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tiachopvutru said:
Kasz216 said:
tiachopvutru said:
Kasz216 said:
stof said:
that's not particularily well thought out or respectful Kasz. I know that dying didn't cause my father believe in a deity.

It didn't have to be respectful our well thought out because it's the truth. I've known a number of atheists... and the ones who have gotten old, a serious condition or just any other sort of trouble have ended up turning to god.

If you've known someone to be different, that's great. But for me... even the people who actually didn't believe in god instead of the people who just want to be atheists because they hate some religion have ended up believing in a god before there end came.

It's a very common way for people to get to the "acceptance" step of death.

Me. I'd rather not reach the acceptance step of death.

In many cases, death is what turn a believer into an atheist ... well, those who watch someone dying, anyway... so it could work both way.


I'm a Buddhist

The concept of impermanence is at the same time as bitter and painful as sweet =/

Either way, what you believe isn't terribly important. The end result will be the same. As for what that end result is... who can say?

Well, I think it actually is pretty important... But in the perspective you're describing from, then it probably isn't.  Faith has brought many bad happenings, but in the end, it's humans doing those actions that's the cause; so I don't believe faith is necessarily a bad thing, just don't let it control the whole things. Well, I'm just ranting, so yea... 

Honestly, i believe any wrong that was done by some church's control and laws that have nothing to do with the religion would of still happened in a world of Atheists.  Not the exact act... but an about equally bad act, that just used some other excuse to pull it off.  Bad, controlling people are going to be bad controlling people whether they believe in god or not... and people who want something will use anything to get what they want.

The people who started the crusades would of just found some other reason to attack the middle east.  Or not of joined up and had brutal wars between themselves cause huge deathtolls.  It's all the same in my opinion.