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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - success is relative I believe

eugene said:
The 360 ,with only 13 million owners , sells more software than all these other systems like the DS, PSP, PS2 and so on.

fkusumot said:
Where are you getting numbers that say the 360 software is outselling the DS software? What are the totals?

eugene said:
On the front page, where it lists the current numbers for the generation, click on America , europe, or Japan.

You're using the LTD totals or the Japan totals? What are the numbers?

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Click on America, Japan, or other. The literal words, thier also links.

Game_boy said:
Sqrl said:
Everything is relative, ask Einstein.

Relative to c. Get it right.


Yes, the real successes will be in profit margins (Nintendo +++, Microsoft +, Sony ---) and brand or franchise loyalty for the next generation (uncertain, but the Playstation brand is dying).

Uhm...actually I did get it right.

Everything is everything. Its pretty much based on the idea that there is a lack of an absolute reference frame. In other words there is no person, thing, etc..that has more claim to standing still than any other person or thing..etc...


This is a simplistic example, and one that ignores the fact that mankind uses the earth as an absolute reference frame(its not but it suffices for our purposes)...but if you were moving towards me at 50mph you would have just as much claim to being stationary as I would. My claim would be that "You are moving towards me at 50 mph." and yet you are just as justified in the claim that it is I who am moving towards you.

I think the easiest way to imagine it is this. Imagine an infinite expanse of space that only contains two objects. Now when the two objects are getting closer to each other...which one is correct in saying the other is moving? The answer is a matter of perspective, from each objects perspective the other object is getting closer.  Hence both objects have equal claim to being stationary.

To Each Man, Responsibility

eugene said:
The 360 ,with only 13 million owners , sells more software than all these other systems like the DS, PSP, PS2 and so on.

fkusumot said:
Where are you getting numbers that say the 360 software is outselling the DS software? What are the totals?

eugene said:
On the front page, where it lists the current numbers for the generation, click on America , europe, or Japan.

fkusumot said:
You're using the LTD totals or the Japan totals? What are the numbers?

eugene said:
Click on America, Japan, or other. The literal words, thier also links.

Are you using the weekly total? I asked where you are getting the numbers that say the 360 is outselling the DS software. In your original post you said that "the 360... sells more software than all these other systems like the DS." You didn't qualify that statement. Can you qualify that statement and put up some numbers?

American 2007 software 

Software Totals:

Console Year Total

American October software

Software Totals:

Console Week Total

American November software (so far)

Software Totals:

Console Week Total


DS hasn't had much of a boost yet this Christmas in America, and even then hasn't sold as much software this year as 360.

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Of course worldwide the 360 has nothing on the DS, on a normal month in Japan (ie not this or last month) DS sells more software than the 360 has sold since launch.
And i am quite sure that in PAL software the DS will be significantly above 360, particularly recently.

 And as eugene said "13 million 360s" or something, he must have been refering to WW numbers but using American as a reference.

On the whole DS vs 360 thing...

I've always thought it rather silly to compare hand-held sales to console sales. Isn't that kind of like saying "Look, Huffy bicycles outsell Mercedes automobiles."

Does anyone really buy a hand-held INSTEAD of a console?

My 360 can blog!

Gamers have 3 choices this generation: The Exercise Machine, the Movie Machine, or the Game Machine.  What kind of gamer are you?

TWRoO - Thanks for clearing that up. I guess eugene was talking about US only and a certain time frame only when making the comparison to DS software sales. It makes the relative comparison a poor choice if you want to look at the bigger picture.

Also, do you consider a $5 or $10 xbox live arcade game sale? Microsoft makes a killing off of them also. Id say it counts.

Also consider that the DS has been out longer and has a an installed base 5x as large and games are generally $20-$30 where as a 360 game is $60.