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Your coming up with some fun discussion might as well keep it all here.

I work weekends Friday through Sunday 12r shifts so I have 4 days a week to game. I rarely turn on the console or PC to game when I'm on my work schedule. My wife works during the week so I have a lot of free time. Plus I have no kids. I ilve in Idaho so gaming is a bit seasonal for me. I spend a lot more time gaming when its cold out. I fish, hike, and camp a lot when its warm and tend to play games only in the evening.

I have a bad habit of trying to beat a game in one sitting if its a short game or within the first week of purchase if its a decent length game. Most Shooters take me 2 to 3 days to beat.

1 hr sittings would frustrate me. I usually get sucked into game more than is healthy. I do tend to take a break if I end up dieing alot.

Your limited amout of playtime should not keep you from trying differnt types of games. The only thing I could see that would frustrate you would be games with strict save piont systems. They are not conducive to a limited play schedule. I hate these typs of games in hard sections. I'm not big on replaying the same sequence over and over again.