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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Do you think the 360 Slim is real?

dharh said:
I kinda somehow doubt a different form factor. Not with all those hard drives out there. I'd be seriously pissed having bought an extra already, seriously looking at the new one now, and for what? Them to release a new console that eventually I know ill have to buy when mine bites it? Not comparable with hard drives ive bought? Seriously lame.

They just need to keep the same design, lighten the box, and make smaller cores.

The form factors/compatibility etc are up in the air. Its best not to cast judgement at this point.


Around the Network

i think it's more redesign, i just hope they dont use coolermaster >_> for fan.

It better be cuz i wantz one

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

As for Microsoft copying,

this isnt really a copycat move. Many products release slimmer and lighter models over the years. DVD/Blu Ray players, laptops, camcorders. U name it. Its basically a move made to reduce cost and price tag to keep thwe business going. Playstation wasnt the first brand to slim down anything, not even a game console. And yeah, dont create a flame thread. I just want opinions on the possibility of a slim/small Xbox 360

Well. I was proven wrong. Totally new form factor. I think im done with my X360 when it dies. Seriously.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.