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Game_boy said:
Sqrl said:
Everything is relative, ask Einstein.

Relative to c. Get it right.


Yes, the real successes will be in profit margins (Nintendo +++, Microsoft +, Sony ---) and brand or franchise loyalty for the next generation (uncertain, but the Playstation brand is dying).

Uhm...actually I did get it right.

Everything is everything. Its pretty much based on the idea that there is a lack of an absolute reference frame. In other words there is no person, thing, etc..that has more claim to standing still than any other person or thing..etc...


This is a simplistic example, and one that ignores the fact that mankind uses the earth as an absolute reference frame(its not but it suffices for our purposes)...but if you were moving towards me at 50mph you would have just as much claim to being stationary as I would. My claim would be that "You are moving towards me at 50 mph." and yet you are just as justified in the claim that it is I who am moving towards you.

I think the easiest way to imagine it is this. Imagine an infinite expanse of space that only contains two objects. Now when the two objects are getting closer to each other...which one is correct in saying the other is moving? The answer is a matter of perspective, from each objects perspective the other object is getting closer.  Hence both objects have equal claim to being stationary.

To Each Man, Responsibility