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Forums - Website Topics - So does anybody else think that the hot topics section should be removed?

I for one beleive that it definetly should.

For instance, MrStickball thinks that there is too much trolling on the website on Xbox360 boards, and we have heard many such complaints from PS3 supporters. (Strangely enough not that much from Wii supporters, wonder why)

I personaly beleive that the problem is  due to the fact that there is a hot topics section on the main page. I recommend removing it. If someone makes a thread that for instance XBox360 has the best RPG's and expects nobody but XBox users to comment, why the hell should it be put where everyone is tempted to argue? You can live in your own fantasyland if that is what you want! From what MrStickball and ioi said, that is what I think should be done. 

Remove the hot topics section and end the argument. Nothing can stop this argument except that. However much you hope by color coding and other ways you could stop this, it will not happen.

This does not mean that I agree with this new way that the site is going. But what can you do. If they want to keep the boards boring, well I guess they can.

Any body else agree? 

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No, because the forum sometimes takes forever to load, and it is just a very easy way to access the topics. If you did have a colour coding system for each platform it would help, but i think removing it all together is too far

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Well there is so much discussion on trolling, I think it is the only way to reduce it. If then somebody does come to a forum and troll, you know they are asking for it. When it is on the first page you don't normally care what forum it belongs to.

nope. That is where I usually look.

i get what your saying,but its just easier to use the hot topic

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Not at all !

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No, Actually I only see the topics that appear there

It seems as if nobody is reading why I think it should be removed. Of course that is where I look first too, but the reasoning behind it is different

Let's see.

Ok, just remove the Rankings system, profile view count, and now hot topics.

While we're at it, why not replace the Vgchartz emblem with an Anchor?



Nope, just because msstickball has issues that people bash his favorite console while theres more bashing on mine.


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