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Games that will sell 1 million+ (in my opinion):

- Assassin's Creed (duh)
- Mass Effect
- Rock Band (might take a while)
- Viva Piñata (getting close, but still has a tough road ahead of it)
- Lost Odyssey (unsure about this one, but I think it will do better than Blue Dragon in all regions)
- Splinter Cell: Conviction
- Fable 2

- Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 

Could make it to 1 million, but very uncertain:
- Halo Wars (strong franchise name, but unfamiliar gameplay for many Halo-fans)
- Too Human (has had a rough existence so far, but SK know how to make great games)
- Orange Box (sales seem to have slumped a bit, but if any game deserves 1 mill, it's this one)

- Tom Clancy's EndWar (same as Halo Wars)


Probably forgot a whole bunch, but it's a start at least :)
- Perfect Dark 2 (is this one even announced?)