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Forums - Sony Discussion - US media quality

LOL oh wow, I thought this was getting a little absurd after seeing the pictures, but then I watched the fox news clip which was 100% against Sony without any opposing arguments. . . now to find out that he acts (with an IMDB profile) is like getting a big scoop of ice cream next to my cake (I'm not a huge fan of icing and whipped cream . . ).

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Fox ranges from blatantly manipulative to subtle, lying bastards. Get your news from print sources, or, barring that, anyplace other than Fox news. For serious.

NJ5 said:
Does anyone really expect Fox News to be fair and balanced? I've never been to the USA, but if I've been hearing things correctly, only a very deluded individual would expect them to be unbiased.

The right wing republicans think they are, those like my father's side of the family and the turds that voted for the worst US president in our history.

I think Fox news should be sued for false advertising.


Sad. At one point i was all over sony for this. But, after seeing more pictures, especially the one above. DAMN. That is definitely beyond normal conditions. That is extreme.

superchunk said:
NJ5 said:
Does anyone really expect Fox News to be fair and balanced? I've never been to the USA, but if I've been hearing things correctly, only a very deluded individual would expect them to be unbiased.

The right wing republicans think they are, those like my father's side of the family and the turds that voted for the worst US president in our history.

I think Fox news should be sued for false advertising.


 I'll leave Fox News itself for others to discuss (political matters anyway), but he was able to get out and spread his story to a news agency. Thus, I'm sure it'll probably cause people to ask questions at stores now. 

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i dont watch news

Sony should just fix the thing. They are taking more bad press then it's worth.

Not saying that is what happened here, but it's not that uncommon for news agencies to do stupid stuff on purpose and report how companies handle it. This probably could of been a positive for Sony if they handled it properly.

Some of Fox's programs are okay, but most of the people they hire are idiots.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Well, Fox News has always been a joke. I live outside of the US, and even I know that!

Last year, when I travelled to New York for a media studies tripm I was taken to the Lincoln Centre (doubt anyone knows of this place, but if they do it might give them some kind of feeling of bloated self-importance (j/k)). Whilst I was in the Lincoln Centre I partook in an interview/meeting/question the panel type of event with some media big wigs from New York.

One of the members on the panel was a semi-high up employee of some New York newspaper owned by Fox, and apparently even he hated them.

These big wigs actually slated the American media in general, saying that they spend too much time on celebrity news and alot of the reports are biased and very opinion based.

They did have a lot to say about the British press, the BBC and ITV in particular and said that these news programmes spent more time on real news and offered only fact, and the reports are never (well, incredibly rarely) biased (lets ignore the BBCs mistake of replacing Halo 3 footage with Killzone 2)

Using Fox as an 'unbiased" source is the equivalent of quoting something as the truth because you "saw it on the internet .. "

There are plenty of US media sources that offer at least a more balanced view but as with all "news" media it is best to use multiple sources and, if possible, do your own research before forming an opinion.

ioi - "I have always endorsed NPD and have always conceded that their figures are obviously far more accurate than ours ..." - Posted on: 06/14/07, 22:22