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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sega claims PS3 to outsell Xbox 360, with the Wii in last place?

"Come on. Both FF and GT5 will sell better than Halo. The PS3 will have an install base of atleast 20 million consoles by next winter" - Jandre02

So assuming PS3 hits 7M - 8M this year they are going to manage to move another 12M - 13M in the following 12 months? A system that has been hardpressed to move 300K units a month will start to average 1M units a month ....

I sincerely doubt that given that a number of the games you mentioned will probably be launched in the second half of the year and only impact 6 months.

As for FF or GT5 selling more than Halo ... the installed base of 360 makes this unlikely given that so far 360 users buy more games than either Wii or PS3 owners. So larger install base plus higher attach rate plus DLC means Halo will sell plenty more copies in the next 12 months.

As for Sega ... maybe M$ will buy them although they are not in the habit of purchasing companies that have little future value.

ioi - "I have always endorsed NPD and have always conceded that their figures are obviously far more accurate than ours ..." - Posted on: 06/14/07, 22:22

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I think some of these analysts rely on the fact that developers will keep pumping a lot of money into the PS3 to make a lot of great titles. If you look at software sales, creating a game for the PS3 is a high risk project. All they have to do is look at all the big releases that have failed to live up to expectations. Lair, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Warhawk, Eye of Judgement, Heavenly Sword, and Ratchet and Clank have all underperformed. If anything, by next year many developers will take less of a chance on the PS3. The winner of this generation will be the company that can move the most software. I say keep an eye out on who is moving the most software this Christmas to see what kind of support they get next year.



Nintendownsmii said:
You'd think so Chadius... you'd think so.



Maybe the next home console Sonic game won't suck.


There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

Sega need to tell these guy keep their mouth shut or just fire these kind of dumb ass. Who care who'll be first or last place, the important thing from a bussiness strategy when you have exclusive content to a system you dont want to bash that system and piss off its users.

no wonder sega is dying, its run by complete idiots.

Quick, hurry, make a Sonic vs. Mega Man milkathon game! For great justice!

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.

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jjseth said:
God forbid a company happens to give a prediction of what they think and because it's burying some people's console of choice they ridicule that prediction.

Do I think it's right? Don't know, it could be but we'll have to wait and see.

And God forbid people on a discussion forum for sales discuss a sales related topic...

Words Of Wisdom said:
damkira said:

Here's another prediction: After an unprecidented string of flops.. Sega will go out of business in two years.


Nah, they're too good at milking Tomb Raider at the moment.

 that would be eidos, but they too will go out of business if they keep making shitty games such as kane and lynch, hitman, and tomb raider rehashes

Rubang B said:
Quick, hurry, make a Sonic vs. Mega Man milkathon game! For great justice!

 I would kill for this. I mean, Megaman and Sonic both fight evil robots, right? And their archnemesis are both roboticists! OMG POTENTIAL

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

konnichiwa said:

Buying a company who is dying?

Yes, it's a common business practice.

Funny to see there are still some analysts and industry people that really think that the PS3 will be 1st in this generation. The 360 has already completed its second year and will probably release a new console within 5 years, cutting PS3s lifespan "10-year life cycle" very short. The Wii can afford to drop its price at any time, potentially killing the PS3's hopes of being a bargain console.

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

Here's a scenario that deflates this half-baked theory from another end:

If by Heaven's Chance the PS3 actually mounts a comeback and starts picking up in the next couple of years, Microsoft would unveil its 'XCube/XHexahedron 3:16' for the 8th generation putting the PS3 once again in a N64-like position fighting a lost race in the previous gen as that gen's winner moves on to the next generation.

And still the PS3 would have to contend with the Wii which it most likely will not be able to beat or even touch into the audience Wii does.

It's just the most supreme of wishful thinking & no one wants to take people away from their fantasies but reality will come-a-knockin' sooner or later.

Generations are decided early not late. The pecking order is basically finished now. It's been a whole year. No more excuses. XBox 360's about to hit its 2nd birthday & PS3 & Wii have already hit their 1st. The generation is DECIDED. PS3 & XBox 360 fight over the same demographics with similar strategies. Only difference is Microsoft has more money to fight with and they got a headstart on the scrappin'. Only Bruce Almighty or Evan or whoever plays in those films can change this outcome. And as we all know these are fictional characters so the point is moot.

Get used to it:

#1 Wii

#2 XBox 360

#3 PlayStation 3 

Those are the overall rankings for the whole world in the 7th generation. Gold Silver Bronze.

If people have a hard time remembering, just use these mnemonic devices:

•The i's in Wii look like a number 1

•In the numbers 360, 6 divided by 3 equals 2

•The PS3 has a number built in to the name: 3

Simple. Time to hang it up guys. It's over for this generation. Just enjoy the games you got and forget about the pecking order because it's fixed. Etched in stone for Moses' Ten Commandments.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot