebrations held in remembrance, they will never be the same group as the purpose would be different for new groupings, and while some members might share the new purposes with the old, the next time, they are grouping in another purpose which recycles the idea until you become an extremist, which then is a grouping that takes back to the second of these three and as such is only stated for clarity. And even extremists have individual purposes that make them extremists which may not have anything to do with the groups they join.