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Forums - Website Topics - So does anybody else think that the hot topics section should be removed?

Ssj12, as much as I hate to say this, that was a bit unsuitable for a mod. I'm going to edit it.



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superchunk said:
nope. That is where I usually look.

me to


FishyJoe said:

A man of many words.

I win all mod fights, for I have a magical flying carpet.



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i like the "hot topics" listing.
so i can track where something new was posted.

Hot topics should be limited to Gaming/Sales only.

Maybe let users decide if the other forums show up in the Hot topics for their account only.

Lol @ post editing.



MontanaHatchet said:
Ssj12, as much as I hate to say this, that was a bit unsuitable for a mod. I'm going to edit it.

 oh chill out, the quote from South Park I used fit that bill quite well. You dont see me as a mod whining about the bashing, I just edit a few posts and clean up bashing. There was no reason for him making his topic after that whole "Why PS3 Failed" topic. 

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Yeah mod figth...

On topic, heck no, is good to have one

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