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Forums - PC Discussion - So i ordered this PC... is it any good? :P

Yeah, take a look at this one... 17" Viewsonic (i'm getting the same but 19")

Pretty awful prices eh?

@BenKenobi88, actually i know how to set-up a PC, i know a lot about PC's it's just that i've never been a fan of PC gaming so i don't know which parts to buy so i thought i should buy a bundled one. 

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Nice machine.

I hate building PCs. I used to do it when I was on a tighter budget. I'd rather buy them already built than waste my time putting it together. My time is precious, it's better spent on these forums :)

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

I enjoy building PCs because I find it fun and you can also get exactly what you want and for cheaper than buying from some company.

PC Gamer

With that rig you'll be able to play Crysis on all settings set to medium, except textures which you could set to high

That would be your current benchmark 


fazz said:
I think 12mbit is a bit overkill lol

 not really I have a 15mbps connection and yet on most servers I have a ping of 65.

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yeah, if it comes with Vista, half all those specs but the harddrive. :p

I can get a PC with those exact specs here in the 'States, prebuilt and with that monitor, for about $900-$1150.

I can get that same PC by building it myself, with that monitor, for about $750-$850.

What you paid translates to about $1900.


Granted, you're in Europe, but I really doubt that living there is going to increase the cost by THAT much.


But it IS a good computer, I'll give you that.


ssj12 said:
fazz said:
I think 12mbit is a bit overkill lol

not really I have a 15mbps connection and yet on most servers I have a ping of 65.

 I think you might be getting propegation delay confused with bandwidth.  You can have a 15mbps connection and a 1 mpbs connection and still have both running with a ping of 65.  Ping is all about how how far off complete synchrnoization you are.  It is also important to remember that Ping is the time it takes for a packet to get there and back.

To Each Man, Responsibility

I saw Intell and instantly I was out. I prefer AMD by far even if the speed on paper is slower I almost always get better performance out of them. I'm a AMD and Radeon person and that's not gonna change so no I don't like your PC's specs!

On seriousness, it's fine... should run just about anything out there, though if it's windows vista upgrade the ram asap cause vista uses a lot of memory in idle...(about 45% of 2GB)

I bought 2 x 1024 Mb 1066Mhz Ram so i guess i'll be fine...