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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Estimation for 360..

When will the 360 have more Million selling titles (Currently at 28) than the original Xbox had (38 in total)? I'd guess the middle of next year. In any case, it's likely to surpass the total figure of its predecessor in well under three years.">">

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If the software madness exist like it is currently, it will hit the spot sooner than mid 08. Assasins creed will be there on the list very soon, as well as mass effect. And this are fresh releases.

There are a lot of titles that are near that point. Viva Piniata, Tiger Woods, have a crack. And the question is on how many of these games are numbers for the others missing:

I think you're right probably mid 08. I'm looking forward to whether or not they can get hit 50 by the end of next year since they're going to have about 30 by years end (15 a year average).

If they end up passing 100 titles with over 1 million sales that would be so huge for them. That would be more than Xbox/GC did combined and that's been a rare accomplishment for a console.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%

I'd say mid-08 should be right.

You have Army of Two, Lost Odyssey, and Grand Theft Auto 4 for starters that should be 1m+ sellers by mid-08. That doesn't include the 5-6 titles that'll go 1m+ this year.

Looks like Assassains Creed is going to be #29 very, VERY soon.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Games that will sell 1 million+ (in my opinion):

- Assassin's Creed (duh)
- Mass Effect
- Rock Band (might take a while)
- Viva Piñata (getting close, but still has a tough road ahead of it)
- Lost Odyssey (unsure about this one, but I think it will do better than Blue Dragon in all regions)
- Splinter Cell: Conviction
- Fable 2

- Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 

Could make it to 1 million, but very uncertain:
- Halo Wars (strong franchise name, but unfamiliar gameplay for many Halo-fans)
- Too Human (has had a rough existence so far, but SK know how to make great games)
- Orange Box (sales seem to have slumped a bit, but if any game deserves 1 mill, it's this one)

- Tom Clancy's EndWar (same as Halo Wars)


Probably forgot a whole bunch, but it's a start at least :)
- Perfect Dark 2 (is this one even announced?)

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#29 Marvel: Ultimate Alliance was added after Tuesday's update.

AC and ME should be the next 2, in no more than 2 weeks.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Marvel UA was #28, not 29.


And I forgot to add all the upcoming Maddens to my list. They always sell a bunch. And probably all upcomin Need for Speed games. 

mrstickball said:
I'd say mid-08 should be right.

You have Army of Two, Lost Odyssey, and Grand Theft Auto 4 for starters that should be 1m+ sellers by mid-08. That doesn't include the 5-6 titles that'll go 1m+ this year.

Looks like Assassains Creed is going to be #29 very, VERY soon.

Assasins Creed will be a million seller in some weeks .

GTA IV the day it arrives .

 Army of Two and Lost Oddysey I have some doubts about .Army of Two may have an option but doubt it ,it would have to have GREAT reviews to move many units ...

 Lost Oddysey I think it will do somewhat better than Blue Dragon ...and thats 300K in Japan and 200K in both Europe and NA just as BD .

Early to mid 08, software sales are insane on 360.



Enough with the necrobumping!