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Your coming up with some fun discussion might as well keep it all here.

I work weekends Friday through Sunday 12r shifts so I have 4 days a week to game. I rarely turn on the console or PC to game when I'm on my work schedule. My wife works during the week so I have a lot of free time. Plus I have no kids. I ilve in Idaho so gaming is a bit seasonal for me. I spend a lot more time gaming when its cold out. I fish, hike, and camp a lot when its warm and tend to play games only in the evening.

I have a bad habit of trying to beat a game in one sitting if its a short game or within the first week of purchase if its a decent length game. Most Shooters take me 2 to 3 days to beat.

1 hr sittings would frustrate me. I usually get sucked into game more than is healthy. I do tend to take a break if I end up dieing alot.

Your limited amout of playtime should not keep you from trying differnt types of games. The only thing I could see that would frustrate you would be games with strict save piont systems. They are not conducive to a limited play schedule. I hate these typs of games in hard sections. I'm not big on replaying the same sequence over and over again.

Around the Network

Above 1 less than 111 Male

Platformers (Mario, Jak, Ratchet etc.)
Whatever Guitar Hero and Nintendogs falls under

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you


Night Stalker was the third game I bought.
Lock N Chase gave me some problem with my first copy (purchased at a Radio Shack) locking up on me.
I don't remember getting Sea Battle -- only that I could never find anyone to play the game with me.

Mike from Morgantown

(Who has essentially complete Intellivision, Odyssey 2, Atari 7800 and Saturn collections).


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Name: John Lucas

Age: 31 (pronounced twenty-eleven)

Sex: Yes, please...err I mean Male

Occupation: Amateur message board rabble rouser

Edumucation: Masters at Hard Knox University (Magma Cum Loudy) 

A Nintendo fan who yet is not adverse to trying out games from other companies. Open-minded and encouraging to new ideas and gameplay styles/game genres. Likes epic story games as well as mindless shlock tie-ins. Like complex intricate play as well as simple easy play. Appreciate graphics but am not a—ahem—'lady of the night' for them. Was raised on platformers, shoot-em-ups, beat-em-ups, light gunners then branched out to RPGs (Eastern & Western), strategy, FPSs, 2D & 3D fighters, art games, puzzlers, survival horror, god sims, city planners and just about every genre ever created. Not a PC Gamer on the high end so haven't played any MMORPGs. Played some PC Games on the low end meaning Bookworm, Text Twist, Word Mojo, Alchemy, Hexic, Zuma, Lemonade Stand, and the like. Not too big on sports games unless they're arcadey but do enjoy baseball games in sports genre.

Trying to understand the business as a whole not just from the perspective of a player to add onto my knowledge on how it works historically, now, and in the future. Recognize that sales don't always mean quality and that to judge games and game systems properly you must look at root philosophy and concept (not to mention execution) above all else to determine quality. If the sales match from here, then sales verify the quality. Never dependent on the words of reviewers and critics to decide what I like (I think they're hacks for the most part & only my opinion counts when I'm playing the game since I'm the one paying for it). Try to stay away from previews and demos since that ruins the excitement and anticipation of the game for me. I like to be surprised and discover the secrets as I play. Spoilers piss me the hell off and too much looking at that stuff will be a spoiler! Not a fan of high priced systems and believe no console should ever go above $300 USD. Stickler for quality and craftsmanship since I've got old Game & Watch Tabletops from 1984 that still work good as new to this day. I believe systems should be built to last not be disposable.

That's all I can think of right off the top of my head. I'm sure there's lots more but my mind is drawing blanks right now.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot